Chapter 611 I always feel that this ability is useless for you!

“Why do you have such a ridiculous idea?” Sougo Doma tapped his finger on the table: “The development of any discipline cannot be accomplished overnight. The research on memes in this world is only limited to the imaginary elementary level. At this stage, if you want to truly master the production methods of memes, whether it is basic theories or materials, there is a serious shortage…”

Mai Sakurajima relaxed a little: “If this is the case, can I think that what you call creating a new meme is actually just your delusion? You…”

“You were wrong again…” Sougo Tama pressed the lighter again: “Millions of years ago, human ancestors realized the existence and value of flames under lightning, but they could not create flames, so the wise men started Observing the existence of flames, under the guidance of the wise, humans began to consciously retain the flames. This step set off the beginning of human evolution…

At that time, humans did not create flames, but this did not prevent them from using flames. Analogous to the present, although I did not master the method of making memes, it did not mean that I could not use memes, just like primitive people retain fire. Since you can accommodate the existence of memes, then, as long as I take advantage of the situation, I have a great probability of creating a new meme. ”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

She felt more and more like a guinea pig.

“What do you want to do?” No one wanted to disappear out of thin air. After speculating that the memetic weapon would not be born because of her, Mai Sakurajima asked subconsciously.

“First of all, I have to look at the degree of influence of the concept that you are air. I am curious. If you pick up the coffee in front of you, then, in the recognition of others, does the coffee cup float in the air or disappear?” Sougo held his arm and tapped his fingers lightly.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

She really hasn’t thought about this issue!

Looking at the stunned bunny girl, Sougo Tama covered her forehead with one hand: “So, I did not judge you badly just now. Are you really a fool?”

Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth: “…”

She felt a little unbearable, or she felt like she couldn’t control herself, and said she was an idiot in front of her. What did she take her for? She is Mai Sakurajima. She was still a very famous popular idol artist a few months ago!

“Is there any difference between the two?” She coldly.

“Difference? Doma Sougou looked at the illiterate expression: “If it is floating in the air, it proves that the meme is only at a stage where people can’t see you. If it disappears out of thin air, then the problem is big. It means that the meme has begun to erase the stage of your existence…

Having said that, ordinary people are excited when they realize that they have become invisible, right? Invisibility, isn’t that doing bad things if you want to do bad things? Others still can’t see. Honestly, Mai, have you done anything when you realized that other people couldn’t see you? ”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Those who are abiding by discipline and law will never have this idea! What’s more, she was a public figure before!

“No, even if it is to strike up a conversation, it is the same as what I did to you today…”

“Mai, you really have a transvestite, right?” Before Mai Sakurajima could finish speaking, Sougo Doma said with a serious face: “When you realize that others can’t see you, you wear a bunny costume…”

“I’m trying to attract people’s attention. If someone can see me, then my dress will definitely make them react!” Sakurajima Mai retorted.

Doma Sougo squeezed his chin and said, “But it turns out that a guy like me who can observe you is not surprised because you wear a bunny girl costume.”


Sakurajima Mai finally couldn’t help stepping on the feet of Sogo Doma: “Really? Who is the guy who just stared at me, Yuexue?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

If getting angry will scare this rare experiment away, right? In this unobservable state of this guy, it’s probably harder to send people back than to go to the sky. After all, to other people, this wild bunny girl is just air. Let people find air…

After weighing the pros and cons in his heart, Sougo Doma decided to endure it. This is a unique experiment!

“Eh Duo, Maijiang, was someone staring at your Yuexue just now? This world has this kind of apprentice. Don’t worry, I will help you decide and teach that guy a lesson…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

If it hadn’t happened for a long time, she still remembered the hot gaze of this guy in front of her. She had really been fooled. Thinking of this, she twisted her foot again and said:

“No, I’m stepping on the disciple in your mouth right now, just hope that Zongwu doesn’t feel the pain in the flesh.”

The corner of Tujian’s mouth twitched: “So, that Deng’s apprentice is really fortunate for Sansheng, so he can actually let Maijiang have her feet…”

Mai Sakurajima rolled her eyes and said, “I will assume that Sougo is complimenting me.”

“I’m only afraid that Maijiang will feel awkward…” If you don’t look under the dining table, the smile on Sougo Doma’s face can definitely confuse anyone who doesn’t know.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Is this guy in front of him really from a chaebol?

“What if I feel awkward?”

“You can try another one…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

She was convinced!

Just when she wanted to cover her forehead with one hand and leaned against the table, Sou Wu Tama’s face did not change at all:

“Actually, the apprentice is also forgivable. If it’s me, I probably won’t be unable to control myself…”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Don’t change, that person is you at all! This guy in front of him wants to shake the pot quietly, but what does it mean to be unable to control himself?

Mai Sakurajima’s face blushed slightly-well, as far as the situation was just now, this guy really didn’t control herself, but does this mean that she is attracted to him?

“Let’s get back to the subject, that is to say, the only thing Mai-chan has done after realizing that she cannot be observed is to put on a bunny girl costume? Zongwu said with a straight face.

“Uh, almost…”

“Go up and slap him without seeing who is upset?”

Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched, “No, what do you think of me?”

What does it mean to see who is upset is a slap in the face? Shaking her hands in front of people has already given her great courage, okay?

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama once again squeezed his chin and said, “I didn’t go to the bank and left after getting the money?”

“No!” Mai Sakurajima pressed her feet and went to the bank to get money? Even if she is not a public figure, the education she received since childhood prevented her from having such thoughts.

“…” Sougo Tama was silent for a while: “Although it is due to memes, I always feel that this ability is really useless for you!”

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

In other words, what is this guy thinking all day! ?

“Ahem…” Looking at Mai Sakurajima who was a little awkward, Sougo Tama coughed twice again: “Sorry, the atmosphere was very tense just now, just making a joke. Actually, I know Mai-chan can’t do that. thing.”

Mai Sakurajima believed this. After all, in her cognition, Tama always realized that he was born as a chaebol, and in this country, it is better to rob a chaebol in this country. However, the security of the chaebol is comparable to the defense power. The bank is too strong.

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