Chapter 599

“But…” Hashima Iori’s face turned white. He knew that what Hongsaka Zhuyin said was the truth, but if he accepts this statement, then the purity he once saw in An Yilun is not blind? Although An Yilun’s character has made him feel blinded for a while, but if even the love for the second element in the other party is denied…

Hajima Iori feels so stupid that she is boundless!

“No but!” But, before he finished speaking, Hongsaka Zhu Yin frowned and interrupted: “Iori, if our circle cannot bring benefits to people, do you know what it will be like?”

Hashima Iori lowered his head and fell silent: “…”

“Sorry, excuse me…” This situation made Sougo Doma a little puzzled.

“Zong Wu Sang, please say it!” Hongsaka Zhu Yin was able to correct her position. She was originally an educator, and immediately shut her mouth after she made a sound in the soil.

In response to his boss’s reaction, Hashima Iori looked up a little curiously.

“This is Hashima Iori, right? It’s really awkward. I’ll call you Brother Bird…” Sougo Doma gently shook the wine dish in his hand, and said in a playful tone: “Brother Bird. As far as I know, although the development of the second dimension has been recognized by some people, in the mainstream circle, it is actually a trail, right?”

This is a fact. Despite the fact that many countries regard the two-dimensional element as the country’s quintessential culture, the mainstream circles of this country are extremely repulsive of the two-dimensional element, and the extremists among them have derogated the two-dimensional element, and can’t wait for this culture to disappear. In this country…

Speaking of this, the young and energetic Hashima Iori was excited.

“That’s right, but I believe that with the vigorous development of the two-dimensional culture, one day…” This is probably the dream and passion that every two-dimensional enthusiast has, but unfortunately, the words are not finished. So Tuma Sougo interrupted.

“Tsk…” The playful smile on his face became brighter and brighter: “Excuse me, how can a clean two-dimensional element that can not generate any benefits develop? Use love to generate electricity? For the simplest example, you bought it. A splendid hand-run wife…”

“Eh…” Hashima Iori was a little embarrassed: “Sougo-san, I don’t have the habit of acting as a wife!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this little brother wrong about what he cares about?

“I said, just give a chestnut…” Someone’s voice sounded dangerous after being robbed like this.

“Ahem, Iori, shut up!” Hongsaka Zhu Yin hurriedly said.

“Yes…” Hashima Iori’s voice sounded a little aggrieved.

“Very good…” Seeing the two of them shut up wittily, Sougo Tama took advantage of the trend and drank the sake in his hand, and then continued: “It is a bit too much to buy. For example, Bodao brother, you married a must-see. Pinshou’s wife goes home…”

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Hashima Iori: “…”

Why not buy it! ! !

“When you first married and entered the door, this superb hand-made wife was naturally a good one in your heart. But, as we all know, the frequency of otaku changing wives is much higher than that of ordinary people. After a period of time, the out-of-print figure you married back home. My wife has been squeezed out by many new wives and can’t let it go. At this time, should I throw her away or give it away?

If you give someone away indiscriminately, will the next family who take over will love your ex-wife any more? ”

This analogy caused the corners of the mouths of Hongsaka Zhuyin and Hashima Iori to twitch at the same time. This Sogosang’s thoughts are really…

“Even if you help your ex-wife find a good next home, what about the betrothal gifts you spent when you married her?”

“Um, it should be the cost of the buyer…” After all, Hashima Iori was young and energetic, after all, he couldn’t help but retort.

“Don’t you think it is more formal to describe it with a dowry gift?” Sougo Doma poured wine into the empty glass while chuckling.

“Iori! Don’t interrupt when Sou Gosang speaks!” Hongsaka Zhu Yin also expressed his attitude in a timely manner.

Hashima Iori: “…”

He really didn’t want to be his wife, what’s more, this description has completely described him as a scumbag! However, his arms can’t twist his thighs, he bears it!

Seeing that neither of them spoke again, Sougo Tama continued:

“At this time, one of the most advantageous methods appears, and that is to help your ex-wife take care of it, and then remarry her to someone else. In this way, not only the original bride price can be recovered, maybe there is There are many, and the guy who can spend a lot of money to marry will definitely treat your ex-wife as a favorite…”

Hashima Iori: “…”

Isn’t this just buying and selling? He is familiar with this kind of thing. Relying on his understanding of the two-dimensional element, he often bought some peripherals at low prices and sold them at high prices. An Yilun also used this as an excuse to fall out with him, saying that the two-dimensional element cannot be tainted. …

It’s just that, why does this behavior of buying and selling from Zongwusang’s mouth seem so serious?

But before he could sigh, Tama Sougo had already continued.

“In this way, everyone is very happy. Not only can you get rid of the wretched wife, but you also get a big betrothal gift to marry your wife. With this money, you can start a new hand-run wife, who will take you. People who do not suffer, after all, turnips and vegetables have their own loves, maybe your wife of humiliation is just what other people like…

The same is true for others. Do you know what it means after this time of engagement? It means that the prosperity and vigorous development of the two-dimensional circle has a huge foundation! ”

“This…” Hashima Iori felt a little unacceptable. This kind of perverse behavior also promoted the development of the second dimension? Then after he fell out with An Yilun, why did he feel that he lacked confidence, and why did he look forward to the other party’s purity of the second element?

“This is actually a very simple question. You see, you married your ex-wife who was not valued at home and got a large betrothal gift. That means you have more controllable money and you can continue to buy goods. The business that makes your wife also benefits from this. With benefits, they have motivation…

In this case, businesses are naturally willing to feed back some of their benefits to creators. After the creators make profits, they will also work harder to create. In this way, excellent works will continue to be born and attract more people. Isn’t that the so-called flourish when you are interested in the second dimension? But if you change the situation…

Because you don’t want the second element to be contaminated with the copper smell of money, even if your ex-wife has been run at home so that there is no place to stay, you have to protect it. Then, the problem arises. First, many people who have just entered the house. People actually need a spiritual sustenance, for example, a hand-run wife…

It is worth mentioning that this kind of guy who has just entered the house may be attracted by a certain classic work, and for most of the two-dimensional enthusiasts, this kind of work belongs to the classic, but it is out of date. Generally speaking , Unless the outdated classic works can be sold hot all the time, otherwise, they will inevitably be discontinued from the shelves…

In this way, it is actually quite difficult for people who have just entered the house to find a figure of this kind of work. When I get out of the house, if this goes on, people with money can’t buy their favorite wife…

Those of you who have married too much in the past have caused wives to accumulate at home and become a disaster. In this case, you are afraid that you don’t have the mind and money to marry new wives. This also makes the business that produces wives unprofitable. Pictures, let alone the interests of the creators. If you can’t even support yourself in your work, I would like to ask, who would create it with heart? ”

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