Chapter 668 I want to fight against the chef? Innocent!

Lunch break.

Private Toyosaki, rooftop.

“Hey, what the hell is going on in this world? Does the basic trust between people no longer exist?” Sougo Doma picked up the fried shrimp in the lunch box, shaking his head and sighing. He was disappointed in the world of trust.

He didn’t do anything in school! At most, it’s okay to skip classes. He just goes to bed during class. He doesn’t fight or bully others. Why does Kirisu really distrust him so much? Had it not been for his repeated assurances that the prestigious schools would never lose the chain during the entrance exam, I am afraid that he would have carried the home visit notice in his arms now…

If he really wants to be visited by the woman from Kirito Masu, then he might have to act first and find an excuse to kill the teacher! Isn’t this forcing him to fill his hands with blood?

“Amu~!” Just when Sougoto was thinking about the fried shrimp, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly stretched out his head and bit off the fried shrimp he just picked out.

Sou Wu Tama suddenly asked the black question mark face: “?_?”

“Shiyu, what are you doing?”

“Miyao told me that Zongwu-kun is very perfunctory in cooking recently. Is there any difference in the taste between the bento I tried? After all, today’s bento does look very perfunctory…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu swallowed it. After the shrimp, he answered slowly.

While she was speaking, Shiina Mashiro also suddenly realized that he picked up a piece of beef from Sougou’s stool and threw it into his mouth.

“It’s really white, you guy thinks that way too…” The corners of Sou Wu’s mouth twitched: #^_^?

“Zao Wu, perfunctory…”

“Then, do you two taste the difference in the taste of my bento?” Sougo Tsuchima smiled very kindly, trusting? What about trust between people? Sure enough, this world will not give him any trust, he can only bring him nuclear peace…

Seeing the incomparable nuclear goodness of Sou Ma Tama, as if the smile of the entire world will be blown up in the next second, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Shiina Zhenbai said that they saw too much, but felt that there was some contrast and cuteness!

“Woo…” So, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put her finger to her mouth without any fear, and pretended to think: “It’s just a fried shrimp that doesn’t seem to make any difference…”

Shiina Mashiro nodded afterwards.

“So?” Tuma Zougou’s face is more than just a smile at Heshan. His eyes are wide open, as if I stare at you to death.

“Some more beef, omelet… It would be even better if I could have another fried shrimp!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has finished twisting and evolving, Xia Zhiqiu, foodie, Shiyu said.

“Shiyu, do you really want to lose weight?” Sougo Tama made a knowing blow!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu who became heavier by about half a catty: “…”

Xia Zhiqiu, eating goods, Shiyu began to degenerate, degenerating to Xia Zhiqiu, slumped, Shiyu: “Heh, heh, I forgot, I have become heavier, I lose weight…”

Shiina was puzzled: “Sougo, Shiba, suddenly became so depressed…”

“It’s okay, this is the so-called evil that you have done yourself, you have to bear the consequences…” Of course, the weight gained by your own family must also be reduced by yourself.

“Did Shiyu commit a sin?” Shiina was really puzzled.

Xia Zhiqiu, dejected, Shi Yu: “…”

Darkness is evolving!

The evolution was successful, Xia Zhiqiu, Hustling Girl, and Shiyu went online, her eyes flashed red, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly: “Excuse me, Sou-go-kun, are you beginning to dislike me? Because of the weight gain…”

While she was speaking, a gust of breeze blew by, Shiina Zhenbai shuddered unconsciously. She seemed to have noticed something. She lowered her head and ate her bento, posing a pair that I don’t know anything. The appearance of the melon.

“Eh, a lot!” The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “You are the one who cares about your weight. Actually, I don’t think Shiyu is getting fatter…”

“I understand…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes became more red: “It turns out that Mr. Zongwu doesn’t care about people’s weight at all, sobbing, sobbing…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Ahem, I seem to be the one who reminds Shiyu that you have become heavier.”

“Sure enough, Zongwujun started to dislike people because of his weight. Is this a woman’s fate? Sobbing and sobbing…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, covering her face with her hands, pretended to sobbing.

“It seems that I was wrong…” To this, Sougo Tama also pretended to think while holding his chin.

“Uh, uh… sobbing, sobbing…” Before he could finish speaking, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who covered her face with her hands, already sobbed and nodded, agreeing very much.

“It seems that I can only make up for it as much as possible…” Sougo Tama took advantage of the situation and said: “Since Shiyu thinks it’s her weight…”

“Yeah…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who covered her face with her hands, continued to nod. She was so savage and messed with Zong Wujun and was not angry. Sure enough, she didn’t feel wrong. Zong Wujun has a super good temper, but she doesn’t know how he wants to make up for her. Woolen cloth?

“Since it is a matter of weight, from today onwards, I will supervise Shiyu and you will reduce the weight you gained.” Sougo Tama summed up with a smile.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was dull for a while: “…”


“Zong Wujun? What do you mean?”

“For example, I will supervise Shiyu to reduce your calorie intake at noon. If you lose weight, it will be one-tenth of the usual. Since you just ate my fried shrimp and the calories at noon have reached the standard, then Shiyu’s lunch box , I can only take it back with regret…” With a cheerful smile, Tōma Sougo stretched out his hand to the bento that represents evil.

“Don’t…” She was about to grow into rice worms, and she was counting on this lunch lunch to satisfy her appetite. Shiyu Kasugaoka could not care about covering her face with her hands. She quickly grabbed the lunch box in front of her with her face protecting her food. shape.

“Shiyu…” Sougo Tama smiled brighter and brighter: “Do you really want to lose weight?”


“Then, hand it over…” Sougo Tama stretched out his hand.

“Where can the strength to lose weight if you don’t eat?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally said the most famous saying of foodies.

“Forget it…” Toma Zou Wu’s expression was a little helpless, but his smile remained unchanged.

Looking at that brilliant smile, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt as if she had overlooked something.

“After all, I did it today, so from tomorrow, Shiyu’s lunch box will be cancelled! Huh?” The guy who laughs last will always be a talented person with technology!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She knew what she had overlooked. For this period of time, she has taken Zongwujun’s lunch as a matter of course. However, she has overlooked one thing, that is, Zongwujun can actually cut off her ration at any time~ ! After all, the guy who makes the bento is Sougo-kun!

“Anyway, Shiyu, you just said, this lunch seems very perfunctory…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Time machine, hurry up and give her a time machine, travel back to the point in time when she said perfunctory, to stop that brazen self!

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