Chapter 562

“Euny sauce, idiot, idiot, no nerves!” A wave of quality triples.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

After so many years, the description of himself with many waste materials is still the same as before, and the vocabulary of this country is really scarce.

“Well, I’m so stupid, as witty as what’s your plan now?”

“Don’t use stupidity and wit together…” A certain hamster originally wanted to say it, but after thinking about it, it was useless, she decisively took another sentence: “Actually, Xiao Mu has thought about it a long time ago. After that, keeping the other side of oneself hidden to contact with others is disrespect for others…

If Zhenbai can help Xiaomai keep secrets, then it will be regarded as Zhenbai at home, and Xiaomai can do whatever he wants…”

“I hope Zhenbai keeps the secret?” Sougo Doma is a little lacking in confidence, especially after taking care of Zhenbai, the bad things that happened to him…

However, apart from the misunderstanding of the two simulations, it is really white that I have never said anything else. Even if she herself is a world-class artist, if she is not explained on the sidelines, I am afraid that no one knows that it is really white. identity……

It’s not surprising that the guy Zhenbai probably shut herself into the field of painting. Apart from painting, she basically didn’t care about anything, cough cough, that’s not right, but one more thing, except for comics and food. Besides, as for her identity, she didn’t even care about it–

It’s no wonder that after Zhenbai found out that Xiaobui’s transformation state, he didn’t feel any worry in his heart. Tuma Zou Gou suddenly realized that, perhaps, he subconsciously thought that Zhenbai would not tell the matter.

Just as the earth’s thoughts were flying around, the hamster was holding a small fist: “Ounichan, it is said that choosing a day is not as good as hitting the sun. It just so happens that today I found the other side of the small buried, so we just need to find one. The reason comes out, so that Zhenbai will not reveal the secret. In this way, Xiao Mu will not only survive the catastrophe, but will also be able to…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Through the thinking just now, he has already understood how secret Zhenbai keeps other things secret. In fact, he can directly tell this dumpling right now. The guy Zhenbai probably hasn’t realized the problem of the size change. Even if he does, Zhenbai will not. What to say outside, after all, she has basically never spoken to other people.

It’s just that, looking at the bloody expression of this dumpling, Tuma always realizes that if she pours down the cold water of the truth, will she go out directly? If it’s better, play with her. He definitely, definitely not for the sake of it. Fun!

“Woo, the reason? What kind of reason should you look for?”

“Hmph, hum!” Hamster Mui smiled triumphantly: “Euny Chan, Xiao Mu never fights unprepared battles, for reasons or something, actually Xiao Mu has already thought about it…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Is it serious that this waste material of his family is too much?

“Euny sauce, do you remember? Three months ago…”

“What happened three months ago?” Sougo Tama was puzzled.

“Ouni-chan, I’m finished listening to Xiao Mai. This is the reason Xiao Mai has been preparing for a long time. Don’t interrupt…” Hamster Mai turned his head and looked at the earth with a serious mind.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Since this is the case, don’t ask him in a questioning tone!

“Three months ago, Xiao Mai and O’Neill separated in the playground. On the way, Xiao Mai ran into the legendary White Pants organization doing an evil trade. At that time, Xiao Mai was both scared and nervous, not at all. Dare to speak out. I thought that this would not attract the attention of the white pants organization. Who knows, because I was too nervous, I stepped on a can that was littered by others…”

Before Xiao Bui could finish speaking, Tuma Zou Wu was already shocked: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Xiao, don’t think that replacing the black organization with the white pants organization can directly copy “Into the Ke Xue Washing Machine”…”

“Huh? Has this reason been used before? Xiao Buried has been thinking about it for a long time…” Hamster Buried was unhappy.

“You are just revisiting it at all! And, what kind of evil trade is it? Why does the evil trade that you can see at a glance take place in a playground where people go…”

“Euny sauce, evil trade is evil trade, righteous people can naturally see it at a glance. As for why it is in a playground where people go, didn’t I say? That place is very remote, and the most dangerous place. Isn’t the place the safest place?” The hamster said with an expression of Zhizhu holding it.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Has this piece of scrap material ignored revisiting and plagiarism?

“Excuse me, how did you move and step on a discarded can when you were both scared and nervous? Shouldn’t you be too scared to move?”

“Euny sauce, this is called placement of ads, it’s just the money…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Why do you make up a reason for placing an advertisement? Besides, even if it is an advertisement placement, that can, yes, it is the can product that caused you to be discovered. Do you want people to buy it or not? Buy, buy to harm others?”

“Tsk tut~!” The 40cm dumpling stretched out his index finger and shook it, while saying: “Ouni sauce, you are too superficial, it is not a product advertisement for a can, but an environmental advertisement. Well, maybe if you throw it away, it will bring unknown danger to others…”

With a play mentality, Tujian always comprehends Cannian face: (¬_¬)

“Xiao Mu, are you serious about finding a reason?”

The hamster was slightly stiff: “…”

For a long while.

She squatted down and held her head again.

“Ah~! O’Neill, Xiao Mai doesn’t know what to do, as long as it’s really white, really white…” Even Xiao Mai was helpless with the natural manifestation of Zhen Bai before he figured out the situation.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

So, this guy just pretended to be full of confidence?

Forget it, just tell this waste material about the true white situation.

However, before Tuma Zou Wu could speak, a small white hand stretched out, patted Xiaobu gently and said, “Sister, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid…”

Doma Sougo turned his head and looked at the person. It turned out to be really white. Just after thinking about it, he suddenly said: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Really, really white, you, when did you come here?”

Xiao Mu, who was holding his head to be comforted, also raised his head, and then: “…”

This, this is really done! The fool, O’Neill, didn’t even notice when Zhen Bai came over. She looks like this, looks like this…

“Hahaha, do you know? Buried in the soil, at home is…”

“Hey, I didn’t expect you to know it too, I was just about to tell you…”

“What else are you talking about, the eldest daughter…”

“The four bodies do not work hard and the grains are not divided…”

“The home economics class has a full score, it’s all mixed up! Otherwise…”

I think about the rumors that will rise in the school after she is exposed. Under these rumors, let alone continue to be the target of other people’s efforts, those who have fallen into trouble will not laugh at her as good, unless O’Neill…


Just like Doma Sougo did not want Xiao Mu to hear bad rumors about him, Hamster Mai did not want Doma Sougo to hear her strange rumors outside.

After all, whether O’Neill sauce or a touch of more, they are all guys who die outside and want face.

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