Chapter 633 Pollution, Assimilation

“No…” Just as Mai Sakurajima was thinking about it, Danzimu was starting the game while casually saying: “If Xiaomu remembers it correctly, it seems to be Yuanyue after a long time before Ernie-chan transferred to school. Woo~! Anyway, that’s not a big deal anyway, and Sasang, hurry up and choose someone…”

Mai Sakurajima felt that this was reasonable. She firmly believed that Sougo Tama must be aware of her talent in science…

“The swordsman chosen by Xiao Mai is super handsome. By the way, I remember that after O’Neill didn’t touch the piano, he was taken by Dosang to learn kendo. If you count it this way, Xiao Mai’s memory seems to be correct, oh It is indeed Yuanyue who went there after a long time.”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Just forget the chef! What the hell is Kendo? That guy was wasting his talent in science too much! Too bad for business, right?

“Sword…” Dongma and the corner of the yarn mouth twitched again after being fooled by the handle of the game handle. If the piano is synonymous with elegance, then the practice of kendo is probably equivalent to a brutal collision…

For some people, it’s like hearing that in the ancient celestial dynasty, he was obviously the champion of the three yuan and the first, suddenly learning to crush a boulder in his chest!

While complaining in his heart, Touma Kazuya chose a cute character in the game.

Three minutes later.

Dongma and Yau were defeated by a bloody advantage in the “fierce” game battle between Dongma and Yau Yu Xiaobu. Originally, Dongma and Yau didn’t care much about this kind of thing, but a certain dumpling was too provocative. : “Ah, it was a fierce game, but the luck with Sasang didn’t seem to be very good~! Although Xiao Mui’s advantage is very small…

However, Xiao Qian can beat Kassan who is about the size of Oni-chan, tusk…”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Although she hasn’t played a game much, but she actually lost to a kid who seems to be less than ten years old…

If this game is a small-buried crushing victory, Dongma and Sa may not think too much, but seeing the swordsman with only a trace of blood on the screen, Dongma and Sa feel quite unwilling. ~! Just a trace of blood, the amount of blood that can be taken away with a light foot!

“One more game!” So, Dongma and Sha, who had clearly said that they were only playing one game, gritted their teeth.

“Okay~!” Tuanzi, who has a wealth of experience in pulling people into the pit, smiled very much: “However, I have to wait a bit with Sasang, Maisang is still waiting…”

“Huh? Me, I don’t need it anymore, I just watch you play…” Mai Sakurajima refused at first.

five minutes later.

Mai Sakurajima, who had the same experience as Touma and Sa, also gritted his teeth and said, “Come again!”

after an hour.

When Sougo Doma walked into the living room carrying the prepared sukiyaki tools, what he saw was such a scene-Mai Sakurajima pressed the handle crazily while Touma and Sae watched the TV intently. The battle on the screen, I still underestimated:

“Defensive counterattack, she has only half blood, will you play…”

While pressing the handle, Mai Sakurajima also responded with a bit of thought, although she knew that the other party couldn’t hear it: “Soon, I can definitely win with this sentence, I can’t play, will you?”

And a certain waste dumpling who relied on technology was full of joyful smiles: “The role of the bunny girl chosen by Mai Sang is so powerful, Xiao Mu is about to lose, and is about to lose…”

After witnessing everything, the corners of Tujian’s mouth twitched, and he knew that this one of his own was a powerful source of pollution! Not long after he left, the two of them were almost assimilated by her!

What are you talking about losing? With just one touch of his game level, I’m afraid that these two people can be abused with one hand…

“Ahem…” Toma Sougo, who couldn’t bear to look directly, coughed twice: “Excuse me, I will disturb you a little bit…”

Probably the voice was too small, and the three people who were addicted to the game did not give him any response.

“Sorry, I will disturb you a little bit…” The voice rose a little.

“Huh!?” At this moment, the three finally reacted.

It’s just that the reactions of the three were different. Touma and Sae turned their heads directly, Mai Sakurajima paused, and the dumpling took advantage of Mai Sakurajima’s pause and quickly manipulated the game character to step forward and complete the game. The anti-kill in here.

“Xiao Mai thought that this game was about to lose, but Mai Sang made a mistake on her own. Very good, it was Xiao Mai’s victory again…”

When Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth, she turned her head. Her voice was colder than the voice she had just grabbed by the silly force: “What’s the matter?” If it weren’t for this guy, she would have won the game. what!

Dongma and Sa had originally wanted to say something, but when she saw the game controller that appeared suddenly, she subconsciously picked up the controller and pinched it in her hand…

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Is this assimilation process too fast?

But he thought about it carefully, and thought it was reasonable. Whether it was Mai Sakurajima or Touma and Sa, these two people actually had no childhood. Mai Sakurajima was a child star debut, for most ordinary people. She can be called a child of someone else’s family. In this environment, she must not only pay attention to her own words and deeds at all times, but also absorb relevant knowledge like a sponge…

It can be said that under her seemingly beautiful appearance, what is hidden behind it is full of sadness. First, she can’t make friends with ordinary children. This will affect her stardom. Second, she has to give up belonging to the child. Play time, that is to say, she must suppress her playful nature…

Human beings actually have rebellious factors in their bones, just as honest people will explode crazily after being bullied for a long time. When a person is depressed for a long time, they will also explode. What they lack is just an introduction…

When Mai Sakurajima found out that she could not be observed, the introductory had already arrived, so she would change into a bunny girl costume that is impossible to wear normally, so…

Compared to wearing bold costumes, playing games is actually an explosion for Mai Sakurajima. In the past, as a child star, she would never have been involved in games. However, having fun is also human. One of the natures, the nature that has been suppressed for so long, and when she suddenly comes into contact with the interesting aspects of the game, it is normal for her to be addicted…

Besides, Sougo Doma glanced at the picture on the TV screen. What he took out of this waste material is a recognized masterpiece in the game industry. This game is simple to operate, gorgeous tricks, exquisite graphics and other factors, many times Ranked No.1 in the ranking of the gods for pulling people into the pit.

A guy who has never been in touch with any game in ordinary times is this kind of magical work. Years of depression coupled with the game’s playability and fun, it is difficult not to indulge in it.

The same goes for Dongma and Sae. If Sakurajima Mai’s identity as a child star suppresses her nature, then Dongma and Sae are her nature suppressed by Touma Yoko…

Thinking of this, Tōma Sougou felt relieved that the two goods were assimilated so quickly. After all, his family has a lot of experience in pulling people into the pit, and Erina Nakiri was not very resistant at first. NS? But her body is also very honest! Didn’t you also jump into the big pit of video games in the end?

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