Chapter 654

Well-hidden rooms, coupled with better-hidden underground spaces, evil laboratories, D products scattered everywhere, coupled with unheard of experiments…

Mai Sakurajima suddenly felt that she knew too much! But, aren’t these all the guys in front of her showing them in front of her? She didn’t want to see it either!

Wait, if this guy originally played the idea that she was going to disappear anyway, even if she didn’t disappear, he would disappear, then it would be completely explainable, why this guy dared to show those things so grandiosely.

Thinking of this, Mai Sakurajima was slightly silent for a few seconds: “…”

“Heh, hehe…”

“Of course, I was just joking…” Seeing the bunny girl who was frightened again, the evil smile on Ms. Sougo’s face disappeared, and his face was bright again.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Are you sure this is just a joke? You know, if everything she saw today is told, I don’t know how many people will be crazy about it.

If nothing else is mentioned, just talk about this kind of underground construction technology. If this kind of technology is announced to the public, it will ensure that the housing prices in this country will drop wildly, and they can’t live on the ground. Can they still not be able to live under the ground?

“In the absence of clear evidence, even if Mai you are a public figure, even if you tell the public what you see today, at best, you will only make the public feel that you are whimsical, that is, you have a mental problem…” Doma Sougo explained while tapping the computer.

“Hey, Sougo, are you underestimating my personal influence?” Mai Sakurajima felt reasonable, but refused to accept it.

“I never underestimate anyone, I just have a clear judgment on the power I control…” Sougo Tama looked calmly: “In this country, standing on the side of capital has the right to speak. , Unfortunately, I am with Capital…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Although this is a fact, do you want to say it so bluntly? Don’t the upper-class guys have that kind of stuff? Reserved, reserved…

“There is a sentence I don’t know when to say it improperly…”

Toma Zou Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, this bunny girl wouldn’t want to say MMP, would it?

“What are you talking about?”

“Sougo, if you weren’t born in the Tujian family, I’m afraid your grave head grass is several meters high now!” Sakurajima Mai said sincerely.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Why do these guys think that he is alive because of the Tujian family? Had he not been in the Tujian family, the Tujian family would have been annexed long ago! Forget it, this just doesn’t have to be a target.

“I’ll be like Mai, you are complimenting me.”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

I’m sure, she really has nothing to do with this guy in front of her, can this be regarded as a compliment? So it’s to refute her!


“It seems that most of the test results are similar to the speculation…” As soon as Sakurajima Mai was about to say something, Sougo Moroma in the glass room tapped on the keyboard.

“The result came out so soon?” The bunny girl stunned after hearing the words: “What is the result?”

“Congratulations, it’s been three months!” Sougo Doma didn’t know when he opened the glass protective wall. While holding the computer, he walked towards Mai Sakurajima.

Mai Sakurajima black question mark face “???”

What’s the meaning?

“The baby is three months old. Congratulations, you are about to be a mother…” Sougo Tama stretched out his hand, an obstetrician and gynecologist’s expression said.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

The baby is three months old, is this what she asked? Not to mention, she is a big girl, where’s the baby?

“Hey…” A certain bunny girl with black lines on her face, cold voice and colder eyes.

“Eh much…” Sougo Tama always found a way out on the verge of death: “Sorry, I just saw that you were too nervous, like a pregnant girl waiting for the verdict. In order to relax you, I specially opened one. It’s just a joke.

“How can it be soothing!” Mai Sakurajima tried to maintain the personality, hoping that she would not collapse, but she really wanted to shout out: “Is that reaction like a pregnant girl?”

“Hey, what is the performance of that pregnant girl? Can Mai’s professionalism perform?” Tsuchima Sougou was curious.

“What do you think of a girl during pregnancy?” Sakurajima Mai fell into an occupational disease when talking about the performance: “That should be the case, doctor, me, me…”

Tuma Sougo said again: “Congratulations, the baby is three months old!”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

This guy is still coming? Enough, why does she have to play a pregnant girl in front of this guy, this, is this a sad occupational disease as an actor?

“Sure enough, Mai-san’s acting skills are very good!” At the same time that she felt sad and indignant in her heart, Tōma Zougou changed her style of painting: “It is true that she is a talent who has become popular since her debut as a child star…”

“…” Don’t think that by complimenting her, she can extinguish the anger in her heart and let her find a chance. She must step on this guy’s feet fiercely, Sakurajima Mai is determined!

“This is just the basis for an artist’s performance…”

“For many entertainers, they can’t reach Mai’s acting with fake and real acting skills.” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

“Should you say that you have a good vision?”

“However, it is precisely because of this acting skill that makes you fall into this awkward state…”

Mai Sakurajima puzzled: “What do you mean?”

“Mai’s role in the school is air, right?” Sougo Tama reminded.

“Hmm…” Mai Sakurajima nodded, feeling quite upset about this. After all, humans are social animals. If they can, who wants to be air? What’s more, Mai Sakurajima who was originally shining under the spotlight?

“Didn’t I just say that? Mai’s acting skills can almost be fake, even if it is playing air, it almost plays out the characteristics of air…” Sougo Tama reminded again.

“Surely you mean, because I acted as air, so…” Mai Sakurajima twitched.

Doma Sougo shook his head: “It’s not just that simple, didn’t I say it? Mai’s acting can almost be fake, but the fake is fake after all, just like the pregnant girl you just played as Mai, even if it looks like a god , A discerning person can tell at a glance that you are not pregnant, right?”

Mai Sakurajima nodded.

“So, although Mai plays the role of air in school with all his heart, for those students, you are not air!” Sougo Doma shrugged.

“What do you mean?” Mai Sakurajima was taken aback: “I don’t touch people at all at school, and I don’t talk to people…”

“For ordinary people, if you want to play the air, you can do it with Mai, but Mai, you are different, you are still too dazzling for those students!” Before she could finish her words, Tu Jian Zongwu tapped the keyboard a few times and interrupted the other party’s words:

“Want to know how the students in your school evaluated you before you became the current state?”

Mai Sakurajima: “?”

Don’t want to know, anyway, about, indeed, it should be nothing good!

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