Chapter 641

Mai Sakurajima is a little confused. In fact, she really feels worthless for Touma and Sa, so she would like to mention a few words to this girl who can be regarded as a stranger (game PK). She has received elite education. Mai Sakurajima in particular knows how much difference is the education level between an excellent teacher and a mediocre teacher…

Before entering the house, Sakurajima Mai heard Touma and Sao talking with Tujia Sougo. When he learned that Touma and Sao’s piano teacher was not as good as the twelve-year-old Tōma Sougo. She has already marked the teacher as mediocre…

Perhaps this kind of mediocre teacher can teach students how to get started, but it is too difficult, too difficult…

With this kind of thinking, Mai Sakurajima was not so much a venomous tongue just now, but she wanted to remind the other party that if the teacher can’t do it, let’s change it.

However, Mai Sakurajima did not expect that Touma Kassa’s piano teacher was her mother! Is this a pit girl?

However, Dongma Yaozi…

Mai Sakurajima apologized while thinking about it. Touma Yoko’s name seemed familiar.

“No need to apologize. Actually, I hope you can tell me to change the piano teacher in front of that woman…” But Touma Kazuya didn’t seem to care much. What she cares more about is Mai Sakurajima’s defeat. After that, it was not she who picked it up, but the dull and true white. She didn’t react until the handle was taken away. Now it was the four of them playing the game!

“Huh!?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

“After all, someone finally denied that woman face to face!” Dongma Hesha, who hadn’t played the game, said meaningfully.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

The piano level is not even comparable to that of a twelve-year-old child, so no one denies it yet? That Dongma Yaozi…

Dongma Yaozi! ?

Mai Sakurajima seemed to think of something, and she looked a little embarrassed: “Do you think Dongma Yoko is the world-famous pianist, Dongma Yoko?”

Although she is in the entertainment industry, she also knows these musicians!

“Otherwise?” Dongma and Sha rolled his eyes.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Ha ha ha!

Really! ?

It’s right to think about it. If it weren’t for this kind of character, how could he be qualified to teach the young master of the Tujian family…

It’s just that the world-renowned piano player is still not up to the level of that guy when he was twelve years old. What a fun? Or is that guy bragging?

You know, although she used to be a super popular idol, in terms of national status, status in the circle, etc., she is definitely far behind that Dongma Yoko, Sakurajima can only call herself an actress (artist), and Dongma Ma Yaozi is a palace-level artist, and the two are simply incomparable.


“I remember that fellow Tama Sougo said that Ms. Touma’s playing level is not as good as when he was twelve years old…” Mai Sakurajima lowered her voice, only she and Touma Kazuya could hear her. ‘S voice said, this trick, she just learned from Tuma Sougo.

However, before she could finish her words, Dongma and Sa nodded:

“It may be a bit of an exaggeration, but that guy’s talent on the piano…In short, that woman still has a love for this guy Tama Sougo even now!”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Who on earth did she meet by chance! ? At first, she stared directly at her with unbridled eyes, still staring at her Moon Sword Department. At that time, she thought she had met Shir Wolf, or when no one could see her, she met Shi Shi who could see her. Wolf, the scene at that time, thinking about it now, still makes her a little scared.

But what she didn’t expect was that the wolf in the image was more shameless than she had imagined. Not only did she look away from her Yuexue Department, she also said something upright…

Had it not been for the fiery gaze staring at her at the time, Mai Sakurajima might have really believed it at that time!

But the subsequent development left Mai Sakurajima confused. This seemingly wolf-like guy not only possesses a wealth of knowledge, but he can also use his knowledge in reality, not to mention that he can let others see himself that is about to become air. .

Under the influence of the suspension bridge effect and the hero’s rescue of the United States, Mai Sakurajima vaguely has a slight affection for the guy she defines as a wolf…

Immediately afterwards, she saw the strong and sensible side of the other party. Thinking of the boy who was suspicious of life by Soma Sou on the train, Mai Sakurajima pursed her mouth. The so-called sense of security, is that this?

Afterwards, she ate the delicacy that she had tasted for the first time in her life. To be honest, if it weren’t for the background of Sougo Tama, she would like to tie her back to become her exclusive cook. After it’s delicious, how can she eat the past pig food in the future!

Obviously behaved like a man of science and engineering, why is there such a good cooking skill?

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. She thinks Dongma Xiaosan, who was delayed by the teacher, cough cough… Dongma Hesha turned out to be the only daughter of piano artist Dongma Yoko.

According to the other party, the world-famous Ms. Touma Yoko’s piano level is not as good as the guy she stared at at the beginning, although the expression was taken off soon, but…

This is so much research and cooking. She also hid the skill of playing the piano. What kind of guy did she encounter by chance? Treasure boy? Every time you open a little, you can find more differences between each other?

and many more!

Mai Sakurajima seemed to be thinking of something. She glanced at Danbubu who was happily fighting Shiina Mashiro, and then lowered her voice to Fuyuma and Sadao:

“I remember Sougo said that his family reached his twelve-year-old level more than a year and a half ago…”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”


That’s right, the Demon King really said this, but…

She looked at the game that was addicted to games, and no matter how she observed it, it seemed that the dumplings who were under ten years old were buried…

If this small group was at the level of the Demon King’s twelve years ago a year and a half ago, then what is she? Impossible, impossible, what the big devil said must be someone else!

Thinking of this, she turned her gaze to Shiina Mashiro who was buried next to Danzi…

The big devil must have more than two! If it is really white, she can barely accept it at this age. Anyway, the Tujian family are all monsters, otherwise, how did the Tujian chaebol jump up?

It’s just that acceptance is accepted, but because the time has passed for a long time, Dongma and Sa have forgotten how Toma’s piano was at the age of twelve. She only knows that she has been used by Dongma Yaozi to follow. Twelve-year-old Doma Zou Gobi, Dongma Yaozi just shook his head every time after listening to her performance, and never praised her…

While reminiscing about the past, Dongma and Sha nodded: “It’s the little girl called Zhenbai. I didn’t expect to look dazed, but the piano talent is so good…”

“Is it really white?” Mai Sakurajima thought thoughtfully.

Very good, it seems that the true white is more than a total realization, and it has been proved!

But when she was thinking about it, Dongma and Sa suddenly stood up, walked to the fun-loving dumpling and buried them in front of them, looked at the real white and said: “I’ve heard of you!”

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