Chapter 592

check! This kind of thing must be found out!

Today, you dare to make enemies with others in the name of Hongsaka Zhuyin. Tomorrow you will dare to sign an inexplicable contract under the name of Hongsaka Zhuyin. At that time, who will call the rougeenrouge society?

Fortunately, there are not many people in the club who can use her name. One is the current vice president, the other is her optimistic candidate who can take over as the vice president, and some…

Hongsaka Zhuyin rubbed her brows, and then rang the doorbell on her hand. Not long after, a handsome man pushed the door and walked in. Then she gave an order: “Bodao, help me check it. What’s the matter with the Anyi family?”

Iori Hashima, who had just entered the office, was stunned: “Boss, what’s wrong with Aki?”

“Do you know about the Anyi family?” Hongsaka Zhu Yin turned to the revolving chair and stared at Hashima Iori.

“Yes…” After a conscientious bow, Hashima Iori said quickly: “Boss, I think there is nothing wrong with the Anyi family, but they were transferred to Africa because they offended people…”

“Bird!” Facing the young man who thought he was expected to become his successor, Hongsaka Zhuyin hated iron and steel: “This world is not as simple as you think. They have offended people by themselves…”

“But…” Hashima Iori wanted to refute.

“Never mind it!” Hongsaka Zhu Yin rubbed his temples: “Who is doing it now?”

“Only the Kondo team…” Hashima Iori lowered his head.

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Near, the Kondo group?

“Asshole, do you know the nature of the Kondo team? It is a supreme organization. Ordinary people will not provoke each other. You still take things off? Do you think I am almighty?” Hongsaka Zhu Yinchao thought Hey, yes, she has a big reputation in the industry, but would those guys in the Kondo team care about this? It should be said that the guys in the Jidao organization care about these?

Those guys don’t care at all! As long as they are properly cleaned up afterwards and leave no evidence, what dare those members of Jidao dare to do? What’s more, she has never heard of members of the Kondo team being arrested for leaving evidence!

No wonder, it’s no wonder that the other party dared to call her unscrupulously, and even dared to meet her, those guys are afraid they have already thought about how to finish…

Fortunately, there is more than one rougeenrouge fan club behind her Hongsaka Zhuyin, and there is also a Gaosaka family that she doesn’t want to mention. The people in the Kondo group are probably watching this, and will call her first. If not, those guys…

Thinking about the methods of the Jidao organization, Hongsaka Zhuyin couldn’t help but shiver, and even with that, it was not pleasing to see Hashima Iori, the alternate heir.

“Boss, the Kondo team has always had a good reputation. I think, to explain to them, they are likely to forgive the Anyi family and will not anger us…” Looking at the angry Hongsaka Zhuyin, Namishima Iori explained quickly.

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

Good reputation? you think?

“Hashima Iori, what do you think is a good guy who is able to make waves on the pole road? The so-called reputation is just a lie to ordinary people. What do you think? Who do you think you are? Hit me Your name provokes the enemy, why don’t you report your name?”

“BOSS, I…”

“Pau, if it weren’t for your contribution to the club, and your sister is also quite talented, I would like to kick you out of the club today…”

“…” Iori Hashima was silent for a while: “Boss, it is not only us, but also the Sawamura family who maintain the Anyi family…”

“Oh~?” After hearing this, Hongsaka Zhuyin’s anger finally subsided: “I remember that there is also a club in Sayuri’s hands. So, let’s let you and Sayuri come out at the same time, what is the Ayi family? , It seems someone is quite capable?”

“An Yilun…” Hashima Iori raised his head slightly: “No one can compare Renya’s familiarity with the second dimension. I think he can promote the development of the second dimension…”

“Really?” Hongsaka Zhu Yin was a little bit interested: “You seem to have a high evaluation of that guy. Does that guy have any accomplishments?” Or…”

“Ren is now working hard for the development of the second dimension with his passion, but even so, he is also a Twitter master with hundreds of thousands of fans on the Internet.” Hashima Iori hurriedly said.

Hongsaka Zhu Yin: “…”

To be honest, this achievement really has nothing to impress her! Under her guidance, there is no shortage of authors in the rougeenrouge community with millions of sales. Any author who opens Twitter will have no less followers than An Yilun…

Just as Hongsaka Zhu Yin was silent, Hashima Iori on the side said again cautiously: “By the way, BOSS, why would you think of asking about the Aki family today?”

“Huh~!” Hongsaka Zhu Yin sighed slightly when he heard the words: “Someone called to warn me just now and let me take care of An Yijia’s nostalgia…”

“Sorry!” Upon hearing this, Hashima Iori lowered his head again: “I didn’t expect this incident to cause trouble to the boss…”

“Really?” Hongsaka Zhuyin glanced at Hashima Iori, who bowed his head: “Because I don’t know the ins and outs of the matter, I finally stunned the other party. If I have to come out, what does he want to do?”

“What does the other party mean?” Hashima Iori was overjoyed and couldn’t help but said. If the boss hits the opponent, then the other party will not be able to deal with Anyi. As for the safety of the boss, the boss is not just Rougeenrouge’s. The president is so simple, the boss is another identity, but the eldest lady of the Kosaka family…

He didn’t believe that Iori Namishima was killed. The Kondo team dared to attack the famous family. How rampant and legal in this country, when dealing with problems, he would try his best to avoid the famous aristocrats. This is probably between the two sides. compromise.

“The other party asked me to go out to talk…” Looking at Hashima Iori with a slightly beaming look in her eyes, Hongsaka Zhuyin said coldly. At the same time, she had already cut the other party out of her heir.

“Boss, will the other party…” Hashima Iori was worried about his timely performance, but it was a pity that he didn’t know it was late now.

Hongsaka Zhuyin sat in the boss chair and turned around, her voice was slightly cold: “I will decide the time and place, and the other party has given enough sincerity. Do you think I will dig a hole for myself?”

Hashima Iori felt that the current BOSS was a bit strange.

“Originally I wanted to go there alone, but now I have changed my mind, do you want to go and see with me?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Iori Hashima burst into cold sweat unconsciously…

He wanted to say: Come on, what a joke!

That’s a member of the Kondo team! Don’t look at the Kondo group’s good reputation, but the Jidao organization is the Jidao organization. Ordinary people provoke a fart. He is just under the name of Hongsaka Zhuyin, so he dared to say a few words in the Kondo group. Hashima Iori is already thinking that he will not be killed right now…

It’s just that, of course he can’t say these words:

“Of course it is my honor to be with the boss…”

“In addition, wasn’t the An Yi artist caused this incident? You can also ask him if you want to see the person involved…”

Hashima Iori nodded sincerely, yes, this was originally a disaster for Aki and his family. He has already helped the other party out by the name of Hongsaka Zhuyin. Now, it is time to let Ayron also be that fellow. Come out and take the responsibility!

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