Chapter 574: Where Is The Coolest?

Earth House.

After hanging up Shinomiya Kaguya’s call, Sougo Doma contacted Shiburo again while rotating his seat. After the two sides had a friendly meeting on the issue of whitewashing, Shiburo acquiesced. The matter of playing the banner of Shigiya Kaguya——He was moved by Sougo Tama’s statement:

In this country where capital controls everything, when an armed force is backed by countless chaebols, then it is easy for it to wash away, or it is a white industry in itself!

At the same time, Turkishiguro also promised to Tuma Sougo that he will implement what he told him as soon as possible, and he has repeatedly emphasized that Soutu Tuma must not go to the black hand by himself-no matter what, the other party will also do it. The people protected by the Sawamura family and the Kosaka family…

If you really want to make a case of disappearance, murder, or something, the Takasaka family can’t overcome any storms, but the Sawamura family is a diplomat-you can’t be inadvertent, these cases will become diplomatic. Incident.

In this regard, Tuma Sougou expressed his helplessness: (¬_¬)

He is not a demon! Is it so cruel? The earthwork guy really likes to worry about others…

“I know, I know, then, I’m waiting for the good news from Mr. Earth…” The persuaded Sougo Doma casually dealt with it: “Then, Mr. Earth, I’ll be okay. Hang up!”

After hanging up the phone, Doma Sougo stretched with his back leaning on the recliner, and then looked at the time again.

PM09: 00

At this point in time, it’s not too late or too early, but he hasn’t heard the movement of Zhen Bai coming up today. Usually at this time, Zhen Bai has already finished his bathing and painting in the room, etc…

Doma Sougogo thought of something, and quickly went downstairs.

“Really white, why would the second man drive down the river bank with a dog? This is unrealistic, it is too headless…” Just before arriving in the living room, Sougo Tama heard his own teachings. Voice.

“Brake failure?” Zhenbai is good at making up points.

“No, Xiao Mu said that there is no beginning and no end, it means that the plot has developed, and the reason for the male second and the dog to be together is too far-fetched…” Hamster buried himself as a teacher.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Does this piece of waste material really want to teach the true white? It seems, very serious!

“Teacher, what do you mean?” At the time that Tuma never knew, Zhen Bai, who was studious, had been fooled to call the teacher directly.

“It’s really white, we might as well be bold!” Hamster buried proposed.

“Be bold?”

“For example, the second male fell in love with dogs…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”


Stop now, I am stupid, what horrible thoughts are you instilling in Zhenbai? How could human beings…no, we must prevent Xiao from burying this guy, otherwise, next time it won’t be the male second who likes dogs, but he will like it!

“The second man always likes dogs…” Shiina is a little puzzled. In her setting, the second man is a guy who loves pets.

“Tsk tusk…” The hamster shook his index finger and said, “It’s really white, the liking I said is not what you understand…”

“Cough cough…” Before the hamster could finish speaking, Doma Sougo quickly coughed twice and interrupted her: “It’s really white, don’t listen to Xiaomu’s nonsense, she…”

“Ouni-chan!” This time, the hamster with his cold eyes stood up and interrupted Sougo Domama’s words when he came in: “Excuse me, when did Xiao Ma be talking nonsense?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What’s wrong with this guy?

He watched carefully, but saw himself in the cold light that came out of him, such a sentence: “Euny sauce, you know that the white hole does not remind Xiao buried, and almost made Xiao buried overturned. Fortunately, Xiao buried is witty. , You have not been misled, and now you come again to say that Xiaojian is talking nonsense, when Xiaojian is a vegetarian?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What a strong resentment!

It turns out that it is this resentment that has manipulated a lot of your own waste material-blame it!

Sougo Tama can guarantee that this waste hamster just wants to have fun! He represents justice now, and everything he does is to prevent the truth from being crooked, he is right!

“Little buried, let’s not talk about the relationship between people and dogs…”

“Have you ever heard of Nianghua?” The hamster buried his hands and embraced it, which was justified.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This piece of rubbish actually followed him in this way? In this country where everything can be motherhood, let alone a dog, it can be motherhood even with a pencil and a piece of toilet paper!

Sougo Doma couldn’t refute it after being seized by waste materials.

“Teacher, what is motherhood?” At the same time he was embarrassed, Shiina Mashiro on the side entered the good student mode again.

“It’s really white, the so-called motherhood is to…” The hamster made a look at Sougo Tama while burying it. That means, Ernie-chan, do you really think that Xiaobai hasn’t prepared anything?

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this a provocation? Is it a provocation? Isn’t it a provocation to O’Neill?

very good! However, this waste material is too naive! Do you think you can do whatever you want? He has to let this waste material know more about it today, the dignity of O’Neill can’t be violated!

“Cough…” Just as Hamster Bui helped Zhenbai explain the nymph knowledge, Tuma Zougou coughed twice again.

It’s just that Hamster Buried just raised his head and glanced at Sougou Motoma, who pretended to be coughing, and continued to explain:

“For example, the motherhood of historical figures, like Toyota Hideyoshi…”

As for True White, he didn’t even lift his head.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

These two guys did it on purpose! ?

“Cough…” He coughed twice again, trying to force them to divert their attention.

This time, not only Zhenbai, but also a touch of his own waste, the dumpling continued to explain, Zhenbai kept nodding from the side:

“In addition to historical figures, there are even more things that can be motherhood, like cat mothers and dogs – this is also the extended plot that I just told Zhenbai, the mother of dogs…”

“Cough cough cough…” Doma Sougo’s cough used vigorously.

Looking at someone with a piercing cough.

Buried dumplings: “…”

Shiina Mashiro: “…”

They were silent for a long while, and before Tuma Zougou was happy and he finally attracted the attention of the two, they heard the impatience of their own waste material.

“Euny sauce, you are very noisy!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”


Something feels broken all over the ground.

Bastard, this waste material doesn’t care why he coughs, even if he doesn’t care about his coughing, it even dislikes him for being noisy? he……

“Zongwu, it’s noisy…” Just as the dumpling finished complaining, Zhenbai nodded in agreement.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Heh, hehe, which corner of the house is cool, he should squat.

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