Chapter 558

“Editor Iida, you think too much. I never think that talent can determine the future path. Although the path of talent will be easier to follow, interest is the ladder of human progress, whether it is an artist or a cartoonist. , It’s all my own choice, no one else can interfere…”

This kind of thing, Tuma Zou Wu is quite free, even if his family chooses the way of salted fish and dried things with a lot of waste, didn’t he not interfere?

“Zongwu…” Zhenbai who felt relieved didn’t know why her heart jumped. She seemed to feel a little uncomfortable with the doubt that she had just raised.

“It sounds good to say, but it’s not like that you behaved. It’s your attitude towards the publication of the true white manga…” Iida Ayano seemed to recognize this, and she stirred the coffee in front of her. One side refused to give in.

“I’m telling Zhen Bai, don’t go too far, you can’t be a fat man in one breath, she can only make up the basics first…” When it comes to theory, Tujian Zougou really has more than one set.

“What’s so high? You guy doesn’t understand Zhenbai’s potential. Of course, as an ordinary person, you can’t understand genius…” Iida Ayano, who regarded Zhenbai as a treasure, refused to accept.

You know, when Zhenbai submitted her article, she was shocked by the style of painting. If the story of Zhenbai’s work is not too bad, she can sign Zhenbai on the spot, even if the story is just average, as long as it is really white. The background identity of’s can be promoted, and she can also sign it directly!

It’s a pity that the story of Zhenbai’s works is really unsightly. She can only guide and hold the other side steady at the same time, but… the phone guidance is useless at all!

The true white plot is always so little content, what can she do? She is also desperate!

Fortunately, Zhenbai really wanted to learn manga. After listening to her opinions, she came to this country alone to study. When Iida Ayano heard the news, she was crazy happy, if, Zhenbai manga story. Sex can be a little more interesting, she can guarantee that with the exquisite style of painting, comics can be sold…

She can also be promoted, raise her salary, and even take up the post… ahem, she is too dreamy, she still doesn’t want to.

No, when I made an appointment with Zhenbai to meet, she came over and waited early, and she saw Zhenbai too, but the young man who claimed to be Zhenbai’s guardian made her angry enough, if it weren’t for her good professional recovery, Hehehehe, this restaurant has long since become the scene of the bloodshed…

Now, what does this maddening guy say, at Zhen Bai’s current level, it is a high level to want to publish comics. If Zhen Bai listens to this, what should I do after studying for a year or two?

Yes, Iida Ayano admits that if Jinshiro has studied manga creation skills for three to five years with great concentration, he will definitely have a much stronger foundation than his current debut. Even three or five years later, Jinshiro will even be able to create stories. Grow, but she can’t wait, after all, people are selfish…

Three or five years later, God knows if she is still in charge of the comics. Even if the comics created are really white, it has nothing to do with her!

Because of this, she had to stop the self-proclaimed guardian. Besides, she did not lie. If Zhenbai listened to her advice and made the story a little more interesting, she can guarantee that Zhenbai will be published. Opportunity, after all, Zhenbai still has the title of a genius and beautiful girl oil painter…

“I can fully appreciate the potential of Zhenbai to make trouble. As for her potential to create stories now, sorry, I really didn’t find it…” Tuma, an ordinary person, always realized that Zhenbai had created works, said.

“That’s just because Mashiro didn’t use the right method before…” Iida Ayano didn’t care about it at this time: “I think it’s difficult to create a story, but it’s just an ordinary person’s idea!”

Hearing this, Shiina Shinairo’s eyes lit up. Before Sougo Morama could speak, she preemptively said, “Ayano, is it true? I used the wrong method before?”

In response, Iida Ayano showed a provocative look at Tama Sougo.

Seeing this, Tuma Sougou shrugged and made an expression like you said, I’m listening.

“Really white, before you create the story, have you tried to draw material from your life? Use comics to describe what happened around you…” Seeing Tama Sougo ignoring his provocation, Iida Ayano turned his head. Facing Zhenbai Road.

“Put the stories around you in the form of comics? Are you trying to murder the true imagination?” But before she could finish her words, Sougo Tama interrupted.

It’s a joke to portray the story around me in comics. If this is the case, the first thing that collapses is definitely the rubbish. If there are more people watching, the image of her dried salted fish will be out of reach. , The second one who suffers is definitely him, two salted fish…

How could this kind of thing be allowed to happen? He has stopped it once, and this time, he has to come from the source!

“What are you asshole talking about? Why is this murdering imagination?” At the beginning of the suggestion, I was interrupted, and Iida Ayano was also quite annoyed.

“First of all, I have to make one point first. I agree with the saying that art comes from life…” No matter what you do, you must first let yourself master the theoretical basis, said Soma Sougou:

“However, art comes from life, not copied from life. If you draw things around as comics, isn’t it the same as watching a real movie plagiarizing the plot? It was good at the beginning. After all, everyone’s life is There are similarities and differences, people can find resonance from the same points, and they can also feel joy and sadness from different points…

That is, the so-called, watching other people’s stories and shed tears, but this is just the beginning, everyone’s daily life is mostly full of plain, no novel plots, and the daily life tends to be plain again, may I ask, take it What should I do next? Not to mention……

Once plagiarism is done for the first time, it will develop inertia. May I ask, what should Zhenbai learn from when creating the second comic after the first volume has become flat and sales have declined? It’s impossible to learn from life again, right? Didn’t cultivate her imagination and logic ability to create stories in the beginning? Just thinking about learning from life, your suggestion is really great…”

The words were great, but Iida Ayano clearly heard the guardian’s yin and yang tone.


Before she could say anything, Tama Sougo said again: “What’s more, as the editor Iida said, Zhenbai is a real genius, if her first manga is just copied from life. The “masterpiece” that came out, I believe, the results are not much better…”

“Then what do you think? If you don’t find materials from life, how can Zhenbai’s current works be published…”

“Heh…” Sougo Tama smiled: “So, didn’t I say it? It’s really white now…”

“Huh~!” Looking at the two confronting each other, Shiina Zhenbai didn’t know why she sighed. She was a little confused. Both of them seemed to make sense. She didn’t know who to help for a while!

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