Chapter 560 She wanted to give up at the time!

Masashiro’s meeting with Iida Ayano this time can be regarded as a breakup. In fact, anyone who has been showered with a glass of water from the top of his head can not return satisfactorily.

“Zongwu, do you often do it…” Zhenbai who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke on the way back.

“Probably…” His hands were wrapped around the soil on the back of his neck, and he said casually.

After getting the answer, Shiina Mashiro squeezed his fist subconsciously.

“However, I will only do it when someone offends me.”

Zhen Bai, who clenched his fist, unconsciously loosened it again.

“Did Ayano offend Sougo?” Shiina was puzzled.

“Idiot, you can see the little guy with the color, how can I let you be fooled by that guy to draw some crazy comics? By the way, there is a crazy comics master who has been in the sea for a long time. Go ashore…”

“But, Sougo is really tough to do it…” Seeing Sougo Dooma, who was not knowing if he was explaining, Shiina Masashi said suddenly.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“It’s white, don’t use this weird statement, otherwise, you will really go to the sea. If you don’t lie to you, it will be difficult to go ashore. I know how horrible it is after going into the sea…”

at the same time.

Ayano Iida, who was soaked in water, talked on the phone in a desperate manner.

“Chihiro, who is the guy taking care of your cousin now?” It was very loud, with a feeling of bursting mentality.

“You didn’t meet that guy, did you?” Chihiro Chihiro said with some sympathy when thinking about Sougo Tama’s “great achievements”.

“Chihiro, what’s your tone? Anyway, doesn’t that guy know what etiquette is? Don’t you know what respecting an adult is?” Iida Ayano gritted her teeth.

“It seems that you really met that guy, what happened?”

“I just made a reasonable suggestion to Maashiro. That guy doesn’t want to listen to it, but…” Iida Ayano gritted his teeth again: “He actually took water and fell on my head. I grew up so old and never I have never been treated like this before. If it weren’t for your sake, I would definitely say to Zhenbai directly, I can’t bring her as an’artist’!”

Chihiro Chihiro: -_-|||

It sounds like that guy at Sakura Village still kept his hands.

“That guy, he really looks like someone who can do this kind of thing…”

“That’s why I want to ask you, how could Zhenbai let that guy take care of her and claiming to be her guardian. Didn’t I mean that Zhenbai’s relatives here are only you?”

“This was actually an accident. According to that guy, he was kidnapped by him, that is, his trophies!” An unscrupulous teacher splashing dirty water frantically.

Iida Ayano: -_-|||

“Chihiro, this joke is not funny at all. I called today to tell you that if the really white guardian doesn’t change, then change me…”

“Um~! Then you should discover the next new person. In fact, I have no right to speak about Zhenbai now, so I will give Zhenbai to Tuma Sougo…that is, the guy in your mouth is the decision of Zhenbai’s parents. By the way Just to mention, that guy is also the worst person I have ever seen, not one of them.”

Iida Ayano: -_-|||

“Why did you tell me this kind of thing earlier?”

“Sorry, there have been too many friendships recently, I forgot, having said that, what you mean is, is it really white that you want to give up?”

“There is no way, there is Sougo Tama, I can’t make any comments. The comics need stories, there is no interesting content, and the white style is good and useless…” Iida Ayano rubbed it. Temple Road.

“…” Chihiro Chihiro was silent for a while: “So what does it mean to be really white? That girl has been aiming for the debut of a manga artist, because of this goal…” She came to this country alone.

“…” Ayano Iida was also silent for a long while: “Zhen Bai seemed to be persuaded by him. At least, she didn’t take my suggestion. In other words, Tama Sougo would not be sent by Zhen Bai’s parents. Did you persuade her to return to the art circle?”

“No such thing!” Chihiro Chihiro is very sure of this, the second young master of the Tujian family, if Zhenbai’s parents can invite him, that Shiina family has long been famous in this country: “However, you are not Zhenbai. Is it the editor of? It’s reasonable for you to make comments. That guy shouldn’t… By the way, are you making comments?”

Iida Ayano: -_-|||

“What comments can I make, I just want Zhenbai to paint the content with a sense of excitement, passion, and welfare. Then, a glass of water fell on my head…”

Chihiro Chihiro: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Why does it sound like the total enlightenment of the Tujian family is maintaining true whiteness? Illusion?

“Although it is not very clear, don’t comics rely on content to win?”

“Chihiro, have you become a diehard old man? In this era, there is no welfare, no meat comics, how can you win? Forget it, you don’t understand the current market, right, Listen to your tone, the true white guardian probably won’t be replaced…”

“Almost, Ayano, you don’t really want to…”

“I’m also thinking about it. If Zhen Bai stays with that guy every time, I really don’t know how to guide her…” Ayano Iida hesitated, but her voice was firm: “What’s more, I’m afraid I will be pissed to death by contacting that guy!”

If Tuma Sougou is here now, then he can be sure of one thing, that is, this woman is not trying to harm Zhenbai, but is really stupid. She is so stupid that she unknowingly harms people and she doesn’t even know it. Said, I’m afraid I’m going to use this all for the sake of being really good.

The most indispensable person in this world is this kind of people, who are smart and self-righteous, let others suffer, and then satisfy themselves. After all, the fate of not listening to them is definitely worse. If you listen to them, even if you suffer, it is also avoided. Most of the risks are ignored.

When I heard Ayano Iida’s gritted and firm voice.

Chihiro Chihiro: “…”

Heh, hehe~! The second young master of the Tujian family is really terrible!

“Ayano, did you tell Zhenbai about this? You know, Zhenbai came here to go to school alone, and I am afraid that you still have your share in it…”

“Chihiro, you asked Zhenbai to submit the manuscript to me. Besides, Zhenbai is indeed very talented. If she listens to me, I guarantee that she can make her debut as a cartoonist this year…

By the way, Chihiro, you said that if I ask Zhenbai, I want the guardian or me, you say, who will Zhenbai choose? “Iida Ayano suddenly thought of something.

“Do you want to take care of Zhenbai?” Chihiro Chihiro was puzzled.

“Sorry, I can’t even take care of myself, I just want to make Zhenbai come out later, don’t bring that guy!”

“Can you guarantee real white safety?”

Iida Ayano: “…”

For a long while.

“Sure enough, I’d better give up being really white, although, I’m very sorry for her…”

Of course, if she came to beg her after she was really sad, she wouldn’t be unable to turn back.

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