Chapter 581 I suspect you are related to a large-scale bloodshed

The rise of the Internet has given some words the meaning of “novel”, such as going to take a bath-really when she Xiazhiqiu Shiyu doesn’t know what that means?

Zongwujun, who actually shied away from her, is still when her inspiration is about to explode…

When Xia Zhiqiu Shi Yuchao wanted to gritted her teeth, her inspiration dissipated. She once again entered the state of Cavin, while blasting someone in her heart, she muttered to herself like angrily: “Zong Wu-jun doesn’t even know, if not He, I have already taken a bath and rest…”

This is the truth, if Calvin is too much, it would be better to relax for a day.

“Girls take a bath longer than boys take a bath. After a while, even if Zongwu-jun takes a shower and sends me a message, it will take a long, long time for me to receive the news. After all, people have to take a bath…” Xiazhi Hill that has been lost.

But the facts once again proved that she was thinking too much. She was in the state of Cavan because she cared too much about the inspirations that inadvertently slipped through. As a result, she didn’t have much thoughts to bathe. After taking a shower absent-mindedly, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu I found it took less than half an hour.

“Boy bathing will end sooner, right?” With this thought, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu endured another ten minutes before sending the first message on the line.

“Zong Wujun, the excuses of going to take a bath are all used by girls!”

She thought, if Sougo Tama immediately returned the message, she would reply: “So, I’m going to take a bath…”

Although it is a normal means of revenge for elementary school students, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looks forward to how Doma Sougo feels when he receives the news.


At that time, Doma Sougo was still holding his head in the bathroom and meditating-what is the so-called sincerity of his family?

Ten minutes later.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who has not received a reply for a long time, is a little impatient. The evidence is that the blank document in her notebook is already full of text at this time-why not reply to the message, why not reply to the message…

Waiting is actually an anxious thing, especially those who are waiting are also hung up with abnormal BUFF-Calvin.

Fortunately, before her anxiety broke out, Sougo Tama replied.

Waiting is indeed an anxious process, but after waiting for the results, the anxiety dissipated. Seeing Tujian Zouwu’s reply, I can feel the news of unlovable life in the text, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu instantly I feel that today’s unhappiness has disappeared…


Sōgo-kun who is good at death has appeared!

Hasn’t she been living so well recently, which has caused her to gain a little weight? Does it need to be reminded all the time? Besides, hasn’t she already decided to lose weight?

Having said that, who said that beautiful girls don’t need to lose weight! You know, the enemy of all girls in their lives is the weight guy!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who just found out that she was a little fatter, tried to calm her mood before sending a message:

“Zong Wu-jun is despising me for being fat?”

“Why don’t it be more plump to describe it?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Sou-kun is not that he can’t speak, is this the so-called survival instinct?

at the same time.

Earth House.

“As long as you use nice language to modify it, you can deceive yourself and others. Why not do it?”

Seeing the edited news on the mobile phone, Tuma Zougou hesitated to post it. At this time, there were two villains in his mind fighting each other.

Dressed in white, with a holy face, the little humanity said: “Send it, only let others face up to their own shortcomings, they will correct them…”

Dressed in black, the villain with a look of evil followed nodded: “Yes, to live is to beat others, to please oneself…”

Listening to the argument between the two villains, Doma Sougo sighed, exclaiming that this was a difficult choice, and sent the news.

After the news was sent, the other side seemed to be quiet.

Sougo Doma happened to focus on the current news on the Internet again. However, today I don’t know what the situation is, it seems that someone is always disturbing him. He just opened the webpage here, and the silly guy came out on the other side.

“Master, the guy named TAKI started to guide netizens to guess the school where he was bullied little by little…”

“It’s really a mouse that likes to jump around…” As Sougo Morama spoke, a cold light flashed in his eyes: “Did he lead it?”

“Master, that guy’s IP has been locked by Silly Qiang a long time ago, not to mention, Silly Qiang has blocked his network long ago. That TAKI thought he was making trouble on the Internet, but in fact, that was just a foolish tampering. In a local area network, even the netizens who reply to him are silly robots…”

“Good job.” Sougo Tama exclaimed.

“It’s a silly honor to serve the host. Master, do you need to locate that guy’s address in reality?”

“Silly strong, it seems that you know me very well~! Then, just give me a position…”


The moment Silly Qiang finished answering, a well-positioned map appeared on the computer screen, and Sougo Tuma stretched out: “Although he just promised that the guy from the earthworker should not be so irritable, but a rat The sky is dangling in front of me, it’s really annoying!”

While he was speaking, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had been silent for a long time, sent a message again on the line.

“Zong Wu Jun really disliked that people became fat, sobbing and sobbing, but, Zong Wu Jun, who do you think is the guy who made me fat?#^_^##^_^#”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

I always feel that Shiyu has a very high endurance…

“Most of the things like getting fat are my responsibility? For example, I can’t keep my mouth shut, I can’t move my legs…” Sougo Doma put on his coat and replied on his mobile phone: “However, Shiyu Just thinking about the appearance of running with legs open, it feels like shaking, right?”

“What will shake?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t react for a moment.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Nothing, in fact, what I want to say is, Shiyu, you don’t have to take your legs. This is not in line with your personality. The sudden change of the literary girl’s sports style will disappoint everyone…” In fact, Sougo Tama just now After reacting, if Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu really took her legs, then the benefits she gave would make some people bleed, not to mention, he himself would feel very heartbroken!

“Zong Wu-jun, you don’t know, I don’t care what those guys think of me ( ̄ー ̄), and it’s Zong Wu-jun who said I’m getting fat, and Zong-wu-jun who said that I can’t open my legs. , But why now it seems that Mr. Zongwu meant to stop me from opening my legs, it’s weird, otherwise, I will try to open my legs tomorrow…”

“No, Shiyu, listen to me, after you really stepped your legs, it is very likely that you will die…”


“When a boy sees a scene that is too stimulating, it will cause blood loss and brain congestion. If you are not careful, many people will bleed and die!”

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