Chapter 636

Touma Wassa felt that she was broken, and she chewed the Wagyu beef in her mouth, and she had a strange idea-if she could taste this kind of delicacy every day, she would rather live less than 20 years!

The same goes for Mai Sakurajima. She suspects that medicine is in the pot of sukiyaki, but she just can’t control her mouth and hands, and even her thoughts have changed—no ingredients in this pot can be used. Waste!

The eyes of the two girls who tasted “medicated” dishes for the first time were filled with confusion and the urge to eat. Isn’t it sukiyaki? They have eaten it before! Although a long time has passed, isn’t it that the more memorable the dishes, the more delicious it is? However, the sukiyaki in their memory is compared to what they have eaten now…

So there is no comparison at all!

Just chewing the ingredients in their mouths, they seem to have come to the field, to the outskirts, they saw the golden rice ears, they also saw the cows eating the grass, they passed the creek, rippling in the water , They are bathed in the sun, enjoying the light of the sun…

Just when the two of them wanted to snatch both the pot, a certain dumpling said, “Eunni sauce, even if it’s sukiyaki, you should be too perfunctory. Compared with the sukiyaki a few days ago, The taste is so bad…”

“Yeah! Sougo, perfunctory…” Shiina Mashiro nodded in agreement.

I originally sighed that the food I ate before was all pig food, and there are still such delicious Sakurajima Mai and Touma Kazuya in this world: “…”

Perfunctory, perfunctory? It’s all like this, and f*ck is called perfunctory? They almost hum!

“I’m stupid, and, really white, you listen to me, there are still many people in this world who can’t even eat…” Just when the two Sakurajima Mai were about to doubt life, Tama Sougoku It was like a picture being dismantled, using an excuse that countless housewives have used.

Tuanzi buried: “Look at…”

Suspicious eyes.

When Shiina Shirai saw this, he followed suit: “Stare!”

Suspicious eyes +1, follow in the footsteps of Master Xiaobu, there is meat to eat!

Winter horse and yarn, Sakurajima Mai: “…”

This is embarrassing! Compared with these two picky shoppers, they looked like someone who had never seen anything in the world.

What can Doma Sougo do about this? This is what I have raised, and I kidnapped myself…cough cough, it’s natural to bring it back! Moreover, it was also raised by him…

“It’s really white, Xiaobui, what do you look in your eyes…” Of course, even if it was raised by himself, Tuma Sougou couldn’t help their arrogance: “There are already many people in this world who can’t get enough to eat. exist……”

Speaking of this, he looked at Sakurajima Mai and Dongma Kazuya who were driving rather gorgingly: “Xiaobui, look at Dongma and Mai, they don’t have as many requests as you, really white, just look at Dongma… …”

Winter horse and yarn, Sakurajima Mai: “…”

How to do? It’s not that they don’t have any requirements, but that they can’t fault the sukiyaki! But if they say it’s not bad, will these guys think that they are really inexperienced guys?

“Euny sauce, even if there are many people in this world who can’t even eat enough to eat, but since the ingredients have fallen into your hands, it is your responsibility to make the ingredients delicious!” While entangled, the tried-and-tested Tuanzibu has pointed out the loopholes in the words of Sougo Tama:

“You can’t deliberately make cooking very perfunctory just because there are still people who can’t eat enough in this world? That’s a waste of food! What’s more, O’Neill didn’t mean to deal with every dish carefully before, yes. The responsibility of the chef…”

Sakurajima Mai and Touma and Sa were a little skeptical after hearing about life. They really didn’t think this pot of sukiyaki was perfunctory, it was perfunctory, so what were the names of the ones they ate before? Just put oil and fry twice?

Especially Mai Sakurajima, she doesn’t want to talk at all now, she’s still at this level, it’s called perfunctory… If this is to let her go to help, think about her good cooking skills among ordinary people, and she is talking with Shouxi in front of her. Comparing it with burning, sure enough, she should have eaten Xiongxin Leopard Gallbladder when she offered to help.

“I know, I know, it’s the chef’s responsibility to handle every dish carefully…” Just when the two of Dongma doubted their lives, Tama Sougo said to his own waste materials: “But, Xiao Mai, your O’Neill sauce is not a chef…”

Buried dumplings: “…”

Come, come to this set, it’s worthy of her Ernie sauce! It’s a pity that O’Neill doesn’t know who she is in front of, she has already seen the loopholes in O’Neill’s words! …

“So, O’Neill admits that he has perfunctory?”

Summonu: ^_^! ! !

Oops, Oops, I was sent out by this scrap dumpling and found…

“What can I do? Cooking is a very laborious task, but you are all hungry again. I have to prepare the cooking and marinate…” Is it easy to restrain yourself from making the perfect recipe? Of course, the latter words will certainly not be said.

Winter horse and yarn, Sakurajima Mai: “…”

Is this pot of sukiyaki really special?

at the same time.

“Oni sauce!” Seeing Sougo Tama’s admission, the dumplings buried his hands and jumped onto the chair and said: “Time and everything are basically excuses. You clearly want to abuse your cute one, um…” At this, Hamster pointed at Zhenbai and said, “There is also Zhenbaichan, the excellent disciple Xiaobai…”

Shiina Masashi raised her head in good time, and made a very good look of me: “Sougo, I haven’t prepared a Baumkuchen…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He feels that his family status is getting lower and lower recently. Is it an illusion? Is it an illusion? It must be an illusion! !

“Ehhhhhhh…” Seeing the ugly Sougo Morama with a ugly face after being attacked by the group, Mai Sakurajima felt that she should say something. After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, this person only met after she was accosted. Guy, although she has the attributes of an evil scientist, she does have a way to make her appear in front of people, plus…

She almost swallowed this pot of sukiyaki, she almost swallowed her tongue, she really didn’t know what was going on, she could make it, and she could catch up with the 10% deliciousness of this pot of sukiyaki. All satisfied! not to mention……

As far as the current situation is concerned, only these two siblings can observe her. Even if she says something wrong, she will not be known by others, let alone laughed at by those around her:

“Sister Xiaobu, actually this pot of sukiyaki has been very hard to understand…”

“Mai-san, this is just your illusion, Ernie-chan…” Before Mai Sakurajima could finish speaking, Danzi shook her index finger and said.

“Three bottles of Kuole, one week!” Just as the dumplings were talking, Tujian Zongwu also said, meaning that there are three bottles of Kuole every day for a week…

“Five bottles, one month!” Tuanzi buried a bargain.

“Just three bottles…”

“Ouni sauce~!” Acting like a baby on the offensive.

“This trick is useless!” Doma Sougo categorically refused. Isn’t it just because I didn’t care to feed it all day?

“Deal!” Seeing O’Neill’s face decisive, Dumpling made a decision in an instant, and continued to eat.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always feel that I have been overwhelmed by this waste material!

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

So, what is the situation now! ? Wait, she stared at that piece of meat for a long time…

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