Chapter 552

In fact, the matter is not very complicated. It is still a touch of wealth. In the end, it has to be blamed on Yamazaki’s 8 million Fukuzawa Yukichi, but Shirashima did not dare to bear the responsibility, and Anzai was hearing millions. , And when they are enough to accommodate them, I want to change the number to between 1-3.

As for Baidao, he is afraid that he won’t be able to get the money out of Teacher Songqi’s pocket. Who will pay for this loss at that time? Under this circumstance, the people from Shirajima regard Anzai and Tian Ye as thugs. If the millions are brought back, it will always be theirs, right?

Therefore, facing the question of “inviting” Teacher Song Qi, it did not cause too much entanglement, so Anxi went out with the people in Tian Ye.

However, the time seems to be a little longer, and when Doma Sougou showed an impatient look, how could Shirashima not take eye drops.

To be honest, the eye drops were really good. Sougo Doma almost became impatient and handed the position of president directly to Anzai. However, for the sake of his desperate defense, Sougo Doma still gave it to Anzai. Gave them a chance for a fair election…

I just don’t know when the teacher Songqi will arrive. You know, his tolerance is limited by time…

As the saying goes, Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives, Doma Zouwu smiled and nodded, and while muttering in his heart, he heard a “pop~pop~!”

When he turned his head, the source of the noise was the teacher Song Qi who was thrown on the ground.

“Oh~!” After Song Qi fell to the ground, she remembered to cover her face first, and then she let out such a wailing.

Some members who didn’t understand the situation (know, but they didn’t tell, they just didn’t understand) saw the situation, and they scolded those latecomers who had thrown Teacher Song Qi on the ground:

“You bastards, how do you treat Teacher Song Qi this way?”

“Have you all forgotten Ms. Song Qi’s guidance?”

“If it weren’t for Teacher Song Qi, you bastards should have been…”

The people on the White Island side were even more happy.

“Anxi, Tian Ye, you still want to run for president?”

“Forget it if you disrespect the teacher, and treat him…”

“Anxi, Tian Ye…”

It seemed that I was venting my anger for Teacher Song Qi and standing, but Tamazuo realized that this is the standing position. However, he didn’t say anything, he just watched this farce with a smile, although the beginning of the experiment was broken. However, the process is very gratifying. Before he can exert his strength, these members have already started to operate…

Faced with the accusations, An Xizhe and Tian Ye were not upset. They seemed to trust the person they were looking for: “Don’t jump to conclusions so quickly, but first ask them why they left Teacher Songqi on the ground…”

“Well, woo…”

The impulsive wanted to speak, but was stopped, Zuojima’s lesson was still ahead.

Seeing that no one was speaking, one of the few members who rushed over said: “We have no choice. We can’t find Teacher Songqi in the teacher’s office. We can only go around and try our luck. However, it is our monkeys. Sharp-eyed…”

While the man was talking, he patted a thin guy and said: “He, I can see at a glance that Teacher Songqi has changed his casual clothes and is walking towards the school gate. Need to guide us, so we followed, and it turned out…

I saw Teacher Song Qi, he was holding a bank card into the cash machine, are you going to withdraw money or transfer money…”

“Ahem…” As soon as he finished speaking, Teacher Song Qi coughed twice: “Asshole, what do you students do for me to withdraw money? I…”

This kind of rebuttal did not lead to echoes, and the faces of the students who had been whispered a long time ago were ugly-that was their money!

“Ms. Songqi isn’t withdrawing money? We see that you pressed it, it seems to be the transfer of money…” The humanity who just brought Mr. Songqi back and threw it on the ground.

“It doesn’t matter whether you transfer money or withdraw money…” Teacher Song Qi felt that he had been insulted, and even the leader of the Kondo team didn’t dare to show his face to him. Why should these students dare? Even the principal was fooled by him, why these students…

“Ms. Song Qi, is that really your money?”

“It’s not mine, is it yours?”

“Ms. Songqi is not bad to say that. After all, that is the compensation that the Kondo team paid us, Mrs. Songqi, don’t you think so?” Seeing the rhythm came up, Anzai was the first step forward.

Teacher Song Qi:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Well, how do these guys know about this?

“Hu, nonsense, this is the pension that I have worked so hard for several years. What do you, you are talking about, I, I don’t know at all!” I can’t admit it, absolutely can’t admit it, otherwise…

“Ms. Matsuki meant to say that President Tama was lying? After all, the president said that he heard last night that Captain Yamazaki Kondo gave you a sum of money to settle us.” Anzai seemed to have the upper hand. Some are floating.

Toma Sougou never expected that this fire would burn himself. He patted his clothes and waited for Teacher Song Qi to perform. After all, Anxi dug a small hole for Song Qi. .

“I…” Song Qi felt half-hearted after hearing that the Kondo team gave him the cost of placement. However, after listening to Anxi all the time, Song Qi felt that he could still struggle: ” I, I really don’t know what resettlement fees are. I’m afraid it’s not the resettlement fees…”

Speaking of this, Ms. Song Qi looked at Tujian Sougo, who was sitting on the side, and that meant that the resettlement room was not given to him.


It’s just that he just gave a look when someone rushed up and punched him in the face: “Asshole, Master Tujian is not that kind of person!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

To the effect, he didn’t even put the fellow Fujigami Takuya on his mind, he actually wanted to be stunned with Ms. Song Qi.

“Fujigami, let’s go down, the next thing is about me and Teacher Song Qi…”

“Master Tujian, hug, sorry, I, I just want to ask for my cowardice…”

“Ah, I see, I see, you will be cowardly…” Sougo Doma jumped off the table while perfunctory, “Ms. Songqi, are you sure you don’t change your mouth?”

The guy who seriously asked the question hadn’t spoken yet, but the perfunctory Fujikami was excited: “Master Tuma, you, do you think I can get rid of my cowardice?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy is really annoying! only……

Sougo Tama carefully looked at Fujigami Taku and punched Mr. Matsuki in the face: “Well, the fist is very powerful, but there are too many scruples. If there is no scruples, this punch should be done by Mr. Matsuki. The tooth was broken.”

“I…” Fujigami Takuya lowered his head, treating Gu Ji as a coward.

Teacher Song Qi: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Is this using him as teaching material? What the hell is knocking out the tooth?

“Woo~! However, whether you have any scruples, if you don’t have any scruples, you may get rid of Ms. Songqi someday…” Ignoring the expressions of the two, Tama Sougo continued.

Teacher Song Qi: “…”

This, is this a threat? ? Is teaching so dangerous now? I lost it accidentally!

“Do, what does Master Domama mean?” Fujigami Takuya could hear other meanings.

“Watch well, learn hard…”

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