Chapter 583

“Well, how did you come in? It’s probably an illegal trespass…” Sougo Doma, who had no criminal consciousness at all, approached An Yilun, and explained like a chatting home:

“As for what are you going to do~! Of course it is to look at the little mice slopping around on the Internet…”

“Don’t, don’t mess around, you are a crime, I, my parents are at home, I, if something happens to me, you, you will also escape, you can’t escape…” The sentence of illegal intrusion made An Yilun also afraid Now, when has he seen such a ruthless person who doesn’t take the law seriously?

Combining with everything that Doma Sougo just explained to him, his behavior on the Internet has been known. Now that the victim comes to the door, it must be revenge against him. He wants to shout “Help,” but, Doma Sougo Satoru looks confident and innocent…

“Papa…” Just as An Yilun was trembling and talking, Doma Sougou had already walked in front of him, and then he patted his face and said: “You guys are so lucky, I I just promised others not to use violent means to deal with you, you just jumped out and jumped…”

This is the truth. If An Yilun also forced Xiaobui to give up the position two years ago, this guy’s grave head grass is probably two meters high. It was also the last two years that he had cultivated his mind and nature before thinking about it. Just send the person to Africa, who knows, before the person is sent away, this guy wants to instigate public opinion against him on the Internet…

If he knew this earlier, he should have killed him directly, but unfortunately, the earthmoving bastard knew that he had nothing to do with this guy, and now he cuts him directly, the earthmoving should be nagging again, it doesn’t matter if the earthmoving nagging, if you let Xiaobury I know, if O’Neill cut off her classmate, that dumpling will definitely accept it!

Thinking of this, Sougo Tama also had to sigh. Could it be that this guy really has the protagonist’s aura or something? Why did he think of killing him directly?

At the same time that Tujian always realized with emotion, An Yilun also seemed to understand something and became excited:

“Yes, it’s Eiri, right? You, the guy you said is Eiri, right? I, I know, I know Eiri can’t let me go…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, this guy already knew how that little golden retriever felt for him, woo~! Feelings really lost if the person who put in it first, that little golden hairy, regardless of his popularity, talent, family background, looks, or personality, all slapped this eye house, but it was still because he was delayed for a few years in vain. .

“I’m sorry, you guessed wrong, Miss Sawamura didn’t ask me to promise anything at all. Okay, that’s it, little mouse, we should get the business done…” Sougo Tama said as he said. He squeezed his fist and made a “click” sound.

“Wait, wait, didn’t you promise…” Seeing that Sougen Motoma who almost didn’t write “violent madness” on his face, An Yilun was also anxious.

“Don’t worry, I said that if you don’t use violence against you, it won’t work, boy, I’m here to give you Gold Finger…” Tsuchima Sougou smiled brightly.

“Wh, what’s the meaning…” Before An Yilun finished speaking, she felt that her eyes went dark and she passed out into a coma.


The next day.

An Yilun also woke up in a daze from her sleep: “Hey~! Never stay up all night again next time.”

While rubbing his temples, he muttered to himself: “By the way, the works that went to sea today…”

Speaking of this, An Yilun was also stunned.

He seemed to think of something.

Last night, after he was crazy about being bullied online, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell asleep early. In other words, he didn’t stay up at all…

The reason for his headache was because of his long dream last night…

An Yilun also had a dream. On the day of the “Love Metronome” signing event, he did not choose to go, but went to another signing event with the author under the pseudonym “Male”—— Mr. Crab, he remembered the name only after a little recollection.

He didn’t know what his own thoughts were in his dreams. What would be good for Mr. Crab to participate in the signing of a man’s pen name? What’s more, Mr. Crab is not a newcomer writer. Even if he is the first to get an autograph, it is impossible to find useful value in the other party.

For the egoist An Yilun, this is simply a joke! However, after arriving at the signing event, An Yilun also knew that Mr. Crab turned out to be an extremely cute girl, or that Mr. Crab could not be used to refer to each other, but should be used—Ker Nayuduo.

With the development of the dream, An Yilun also saw that in the dream, he once again used the way of negotiating with the seat of the earth, causing the guy in the first place to give up his position, and he became the first sign of Kerr Nayuduo… …

When the dream developed to this point, An Yilun also nodded in satisfaction. This is the correct way to open. He has already taken his seat, so why not give him the position? Sure enough, the development in the dream is more in line with his common sense…

Because it was the first reader, he was given more time to communicate than others. During the communication, the egoist An Yilun also keenly discovered that there was a problem with Kerr Na Yudo-this represents , He has a chance to start!

After careful investigation, An Yilun also discovered that it turned out that Kerr Nayuta had been bullied on campus, so he knew his chance was coming…

In his dream, he was constantly looking for opportunities to get in touch with Kerr Nayuduo. After he got acquainted, he continued to call on the Internet in the name of helping the other party to avenge, so that those students involved in bullying would be exposed to the public. After the performance, Kerr Nayuduo in the dream has already regarded him as an indispensable person, and will discuss everything with him…

After this.

In his dream, he also got acquainted with Eromanga teacher, Yamada Goblin, etc. through Kerr Nayudo’s contacts…a series of important characters in the second dimension.

As for Eri Sawamura, after seeing Eromanga’s painting skills, he was forgotten by him in his dreams, not to mention that his former little brother Iori Hashima returned to Tokyo. After knowing his connections at this time, he even slapped him forward, wishing to hand over the society inherited from Hongsaka Zhuyin directly to him…

Iori Hashima’s younger sister Hashima goes out to sea and admires him very much. She is also a gifted girl. In An Yilun’s view, Hashima’s talent for going out to sea is no worse than Yinglili’s. She just lacks teaching and experience. That’s it.

And in these two aspects, An Yilun in the dream also has contacts and lacks teaching. Teacher Eromanga is definitely more than enough to guide Bodao out to sea. As for experience, he has so many contacts. As long as he is willing to sit down, those people he contacts must be Will hand over the work to the sea, as long as these two points are made up, the island of Bo Island will be the next English pear…

Kerr Nayuta, whose works have sold close to ten million copies…

The best-selling author Yamada Fairy…

Eromanga, the hard-to-find picture…

An Yilun in the dream also feels that life has reached the peak. He can even feel the goodwill of those people in the dream towards him. However, as an egoist, he knows how to maintain these relationships——

That is: don’t accept, don’t reject!

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