Chapter 609: Are You Underestimating Science?

Monica coffee shop.

Looking at the smiling young man in front of her, Mai Sakurajima was a little surprised. According to her personality, it is impossible to accept an invitation from someone she just met. It is the right place to follow the other person into the cafe, even if the other person is top-notch. A chaebol background, even if she is in a bad situation now, her first choice should be to face it alone…

Not to mention, the guy’s first reaction when he saw her bunny costume was that, on the surface, he was full of righteousness, but actually stared at her fiercely looking disciple!

But she didn’t know why she subconsciously chose to believe this guy in front of her…

In fact, it would be strange if Mai Sakurajima could figure it out! When Sougo Doma discovered that supernatural phenomena appeared in the everyday world, Mai Sakurajima, who was a carrier of supernatural phenomena, had already been targeted by Sougo Doma as an experimental subject!

The reason why Sakurajima Mai subconsciously chooses to believe in Sougo Doma is also the result of his deliberate design.

First of all, Sougo Doma uses the principle of the suspension bridge effect in psychology. Mai Sakurajima’s unobservable state is a dangerous suspension bridge, and Sougo Doma, who can observe him, is a companion with her…

Secondly, professionalism. If an ordinary person observes Mai Sakurajima’s current state, I am afraid that he will be confused. At most, he will help where he can. But Doma Sougen is not the case. He speaks as a dimension, avoiding Open is space, plus its own top chaebol halo…

Human beings have the instinct of Mu Qiang. Mai Sakurajima may be quite talented in acting, but when it comes to such a professional term, she can only be unclear!

What’s more, for Somatomo, who is proficient in psychology and hypnotism, smile is actually a very advantageous weapon. As long as he wants, he can even mix into any circle with the smile on his face…

With these many designs, it is strange that Mai Sakurajima, who was used as a test subject by Sougo Tama, could not be covered.

“Woo~!” After Sougo Tama ordered two cups of coffee on his own, the waiter retired with the menu. He moved the bones of his hands while looking at Mai Sakurajima and said: “Mai I just asked why I’m not surprised, am I? In fact, I always think that existence is reasonable…”

“Huh?” Mai Sakurajima came back to her senses: “In other words, Sago thinks my current state is reasonable?”

“Of course…” Sougo Tama said while taking out a lighter: “Maybe you think your current state is very strange, or even scared, but this is just your current thinking. If you were born in a An extraterrestrial civilization or prehistoric civilization that is more developed than us, maybe, you will think that your current state is just a small and innocuous problem…

It’s like this…” While talking, Sougo Doma pressed the lighter in his hand, and when a bunch of flames appeared, he just continued: “If what I just did happened thousands of years ago , Then, the puzzled ancients will also be anxious…”

Mai Sakurajima: “Do you want to use science to explain my current state? What kind of technology is needed to erase the traces of my existence like now, and then let Mai Sakurajima from this The world disappears? Is this science?”

“Are you underestimating science?” Sougo Tama looked like defending science: “Should I say that you are ignorant? Or fearless? If science continues to develop, then let a person become what you are now. This state, to use one word to describe it is…”

Speaking of this, he turned the palm of his hand at Mai Sakurajima: “It’s easy! Do you know what a causal law weapon is? Reverse the cause and effect, and directly deny the cause of your existence from the time you were born. Then, there will be no life for you. The fruit that comes down, you say this, can you make people change into your current state?

This is only a philosophical weapon. If it is a mathematical law weapon, then, as long as 1+1=2 is fundamentally denied, it is not a person, but a civilization that will be destroyed. Not to mention that your current state is even a causal weapon. Failure to reach it is at best a memetic infection…”

“Memetic infection? What is that?” Mai Sakurajima asked quickly, seeming to hear information about herself.

“First of all? Do you know what a meme is?”

“…” Mai Sakurajima shook her head. She usually takes up most of her time in acting and studying, and she has no time to understand a lot of useless knowledge.

“Let me briefly explain that a meme is the unit in the transmission of cultural information, the process of cultural transmission of an idea, behavior or style from one person to another…” Sougo Tama spread his hands and said: “In simple words In other words, a meme is a culture, and it can also be said to be a process of spreading and receiving other people’s ideas…

If this process can be utilized, then quite interesting things will happen! ”

“Interesting thing?” Mai Sakurajima frowned.

“Of course, if this process is used on the positive side, then this society will no longer need the profession of a teacher, because the process of teaching can be replaced by more advanced memetic procedures. This is only the most basic application. If you are in power If the person can use this process, then his ideas will be recognized by all people, and the dictatorship will be born…”

“…” It was obviously not cold in the cafe, but Mai Sakurajima couldn’t help but shudder: “You say this is a positive side?”

“Compared with the unfavorable side, this is indeed the most advantageous effect. If it is the unfavorable side, when memes become a weapon of war, then, as long as a war is launched, mankind is extremely likely to be extinct. As long as one memetic infection is added to a memetic weapon, humans will be poisoned to death by breathing air…”

“…” Compared with the demise of mankind, it seems like a dictatorship, which is not unacceptable, but Mai Sakurajima frowned again: “Does what you said has anything to do with my state at this time? I… …”

“Sir, your coffee, please use it slowly!” Before Mai Sakurajima could finish speaking, the waiter with the tray stepped forward and interrupted.

“Thank you…” Sougo Tama returned with a bright smile.

“Sir, what do you seem to worry about? I have seen you whispering to yourself since just now…” The very enthusiastic waiter.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

It’s very annoying, a big living person is sitting here, why can’t you see her! ?

“Sorry, did you bother you?” Doma always realized the gentleness and elegance.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

How many faces does this guy have?

“No, no, after all, Mr.’s voice is very small. This is a corner. I just see how Mr. Mumbling looks a little bit…” At this point, the waiter glanced at the two cups of Tuma’s total enlightenment. Coffee, she seems to have made up some big drama in her brain: “Sir, I take the liberty to say, let the past happen, the so-called memories on TV will only touch the scene and hurt the situation…”

As the so-called drama is like life, as an actor, Mai Sakurajima knows exactly what the waiter’s eyes mean. Combined with the waiter’s act of watching the two cups of coffee just now, Mai, who has performed countless TV shows, probably guessed what the waiter thought. .

The waiter basically regarded the guy opposite her as a character who was hurt by love. Now this guy comes here to order two cups of coffee, afraid to remember the time he spent with his lover, if that’s all…

But Mai Sakurajima saw the longing for peach in the waiter’s eyes, and the sympathy for the guy in front of him.


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