Chapter 605 Bunny Girl, Wild!

Sougo Doma, who has left the izakaya and came out of Akihabara district, didn’t know that Yukoshita Yono was exposing him. If he knew, he would have to go back and continue to talk to him. At least, with During the period when Yukoshita Yangnai broke, he could avoid the trouble in front of him, and the meditating Tuma Sougo thought of it like this…

He seems to be targeted!

However, it was not being targeted by the guys who wanted to find him and physically confronted him, but by an unscrupulous program group!

The evidence is that he was wandering around, thinking about how to solve the alcohol addiction that was brought up by the few bottles of sake just now-should he go to a high-level club to enjoy it? Or go to the disco to have a drink while fanning the flames for the young people who are “dancing demons”. When they get into trouble, he is a good and enthusiastic citizen to report to the police and contribute to the increase in the crime rate in this city?

Is it to enjoy or to maintain the justice in the heart?

This is a serious question!

It was worth his careful consideration, but just as he was about to make a decision, a small hand that looked rather delicate suddenly appeared in front of him, and it swayed in front of him. Isn’t this intentional to make trouble?

If it weren’t for the fear that the acquaintance you met, and that the other party didn’t seem to be malicious, Sougo Doma would have already kicked it…

And when he saw the owner of that little hand clearly, Tuma always realized that he kept thinking, what did he see? A wild bunny girl! In the crowd, a living bunny girl walked in front of him and waved at him. There must be something strange in this!

At first glance at the appearance of this bunny girl, let alone, it is really familiar, but Tama Sougo dare to swear that he has never had a relationship with this bunny girl, but this familiar feeling…

Thanks to the amazing memory of Tujian, after thinking about it a little bit, I know the reason for the familiarity. Isn’t this bunny girl the so-and-so on TV? Sougo Tama, who doesn’t usually watch TV very much, didn’t think of the name of this bunny girl. She should be a little famous actor. Anyway, he would never admit that he was out of date…

He just doesn’t like to watch TV shows! If this is replaced by Teacher Longze, Teacher Ozawa, Teacher Aoi, etc., he promises to recognize the other party at a glance, even if he wears clothes, he will recognize him!

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the name. Since he knows that the other party is a TV actor, then he probably knows what’s going on now. In this country where TV shows are becoming more and more vulgar, he is probably treated as an amateur by a certain dog-blooded column group. Stared at…

The name of the show Sougo Doma has thought about it, “When I meet a wild bunny girl on the road, what will a boy behave like?” “.

This kind of vulgar show is to choose amateurs, and then let the actors do something unreasonable, to observe the surprised reactions of the amateurs, in order to create a variety of weird program effects, this is also the so-called spoofed amateurs…

Thinking of this, Tuma Zougou sneered in his heart. He has always been the only one who scorned others. Unexpectedly, someone wanted to spoof him. The guys on this show probably don’t know what they provoke…


Although Sougo Tama has already guessed what’s going on, in order to prevent the other party from spoofing in the form of live broadcast, he still chooses to prepare and wait. At the very least, he has to clear his lens first-to make it. It’s actually very simple without this kind of lens. If these vulgar columns are pursuing the effects of the program, if they can’t produce any effects under the lens, they may be more anxious than him!

Having said that, he remembers that when integrating the assets of the Tujian family, he had acquired several entertainment companies. The bunny girl who found him had better pray that it was not the artists of those companies, otherwise…

Thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, but Tuma Zougou’s face seemed to have not seen anyone, maintaining the thinking state just now.

“You can see me, right?” However, it seems that because he just stopped when he waved his hand, the other party found the topic, and the bunny girl was a little reluctant.

At this moment, Sougo Tama can’t continue to pretend to think. After all, the other party has already made a sound, and waving his hand in front of him can say that he hasn’t paid attention, but he hasn’t waked up with the sound. That’s too fake. If you continue Going on, maybe this kind of unscrupulous column will have a title saying-the most disguised man!

Listening to the other party’s words, Tuma Zougou really wanted to roll his eyes. He was so big standing in front of him, can he not see? When he is blind? Or, for the sake of the show’s effect, you want him to treat the bunny girl as A Piao or something?

Thinking of this, Tuma Zougou sneered again in his heart. After he crossed over, in order to know if he had crossed into some messy world, he also deliberately checked the Internet inside and out, and finally came to the conclusion that he crossed It’s a daily world, at best, there are some daily protagonists in this world that he has heard…

Of course, he did not want to intervene in the past to change the plot line he knew, after all-what is the plot line of many protagonists, even he himself does not know!

Except for some familiar ones, emmm…

Let’s not mention this. Since he knows that this is a pure everyday world, he will naturally not be scared by this bunny girl’s words. Anyway…

Tama always looked at the shadow under the bunny girl’s feet with an unmoving expression, and secretly said, it’s no wonder that Xiao Bui hasn’t watched TV programs much recently, even if he wants to pretend to be A Piao or something~! So, let him cover the shadow first! Such a big flaw is exposed, if he can still be bluffed, how stupid he must be?

Moreover, Sougo Tama glanced at the bunny girl again. By the way, this woman looks really good, just…

Do you want to pretend that you are putting on makeup! There is no one from Qiqiao bleeding or something, but he still looks radiant, saying that this is Apiao, who believes it? Bunny girl or something…

Don’t say it!

That black bra is really white, bah, he meant, that white moon is so black, bah, really big, cough…

While thinking about this, after careful calculations, Tuma Zou Wu raised his head and stared at the white black moon fierce clothes, bah, black…cough cough… his face was full of righteousness. Looks like:

“I want to say that I can’t see it, do you believe it?”

“If you can look away from my Yuexue, I’ll probably believe…” The bunny girl’s mouth twitched: “Although I don’t mind strange men looking at my Yuexue fantasizing or something…”

Doma is very sure that he can only see his righteous face no matter where he is shooting from the angle he is standing now. Therefore, facing the slander of the bunny girl, he will not let it down: “Miss Bunny, if you Such nonsense, I can sue you for slander!”

Obviously, this bunny girl didn’t understand the current situation, and wanted to induce him to say some nasty things. If he just became flustered by the other party’s words, he might have truly followed the other party’s way!

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