Chapter 648 Some strange phenomena always happen in the laboratory

“Mai, where is the smell of salted fish all over my body?” Doma Sougou’s polite and kind smile.

“Then you still go to the izakaya during class time?” Mai Sakurajima suddenly said, unable to find any reason to argue.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Did this guy see it? This bunny girl can’t be allowed to talk nonsense in front of Xiaoying, so he can’t show that he cares.

“Does the salted fish have anything to do with going to the izakaya during class time?” Doma Sougo regained his smile, with a puzzled expression on his face.

“I heard that salted fish goes well with sake!”

As soon as she finished her voice, she saw Sou Wu Tama dig behind her: “Here…”

Looking at the carrot in front of her, Mai Sakurajima was a little dazed: “?”

“I heard that rabbits go well with radishes…” Sougo Doma said in the same tone.

Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth: “Why do you guys carry carrots with you!?”

“Useful…” It can be disguised as a firearm, of course, the following words will definitely not be said.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Why did she wear a bunny girl costume at the time! ! !



She shouldn’t ask the guy in front of her!

“Ask again, Mai, where do I have the characteristics of salted fish?”

“No! I’m talking nonsense…” Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth.

“Tsk tusk…” Sougo Doma shook his head, closed the observation room, and then continued: “No matter what the guess is, it must be built on a sufficient chain of evidence…”

“Understood…” Mai Sakurajima, who felt that she must not understand, hurriedly said before Tama Sougo’s long speech: “Don’t touch anything in this laboratory, right…” All arguments The points all came from the fact that she just wanted to watch the salted fish virus.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always feel that this bunny girl is wrong!

“It’s not that you can’t touch anything…” Shaking his head, Tama Sougo pointed to the pile of chemical products on the left and said, “If it’s the harmless products, you can take them back as a souvenir.”

“Non-harmful goods?” Following the direction of Sougo Morama’s fingers, Mai Sakurajima saw the white crystals piled up in the corners, like sugar, but more transparent than sugar: “What is that?”

“Heroin and ice~toxins extracted from medicines…” Sougo Tama introduced.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”


Is it her, did she get it wrong? Or is this guy wrong? Ice, ice, ice, poison? And white, white flour?

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

What kind of harmless product is this f*ck? Let her take it back as a souvenir? She used it to commemorate a Mao! ! !

“You, what are you doing with these?”

“Research on the addictive factors of these drugs themselves, and by the way, try to see whether the body’s dependence on this addiction can be solved, or this dependence can be transformed into another human activity…”

I don’t know why, Mai Sakurajima suddenly felt that the guy in front of her became taller: “Are there any results from the experiment?”

“I don’t know, I will only do an experiment on mice.”


“Want to see those little white mice?”

“Huh? Is it okay?” Mai Sakurajima looked flattered, this guy really didn’t shy away from it.

“In other words, Mai, you are the first guest to come to this laboratory besides I thought. Therefore, as long as it is not an excessive request, I can agree to it.” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly. .

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Apart from him, is she the number one? Sounds really good, but be reserved:

“I actually don’t mind the boy showing his ability in front of me, maybe I will also be attracted by the ability shown by the other party…”

“Ahem…” Although this guy feels pretty uncomfortable, what is this specious statement? Doma Sougo coughed twice: “In other words, want to see it?”

“Of course, if you insist…”

“If that’s the case, let’s forget it, let’s move on and figure out what’s wrong with you before we talk about it.”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Grit your teeth.

“I want to take a look now, all right!”

Doma Sougou shrugged his shoulders in his heart: “…”

So, why is this?

“It was not me who insisted, but Mai…”


Mai Sakurajima’s jade feet stepped on the insteps of Sogo Morama again: “Did you deliberately?”

“I forgot to tell Mai one thing, I am in love with feet, so Mai, your kick is not a punishment for me, but a reward.” Sougo Tama answered the question.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

I always feel that this guy’s lower limit has been broken time and time again, why can he say these things without changing his face?

What to do, keep stepping on? Isn’t that cheap…


“Sure enough, the gentle Mai won’t step on the back of a person. What just happened?” Tsuchima took two steps back calmly, just out of the range where Mai Sakurajima could step on: “By the way, we’re talking about it, it’s obviously Mai who insists on watching again and again…”

Seeing Sougo Doma who had stepped back two steps, even if he could not step on his feet, Mai Sakurajima said: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

She, she is so about, maybe, it is indeed deceived by this guy again, he loves a fart foot, can this guy’s morality be lower, in order to get her feet away, she can say without changing her face If you say that kind of shame, if it’s true love, don’t hide behind it!

If you hide behind, don’t keep holding on to her!

Mai Sakurajima faintly understood why Touma and Sa could not help calling this guy the Great Demon King. She asked herself that she was not a person who was easy to get sulking. However, after meeting Doma Sougo, she wanted to get angry more than For this year…

“Well, I am indeed wondering what happened to those little guinea pigs, but I always realize that your two steps back is really…”

“It’s really natural, isn’t it…” Before Mai Sakurajima started to complain, Sougo Doma said: “Actually, I just found a safe distance from Mai…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

That’s right, it just happens to be the distance she can’t step on!

Just as the corners of her mouth twitched, Sougo Tama snapped his fingers.

“A joke is a joke, since Mai wants to see it, let’s take a look at the mice that have undergone neurotoxin experiments…” As soon as the voice fell, the closed observation room opened again, and another mice in the glass laboratory appeared.了人前.

Looking through the glass, Mai Sakurajima felt her three views shattered again.

“You, what did you do to these little white mice? It, how did they…”

“Any addictive substance starts by paralyzing the nerves, paralyzing the brain, and prompting the brain to secrete hormones to bring a strange feeling to the human body, gradually making people’s nervous system dependent, so I made a certain assumption. If the human body’s own nervous system is overly dependent on certain behaviors, and this dependence is exclusive…”

Speaking of this, Sougo Doma shrugged: “Obviously, my hypothesis seems to be a bit advanced, so the situation you see appeared.”

“Sorry, I don’t understand what is dependent on the nervous system, I just want to ask…” Mai Sakurajima pointed to the glass window, and said to the little white mouse who only took toothpicks to write and draw, and turned the book from time to time. : “Are you sure these are guinea pigs? Not monsters?”

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