Chapter 688 When I left, the courtyard was full of tears!

Shente knows many doctors. This sentence almost didn’t directly explain whether Baiyin Yuxing was ill. However, thinking of the absurd things he had just seen, Baiyin Yuxing fell silent. He wouldn’t be because of the recent Is it too stressful, right?

“Chairman Silver, please believe me, I have a wealth of experience in being treated, so…” Seeing that the other party fell silent, Tuma Sougou “with kindness” persuaded him: “I will hear you as soon as you speak. That’s it. Taste, cure!”

“Experience of being treated?” Bai Yin Yuxing twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, he no longer wanted to vomit what it was like.

“Don’t believe me, I can just say the names of a few hospitals, and my name can be discounted in the diagnosis and treatment times, such as Tokyo No. 1 Psychiatric Medical Center, Aoyama Noble Mental Disease Control Sanatorium, and…”

“Wait, these are all mental hospitals, aren’t you? You, rich experience in being treated?” Bai Yin Yuxing’s mouth twitched again.

“…” Tuma was “stiff” for a while, and continued to propagate without changing his face: “I was ignorant in the past. I saw the beautiful scenery and fresh air inside. The doctors and nurses talked nicely, and the patients respected each other. I stayed inside for a few days. The people in the hospital are very good. If it weren’t for a lot of things outside, I wouldn’t want to get out of it…

President Silver, if you go to Tokyo No. 1 Psychiatric Clinic, please help me say hello to the five-bed Suzuki. By the way, tell that guy that he is actually not a parrot, but a rooster, and three-bed Xia Jiang…

If it’s going to Qingshan…”

“Heh, hehe…” Bai Yin Yuxing smiled stiffly after listening to the muttering of Zou Jian Wu. I don’t know why, as long as he listens to the guy in front of him, he wants to turn into Tucao every minute. For example, what are you doing? I have really been in a mental hospital, or, no one is admitted to a mental hospital because of environmental problems no matter how young and ignorant!

At this time, Baiyin Yuxing finally understood why he couldn’t understand the brain circuit of the guy in front of him. No wonder, no wonder this guy can treat Si Gong as an enemy for a bottle of Kuole. Anyway, this guy’s illness is really cured. Yet? He doesn’t feel like it! Wait, isn’t this guy’s disease contagious?

Otherwise, how could he see those absurd hallucinations? No, it won’t—I’ve never heard that mental illness can be contagious, but…

With Shi Yin Yuxing’s anxiety and anxiety, the second test began. This time, Sougo Tama didn’t get any moths. Instead, he filled out the test papers honestly, but this performance made Shi Yin Yuhang instead. I firmly believe that he had hallucinations during the first exam. Otherwise, how could he explain that the other party would be so honest in this exam?

Thinking of this, Bai Yin Yuxing became even more flustered. Is he really sick?

“Chairman Silver, come on, shake up the five bottles of Kuole, and your task is complete…” When Bai Yin Yuxing finished the exam in a vague way, and was about to think about life, he was caught by the earth. Only then did he remember that what the other party asked for was the fountain Kuole, which could be flushed out of the bottle by opening the bottle cap.

For this kind of request, Baiyin Yuxing originally wanted to complain-how persistent is this guy to make Kuole form a fountain.

However, considering that the other person’s brain circuit is different from ordinary people and he has a wealth of experience in psychiatric treatment, he feels that this requirement seems reasonable. Even if the other party drinks fruit juice and binds him to cheer, it seems normal. In other words, why drink fruit juice Would the guy want to be happy as an apologize? Or was it swayed like crazy?

“Eh…” Considering the symptoms (hallucinations) that appeared on his body, after thinking about it, Bai Yin Yuxing asked Sougo Morama who was cheering him on: “How did you get into those hospitals in the first place? , Yes, are there any symptoms? For example…”

“Eh? Didn’t I just say yes? The environment is beautiful, the air is fresh, the supporting infrastructure is good, the internet speed is fast, and the people inside are super-speaking, so I just went to stay for a few days, could it be you? Think I’m sick?” Before he could finish speaking, Sougo Tama tilted his head and interrupted the other party.

Silver Royal Line: “…”

Does this guy know, when he said these reasons, it was already very abnormal! By the way, is this guy really cured? not to mention:

“But you don’t mean you have rich experience in being treated?”

“No way…” Sougo Tama shrugged: “If you want to stay inside, you will either treat others or be treated. Although I originally wanted to get in as a doctor, they were not fooled… ”

Which hospital would be fooled like this! Bai Yin Yuxing almost couldn’t control his desire to incarnate into a spit…

“Then your family doesn’t care?”

“Actually…” Tsuma Sougou pointed upwards: “If I hadn’t listened to the advice of my family, I hadn’t thought that there would be such a magical place in this world…”

Why do people in your family recommend that you go to a mental hospital for treatment? wrong! It should be said that it is actually your family that thinks you are sick! Bai Yin Yuxing once again suppressed his impulse to vomit in the incarnation.

“Eh…it should be very difficult to pretend to be a mental patient? After all, mental illness is like a normal person…”

“It’s not difficult, just cooperate honestly with those doctors’ inquiries…” Tuma Zougo blinked.

“Heh, hehe…” Baiyin Yuxing smiled stiffly. What does it mean to cooperate honestly? This is a problem!

“Think about it now. The three or five days of staying in various hospitals is really a rare leisure in life~! President Silver, you should really try…” Looking at the other’s stiff face, Mr. Tu Ma Wu “brainwashed” the Tao again.

“Three, three or five days?” The corner of Bai Yin Yuxing’s mouth twitched, it’s hard, no wonder, it’s only three or five days, this guy definitely didn’t heal, who put him out?

This guy is going to get medical treatment, not on vacation! Wait, this guy seems to really regard it as a holy place for vacation, and suggested that he try it. Normal people will try it in a mental hospital! ?

“Can you leave the hospital in three or five days? Don’t you mean…”

“Yeah~!” Sougo Tama nodded: “Like the No. 1 Psychiatric Clinic in Tokyo. Not long after I entered, I met Dr. Suzuki who was so nice to talk about. After discussing his life with him, he has been I thought I was a talking parrot. Next, Dr. Xia Jiang had a good temper. After a heated discussion with me, he checked for mania…

Then I was taken over by Dr. Qingyue. Unfortunately, our concepts were not in harmony. He insisted that the sun was fake… After that, I was picked up by my family. When I left, the whole hospital was full of parting atmosphere, even the dean. I shed tears of reluctance, a dignified man of seven feet, just because I was about to be discharged from the hospital, crying like a wife, let alone the nurses. ”

“Ha, ha ha…” The smile on Bai Yin Yuxing’s face became stiffer. Why did the doctor who treated this guy become mentally ill after talking with him? Jing, mental illness is not contagious, right? Absolutely right! ?

The hallucinations he appeared this morning were not just infected by this guy, right? When this guy left, those people must not shed tears of reluctance, but tears of rescue!

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