Chapter 588 Isn’t this too overkill?

“Will anyone cheat his sister like this!?”

Sayuri Sawamura regrets it. How did she think of testing Sogo Doma’s attitude towards Ying Riri? If she didn’t want to test, then she wouldn’t be teased out of anger. If she was not teased out of anger, then she If there is no gaffe, then she will not be photographed comparable to black history…

The point is, she tried for a long time, and didn’t try to find out what Sougou Unearthed was thinking about Ying Lili, and she got herself into it!

“Sister Zecun joked. I did this for my sister and my elder niece. My elder sister, who looks like Obasan, can be regarded as my elder niece’s younger sister. My eldest niece…” Just when Sayuri Sawamura regretted, Sougo Tama once again assumed the appearance that I was all for your good.

Sayuri Sawamura gritted her teeth: “…”

Oh, Obasan! ? Did this Damn it guy not even guard the bottom line? Actually, he called her Obasan? She also spoke of her Yinglili with a sigh.

If her family Yinglili was very old, she wouldn’t be called a beautiful girl by so many people!

It’s just that when I think of what she looks like in the photo just now, Sawamura Sayuri is really hard to say these things, she just looked at Doma Sougou bitterly-this guy actually captured her flashy ugliness !

Yes, Sawamura Sayuri does not want to admit that the person in the photo is herself, or that the look in the photo is what she usually does. It is definitely her ugliness that she was over-excited and unintentionally exposed. It was just that she was caught by this guy in front of her. It’s just a snap.

How could she, Sayuri Sawamura, look like that in the photo?

Just delete the photos and everything can be restored.

If it were someone else, Sayuri Sawamura would have begun to intimidate and lure, but if the target is Sou Goku Tama, she…

Intimidation? I don’t know if Sayuri Sawamura is intimidating Doma Sougo, or Doma Sougo is intimidating her family.

Lure? The Tujian family has developed to the present, I am afraid that the entire Zecun family will be sent to the Tujian Guilong, the seemingly innocent old fox, it may not be worthy of it.

Thinking of this, the corner of Sawamura Sayuri’s mouth twitched.

The Tujian family was just similar to the Zecun family. Tujian Guilong also had to apologize to her and Spencer because the guy in front of him offended Yinglili. But why did the Tujian family soar in just a few years? Don’t need it…

At that time, she was also naive. Seeing that Guilong Tujian was a famous patriarch, he was strict with his children. When his son made a mistake, he not only apologized, but also showed sincerity, she thought he was good. It’s also good, and let Ying Lili forget about the past, and get along well with the bastard in front of him…

Now it seems that she was wrong!

Is the Tujian Guilong who can develop the family into such a behemoth in a short period of time? Do not make jokes! Sawamura Sayuri understands the bloody degree of capital better than anyone else. To this day, the Tuma family still has no idea how many people’s bones have been trampled on.

The phrase “one will be successful and the bones are dead” is still applicable today!

With so many bones on her feet, Guilong in the earth was regarded as a good person by her once. Sayuri Sawamura feels sad to think about it…

The ignorant Tujian Guilong took a pot again and hung it on his back skillfully.

Sayuri Sawamura shook her head in her heart, and secretly said, “Speaking of which, she is not as accurate as the idiot Ying Lili. Ming Ming Ying Lili that idiot has said long ago, absolutely, never meet Doma Sougo alone, otherwise. , You will be pissed off…”

At that time, Sayuri Sawamura thought her daughter was joking, but now-she believes it!

By the way, Ying Riri seems to have said: “That fellow Tama Sougo is a devil. He is good at inciting others’ hearts, grasping the handles of others, and making others agree to his demands by way of transactions…”

Recalling this, Sawamura Sayuri fell into deep thought: “…”


In other words, isn’t she just being caught by the bastard Sougo Morama now? It’s just deliberate to say that it is transferred to the computer!


This guy directly explained that it was his subconscious behavior, that is to say-her family Yinglili didn’t lie!

If this bastard is not good at grasping other people’s handles, how could he capture her flashy ugliness? If he doesn’t do this often, how can he subconsciously transfer other people’s ugliness to the computer? This is a bright threat!

“Brother Sogo, but elder sister, I don’t want to keep that kind of photo. What do you say?” After Sawamura Sayuri tried to pass, she changed her name again, but she couldn’t see the feeling of unfamiliarity just now. With a sense of temptation again.

“If Sister Sawamura believes me, I can delete the photos in the phone here first, and then delete the forwarding received on the computer after I go back…” Sougo Doma is still sincere.

Sawamura Sayuri: “…”

It’s weird that Sayuri Sawamura, who always feels that she has seen through the nature of the earth, will believe it!

“By the way, after brother Zongwu moved to Tokyo, the sister has not visited your house before, so it is better to hit the sun instead. Is it okay for my sister to visit Brother Zongwu as a guest today?” While being a guest, staring at this Guy deleted the photo!

“Sister Sawamura, don’t you believe me? Do you want to personally supervise the deletion of the photos?”

“Why, brother Zou Go is too neurotic…” Sayuri Sawamura said with a light smile: “I really want to go to Brother Zong Go’s house to talk about the old, and the name of brother Zou Go to sister has also changed, just now. She’s still Sister Sayuri, but now she’s become Sister Zecun in a strange way. If you don’t get together with brother Zongwu, I’m afraid I’ll be called into the next meeting, hey, woman!”

“Sister Sayuri joked, my side also changed because of your change of name. Sister Sayuri just saw it so far. If I climb up the pole, other people know that I will gossip…” Chao will climb up the pole. So Tuma Sougo said, after he sat down again, he poured a cup of black tea into the cup for himself, and then continued:

“Of course it’s an honor for Sister Sayuri to be a guest at my place, but I want to make one point in advance. The picture of my sister just now is not only in the place where I live, but also in the Tamamoto family’s super count. There should also be a copy. .”

“Puff……” Sayuri Sawamura heard the words, and the black tea she had just drunk spouted out: “Super, super, super count?”

She, her gaffe was passed on to the super count? Is this really serious? That’s a supercomputer. Many countries don’t even have the qualifications. Even if it is a big country, supercomputers are precious research equipment in major laboratories, but they are now told to store her gaffes…

Sawamura Sayuri doesn’t know if she should be happy or should her mentality burst!

“Woo~!” Seeing Sawamura Sayuri’s look blank, Tama Sougo squeezed his chin and said, “There is no way, the super-calculation space is so huge, it always feels wasteful not to store something in it, so I put some of my All the pictures, audios, and videos I appreciate are all stored in.”

Sawamura Sayuri: “…”

It’s not what you admire at all, but evidence that can be used to blackmail transactions…

Yinglili is right!

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