Chapter 671 The teacher doesn’t need a sense of existence during class time

Until the end of the lunch break, after Sougo Tama and others returned to the classroom, Shiyu Kasumigaoka was still in a daze, and the bunny girl who couldn’t be seen by others, did this kind of thing really exist? If Zongwujun didn’t lie, wouldn’t the education she has received over the past ten years be a big problem?

Bunny girl~! The bunny girl who still couldn’t be seen by others, how could Zongwujun discover it? This development is even more nonsense than novels…

and many more!

Thinking of novels, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s heart moved, and the way of thinking belonging to the light novelist began to take effect.

The invisible bunny girl can only be seen by Zong Wujun. Isn’t this the setting of the male protagonist and the female protagonist? A coincidence on the street, isn’t this the bridge section of the sky drop system?

Thinking of this, when Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu began to develop a low pressure, she took out a notebook from her schoolbag and opened the blank page, she began to quickly write and draw on the notebook with a pen:

Because of the problem of the heroine (cannot be seen by others), the elegant and handsome male protagonist became curious about this, and therefore met the heroine. When they explored the problem of the heroine, they developed a good impression of each other (crossed out, counted) Ten lines are crossed out), the heroine deliberately expresses herself and a special side (additional explanation, in fact, it is to seduce!)…

After the stupid male protagonist was attracted by the female protagonist, he developed a good impression of it and vowed to solve each other’s problems. In this process, the two naturally developed a friendship beyond friendship, but the male protagonist subconsciously forgot. His newly married wife, at this moment…

At this point, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s whole body began to exude a black air: “Heh, heh, it’s really a novel unfolding, Zong Wu Junjun! This kind of romance is no longer popular. I wouldn’t give up like this…”

This depression was so strong that it not only awakened Somatomo, who was sleeping next to him, but also Yukino, who was sleeping next to him, cast an inexplicable look at the other side. Seeing that he fell into an unknown state, he used his pen frantically. Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who writes, draws, and mutters on paper…

For the first time, Yukino Yukino, who is absolutely correct, cast a questioning look at Tama Sougo, saying: “Do you know what’s wrong with this murderous woman?”

Don’t ask how Tuma Sougo could see the name of the Otsuki Sorry Girl in his eyes, just relying on the envy of Xiazhiqiu Shi Yuyue’s predecessor when Yukino casts an inquisitive gaze, he can understand that meaning. Translate it!

“I don’t know~!” Sougo Tama spread his hands, expressing that he was also awkward, but after seeing the jealousy in Yukino’s eyes under Yukoshita, he first looked at the moon of Shiyu of Xiaxiaqiu. The murderer turned his gaze to the front of Yukino’s airport again, with a playful look on his face.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Damn it, what does that bastard’s expression mean! ?

Even if she is in class now, even if she is wearing a school uniform, but under the playful expression of Sougo Tuma, in front of the contemptuous gaze, Xuexiaxue Nao wants to cover the moon with her hands. This bastard is really bad!

What depressed Yukino most was that she still had nothing to do about it. Not to mention that the bastard Tama Sougo was just showing a playful expression and a contemptuous look. Even if she wanted to scold the other person, she couldn’t tell the truth. The evidence came out. What’s more, she couldn’t stand up suddenly and break with the bastard Doma Sougo, right now, still in class?

And, what are you going to talk about? Why did you look at Otsuki Sister-in-law’s Yuexue Ministry with contempt after seeing her? Look at her airport that represents the wealthy class?

How could it be possible, it would be embarrassing to think about it! Even if she knows what the other party means, but can’t do anything, it’s so angry!

However, Xuexiaxue Nai was deeply suspicious at this moment. It must be the bastard in the soil that did something that caused the big moon and vicious tongue girl next to her to fall into such a low pressure state!

Now that she knew the reason, Xuexia Xuena decided not to be troublesome, and ignored Tuma Sougo’s contemptuous gaze. As long as she didn’t care, it would be no big deal! Wasn’t it okay before?

five minutes later.

The absolutely correct Yukoshita Yukino sent out the first note in his life: “Enough to read, right? Or is it that your dirty thoughts finally made you unable to control your eyes and want to use your sight to achieve the purpose of harassment?”

Looking at the note in his hand, Tama Sougo smiled. He wrote a few big words in his notebook with a pen: “Xuexia, don’t you mind if I stand up and report to the teacher, saying you send me a small note?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”


This bastard in the soil doesn’t play cards according to the routine? Despicable, despicable!

But before she recovered from the shock of being reported the first time she passed a note, Sougo Tama continued to write:

“Now, I allow you to rephrase, what did you just want to say? Xuexia!”

Did this bastard use this kind of thing to threaten her? It’s just a delusion, isn’t it just passing a note? She, Xuexiaxue dares to act. As the saying goes, knowing a mistake can improve her. She would rather admit her mistakes honestly than speak out of her conscience and threaten her? ridiculous!

“Actually, what I want to say is, Tuma-student, can you please take your pure gaze away from me and look where you should be, for example, to Xiazhiqiu-student?” Soon, Yukino under Yukino delivered the second little note in her life…

It’s really nothing to wear a note, but the content on the note…

What if the teacher asked Doma Sougou’s focus? What should she say, said that the bastard in the soil has been staring at her airport? Damn it…

Looking at the content of the second note, Sougo Tama smiled happily again. He once again scribbled a few large characters in his notebook: “Now, I have two notes that can be used as evidence!”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

How could there be such a person in this world?

“It’s just a joke. As for turning my attention to Shiyu~! I really thought, but she is in a scary state now…” Just as the nameless fire was igniting in Yukino’s heart, she passed the two of them. A piece of paper suddenly appeared in front of her, and one of them was still written back.

“Otsuki is fierce (a few horizontal lines are crossed out, if it is not for the sharp eyes of Tujian, it may not be obvious.) What happened to Xia Zhiqiu? Even if you dare not look at her, you can stare at me and do it. Well?”

“I suspect that the developmental transition caused the brain to be affected, coupled with the stimulation of external factors, which made it enter a certain frenzy. As for staring at you, in fact, you can just observe Shiyu’s movements from your side. , Because I don’t understand this kind of fanaticism very well, I am afraid of being accidentally injured, so I can only stare at your side. Don’t worry, I didn’t look at you, nor did you…”

Looking at the explanation on the note, Yukino Yukino felt that she was even more hot!

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