Chapter 544: A Seemingly Sincere and Habitual Annoyance

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu wanted to grit his teeth.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka has experienced a lot of evaluations of others. The nicknames she knows include: the flower of the mountain in Toyonosaki; the scholar of Toyonosaki, etc., even if there are occasional negative comments, it is an acknowledgment. Her appearance is slanderous. For example, a vixen, it seems that Gao Leng doesn’t know what to do…

After hearing this too much, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that she was immune to the attention of others, but what the hell is it like the middle-aged and elderly people in enjoyment? She is now in full bloom, even if she is out, she is also a genius and beautiful girl writer, beautiful girl! Maiden!

No matter what she thinks, she has nothing to do with middle-aged and elderly people now! ?


“Master Zongwu, in your cognition, who is enlightened enough to let a twelve-year-old child finish drinking without giving a lesson?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu originally wanted to push Tujian Zongwu’s hand away. I opened my eyes and asked him, but the refreshing feeling from her head made her reluctant to stay away…

“For example, I won’t!” Sougo Tama always dared to be the first.

Listening to these blatant words, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly felt relieved: “…”

She felt that the virtue of Zongwujun alone could persuade a group of people, plus, with her watching, other people would not want to discover the treasures in Zongwujun’s body!

“Zongwu-jun, please don’t use your own chestnuts, except you?”

“Have you heard of the fighting clan?” Tsuchima Sougou smiled.

“Saiyan?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu whose attributes were exposed.

“No, it’s the old Maozi. They raise bears as pets, but they don’t care if their children drink or not…” Facts speak louder than words!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

There are too many slots, but she can’t refute it! After all, bears, which are defined as dangerous animals in other countries, are indeed pets in that magical country full of warriors. What’s more, they really treat whiskey as a drink!

“In short, in the case of not fully developed, just ingest alcohol, which is not very good for the body… ooh~ha~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is still struggling with theory, but she is talking for a while. When sleepiness struck, she couldn’t help but yawn.

“That’s correct, so I was beaten honestly at that time…” Seeing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu with a tired face, Tuma Sougo was not talking about false things: “Idiot, don’t think so. Many, as I just said, what you need now is a good rest…”

“Woo~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was getting sleepy, could only respond with a hum.

“Good night~!” Looking at the other party who is about to fall asleep, Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

“Good night~night~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu murmured.

Seeing the former maid who was sleeping in An Ran, Doma Sougo gently moved his hands away from the opponent’s head, and then put his hands around the back of his neck. He first looked at the blue sky, and then at the sleeping Xia Zhiqiu:

“Idiot, I really feel relieved, how can I say, I am also a man, so courageous…” As he said this, Doma Sougo pulled out a spare dress behind him and gently covered it. On the other side.

“Woo~! After being upset by the guy Yang Nai, I developed the habit of carrying and changing clothes with me. I didn’t expect that I didn’t use it yet, but first… it’s cheaper for you…”

As soon as the clothes were put on, Sougo Doma stretched out, then put on his blindfold and enjoyed the time of his spring sleep.


About an hour and a half.

“Zong Wu Jun?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu rubbed his eyes and looked at Tu Jian Zong Wu, who was still in his original posture. I don’t know why, there was a warm current in my heart.

“Are you awake?” Although Chunmian is good, Tuma Zou Wu is not really sleepy. After waking up for a long time, he has already put his blindfold away, smiling lightly and looking into the distance. After hearing the noise, he also smiles. Unchanging response.

“You…” Seeing this scene, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blushed a little. Why did she just fall asleep like this, or still… She thought of getting up, but found that she didn’t know when she was covered with a school uniform, wait, this Whose clothes are they? ? So Goku is still wearing a school uniform jacket…

“Zongwu-jun, this coat…”

“You said this…” Seeing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s puzzling expression, Sougo Tama folded her coat again and put it on her body: “There is a saying that you should be prepared for no trouble. Prepare one more piece of clothing on your body. Actually, it doesn’t. Not a bad thing…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


Sogo-kun, do you really understand what it means to be prepared? Moreover, who would prepare two sets of school uniforms on him! and many more. In other words, is that school uniform from Sogo-kun? Zongwujun’s school uniform, doesn’t that mean that it has the taste of Zongwujun…

wrong! wrong! wrong!

Now is not the time to think about this. She just seemed to have slept for a long time. The proof is that after she woke up, she no longer felt the usual fatigue. If she slept for a long time, then:

“Well, I don’t care about the clothes beforehand, Zongwu-jun, did you just sit like this just now? Will you…” Very tired, fool Zongwu-jun, just sitting like this may cause qi and blood loss Not to mention, still being pillowed by her, can’t this guy put her aside while she is asleep?

However, before she could say her words, she heard Tama Enlightenment:

“Woo~! Actually, when you were resting, I took the opportunity to sleep in spring…” Sougo Doma stretched his waist, telling the truth, he is such a sincere person!

“Liar!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t believe it. Taking her as an example, if she was allowed to sit like Zong Wujun with one knee on a pillow, she would definitely not be able to sleep. Just the tingling sensation of her thighs being postponed would be no one. Can fall asleep…

Tuma Sougou: “…”

So, should he tell the truth? Is it better to tell lies? Why does his truth always make people question it?

“Actually, I really fell asleep just now…” Sougo Tama decided to struggle a bit.

But Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared at him like that, her eyes filled with unbelief.

“Not only did I fall asleep, I also had a dream…” Still wanting to struggle for the honest self, Sougo Tama decided to present the facts and reason!

“Dream?” When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched again. She hasn’t forgotten that Sougo Tama described her as one of the two big wicked people in her dream, although the other big wicked person is the little one. Just bury it, but where is she like the villain? It’s just that the matter has been fooled, and it is impossible for her to get angry at the dream…

If she gets angry even in her dreams, what will happen to her? But after Tuma Zougou once again mentioned the dream, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted his teeth—Couldn’t Mr. Zouwu dream of something strange again:

“Is Zongwu-jun dreaming again?” She tentatively asked first.

“Well, that’s right, I dreamt that when I went to the slaughterhouse, an accident happened, and a piglet was pressed tightly on my thigh…” In the earth, I am not afraid of death.

“Stop!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to understand something, his eyes flushed again: “Zongwu Jun, I allow you to reorganize the language…”

“Shiyu, honesty has always been a virtue I believe in…” Tuma. Wandering on the verge of death, and will not change after repeated teachings. Total realization.

“Really? So Jun Wu is so honest?” Xia Zhiqiu, full of danger, Shi Yu.

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