Chapter 629: So What?

“Huh~!” Seeing like a greedy capitalist squeezing workers, Sakurajima Mai Sakurajima, who was serious about bargaining with smart programs, was letting go. She felt relieved in her heart because she felt relieved. , If you are a mad scientist, you shouldn’t have the cheeks of Sou Goku Tama.

In addition, a certain dumpling didn’t know when he had jumped onto Tama Sougo’s head and sobbed: “Woo… the Oni sauce just now is terrible, it’s not the usual Oni sauce at all, woooo…”

Faced with this situation, which crazy scientist would be like this guy in front of him, he would just wave his hand stupidly: “Little buried, let go, I, I can’t see the front anymore, stupid, stupid, fast, almost unable to breathe. NS……”

Looking at the two brothers and sisters who are making trouble, let alone Mai Sakurajima, even Touma and Sasha who are in soy sauce have black lines on their faces. Unexpectedly, the big demon who she regarded as the source of terror has such a side, okay , I’m so envious, bah, it should be said that the evil is rewarded…

“Tama Sougo, you just did something like that to me without authorization. What do you want to do? You…” While Dongma and Sa were thinking about it, Sakurajima Mai said coldly, although she felt that this was constantly in front of her. The guy waving his hands and making noise is not like an evil scientist, but she also needs a statement…

“Gurulu…” X3

However, she was only halfway through, and the stomachs of the three girls made noises at the same time. In this case, Mai Sakurajima was forced to shut her mouth.

“Xiaobui, don’t come down soon, everyone is hungry?” For the head-holding Tuma Sougo, these three bellies are really a life-saving sound. He hastened to know when he started holding his face. Small buried tunnel in worm mode.

The dumpling murmured: “…”

After thinking about it for less than half a second, she turned over and jumped onto the coffee table and knelt down and said: “Euny sauce, what are we eating today?”

“Huh~!” Seeing a touch of a lot that was seduced by food in an instant, Tama Sougo sighed in his heart, and after counting the number of people, he proposed: “There are a lot of people today, how about eating shouxi pot? Dongma, Mai, what do you think?”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

Shouxi pot, after she fell out with that woman, she hasn’t eaten it yet, but is she talking right now?

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Damn it, it doesn’t matter what you eat~! The most important thing now is to answer her questions!

Although she wanted to say that, the sound of her stomach rumbling was really embarrassing. Coupled with the current ratio of the number of hungry people, Sakurajima Mai felt that it would be better to ask after eating. Anyway, she can’t make it out now. go……

Sukiyaki~! Think about it, she hasn’t eaten it for a long time!

Although the two sides have never exchanged words, Touma and Sa have reached a consensus with Mai Sakurajima, but…

“No, O’Neill wants to be lazy. We obviously only had sukiyaki a few days ago…” At the same time they reached a consensus, the dumplings bury their hands and refused: “Besides, when there are more people, we eat sukiyaki. , It seems that O’Neill is very insincere!”

Winter horse and yarn, Sakurajima Mai: “…”

Don’t, don’t, even if you eat something like shouxi pot every day, she, they won’t feel insincere!

“If the sukiyaki pot doesn’t work, how about the steak?”

“Euny sauce, steak day is tomorrow!”


“Too monotonous! How about eating curry?” Dumpling suggested.

“It will take a lot of time to make curry fresh…”

Looking at the two siblings, Mai Sakurajima, Touma Kazue who had been discussing for a long time around what to eat: “…”

These two guys deliberately! ?

After a few minutes…

“Woo~! Forget it, let’s continue eating sukiyaki…” After discussing for a long time, the two brothers and sisters finally made a decision.

Mai Sakurajima, Winter Horse Kazuya: “…”

These two guys are absolutely deliberate! ! !

After ordering the menu, Sougo Doma stood up. He first said to Dongma and Sasha who was playing soy sauce: “Sorry, Dongma, I might want to stay with you for a while today. I didn’t expect things to turn into In this way, to apologize, let me prepare an unforgettable dinner for you…”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

What can she say, who just saw the robot hand appearing in the wall?

Seeing that Touma and Sa had acquiesced, Tama Sougo turned to Sakurajima Mai again and said, “We are discussing Mai’s problem after dinner. As the saying goes, you can’t fight when you are hungry…”

This is similar to what Mai Sakurajima expected. Therefore, she did not object, but rather awkwardly said: “Does cooking need help? Regarding cooking, I am actually quite confident…”

“No need~!” Confidence or something, forget it, not everyone can help Sougo Tuma. At the beginning, even the top ten in Yuanyue would eat the halberd in order to grab the spot for him. Therefore, after Sakurajima Mai’s suggestion was subconsciously rejected, Sougo Tama held the dumpling in front of him and said:

“There is no reason to let the guests help, you just sit down and enjoy it. Just leave it to me and me stupidly to take care of this kind of thing!”

Seeing Tama Sougo talking to a ball of air, although various evidences prove that there are people there, Touma and Sae still feel quite horrified. If the big devil and the ball leave the living room, wouldn’t it mean she Want to be alone in a room with a supernatural creature?

“Eh, a lot?” At the same time Dongma and Sa were stunned, they were picked up by Sougo Doma. The dumplings who had never done housework were even more embarrassed. Why did O’Neill bring her?

It’s just that Doma Zouwu moved too fast, before Dongma and Sha and Danzi could react, he had left the living room and walked into the kitchen.

“Euny sauce…” As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, Dumpling protested: “What are you doing? Xiaomai is just…”

“I’m stupid, do you think I brought you out to help me fight?” Before the dumpling could finish speaking, Tōma Sougou looked at the other side with a benevolent face.

“Euny sauce?” The dumpling was puzzled.

“It’s punishment, there are so many idiots, who just said, I am not your Ouni sauce, and your Ouni sauce can’t be…” Duma, super grudge, Sougo!

Buried dumplings: -_-!

O’Neill is here again!

“This is a person design, a person design, O’Neill, don’t you look at how big Xiao Bui is now?”

“Fifteen! I will be able to marry next year!” Tuma said bitterly. This country is 20 years old as an adult, but women can marry at 16 years old. When they think that the cabbage they hold in their palms may be If people cheat away, Sou Wu Tama wants to destroy the world! Otherwise, think about how to smuggle to Germany…

“It’s not that Xiaobui’s true age is, but how old he looks now…” At the same time that Mujian always realized the random thoughts, the little dumpling puffed his cheeks.

“…” Tuma was silent for a while before he tentatively said: “Seven or eight years old?”

“Huh?” Tuanzi was a little stiff. She thought she was about ten years old: “No, that’s right, Xiaomu is seven or eight years old now!”

“so what?”

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