Chapter 666 Everyone Needs A Foreign Aid named Time Machine

AM7: 40

Earth House.

“Mai, help, go and ask Zhenbai to get up with Dongma and the others to have dinner.” After watching the sunrise on the sea with the bunny girl, Sougou, who came back from the sea, was busy in the kitchen. As the head of this family, he deeply To understand, if there were no instructions from him in the morning, no one in this family would dare to get up!

This is the power of the head of the family of Soma Sougo. It’s terrifying and ruthless… Heh, okay, in fact, in this house, except for him, there are a group of people who sleep on the bed. No, you can’t use the bed. Described, bed-riding refers to people who wake up, Zhenbai and Xiaobui, hehe, if no one calls them, they can sleep until the end of the world!

“Aren’t you called Little Buried Sister?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

“That guy has to go personally…” Sougo Mama, who was wearing an apron, explained as usual.

“I see…” Looking at that apron, even though Sakurajima Mai had only eaten the sukiyaki pot made by Sougo Doma yesterday, she still felt that the apron was worn on the guy in front of her, which was quite a violation: “But , Zongwu, you can describe this in one sentence from the celestial dynasty: you can go to the hall, and you can be a model of the kitchen…”

With this feminine power coupled with the smart facilities in this room, Mai Sakurajima feels that this is the rhythm that he wants to kill his good wife and mother!

“Mai, if I remember correctly, is this sentence used to describe a woman?” Sougo Tama’s mouth twitched.

“So Sougo knows it too?” After Sakurajima Mai said meaningfully, she got up and went to the guest room on the second floor, leaving only a confused Doma Sougo standing there thinking for a moment: “This guy It seems that there is something in the words? Forget it, don’t worry, go and wake Xiao Di to wake up, lest that guy reveals his stuff for a while and says that it was me…”

After eating breakfast at the Domaya House, Touma and Sae left because of different schools. Mai Sakurajima will also go back to school to deal with some issues related to her plan to return to the entertainment industry. According to her, she is currently At Minehara High School, it is still in the observable range…

After sending away the two people, the house of Tama regained the peace of the past. On such a peaceful day, if you sleep beautifully, it will be great. Sougo Tama thinks so, but he looks at it. The school uniforms are changed, really Bai and Xiao buried, ah~! It seems that he is still a high school student who has to go to school, he still sleeps!

Private Toyosaki, atrium.

There are no soldiers and no horses here, but it’s just like a warrior. In just a few days, [Oolong Tea Research Institute] has developed many unspeakable traditions.

For example: Every morning, under the guidance of teacher Song Qi, strict physical training is carried out. Of course, because of their physical fitness, they will not experience vomiting and wearing only a pair of underwear like the first time. However, this is not valid for new recruits…

It is said that one or two innocent and innocent guys are fooled into the club every day, and then they are filled with alcohol until they vomit, so they are forced to join their physical training…

Because every time a newcomer joins, he will be vomited and stripped off and thrown into the campus atrium. [Oolong Tea Research Institute]’s claim that it can’t stand scrutiny at all has been gradually believed. They are too strict in their self-training. All fainted on the ground…

As for why not now? Of course it’s because they have a full understanding of their physical stamina, but the newcomers are different. Newcomers don’t know enough about themselves, and they are not willing to give up, just like they did at the beginning, so…

What can those naive newcomers who are fooled into the club do? Of course, the next person has joined the club! They can’t just experience this kind of thing, right? After most people have this kind of psychology, tradition takes shape.

“It’s really a group of energetic guys…” There was still a while before class, Sougo Tama sat by the window, looking at the members who worked hard, yawning, and exclaimed: “What is it like? I have no intention of moving, I just want to sleep peacefully…”

ZZZ, wear a blindfold, sleep quality is good…

“Sougou Tama, Sougou Tama…” I don’t know how long it took, Sougou while sleeping seemed to hear someone calling his name.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Zou Wu then fell asleep again in peace of mind.

On the podium, Kirisu’s face was ugly at this time, especially after Sougo Doma finished saying “be good” and the whole class calmed down and looked at her, Kirisu’s face reached its peak level, which also made him look ugly. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who wanted to remind Tuma Sougou, retracted the little hand that wanted to shake him up.

The life-saving first-rate Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that if he had a relationship with Zongwujun at this time, the consequences would probably be tragic!

I have to say that Shiyu Kasumigaoka’s instincts are very accurate. After experiencing a moment of silence, Kirisu Masuu walked from the podium to the table of Sougo Mokuma with a cold face, and he pushed his hands on the table, his whole body Moving forward, almost reaching his ears: “The earth…”

“Be good…” Before Kirisu’s roar was over, Tōma Sougou’s physical instincts had already reacted. He hugged the opponent’s head with one hand, and stroked the opponent’s cherry blossom color with the other. Long hair, as if calming a noisy cat: “When I wake up and play with you, don’t make trouble…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “…”

She felt that her Zong Wujun was probably not saved, but she didn’t know how to die…

Xuexia Xuena sighed in her heart: “…”

So, what are you doing to provoke that guy?

Shiina Mashiro: “…”

You can try it when you sleep next time!

Ako Tamaki: “…”

What the hell is this teacher doing? Does she have any thoughts about UMR! ?

Other students: “…”

Tuma classmates! Talent! ! ! They were convinced, even the boys who were trapped in the club were convinced!

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Wait, what happened? Didn’t she come to wake the thorn-headed student Tuma Sougou? Why are you hugged by this guy? No, it should be said, why is this stingy’s response to wake-ups different from ordinary students! ! !

What should I do at this time? How should other teachers react to this situation? She is just a new teacher. Why does she encounter such a thing? Seeking a solution and waiting online, she is very anxious!

Kirisu is also dumbfounded now, not to mention that she has been single for so many years. This is the first time that she has such close contact with the opposite sex. Although this opposite sex is only a student, she is still a student of hers, but this is under the eyes of everyone. In the classroom! Thinking of this, Kirisu Maho wanted to find a time machine…

Knowing that this kind of thing would happen, she would never care about this guy sleeping or not. Although, this guy skipped a day of class yesterday, and he just came to bed today, so she won’t teach him a lesson. I’m afraid this guy will always teach. I won’t be back, but, compared to the current situation, Kirisu Maki thinks–

Tuma always realized that this kind of thorny student took him to death! ! !

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