Chapter 537 Let you finish learning, I’m afraid I can’t touch the keyboard anymore

A lifetime request…

A lifetime request!

How could Sou Gou Tama refuse to speak so solemnly with a touch of waste? Once this kind of request cannot be rejected…

“Ouni-chan, a new game is out, this is definitely a lifetime for Xiao Bui…”

“Euny sauce, Xiao Mai has only one request in this life…”

“Oni sauce…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Speaking of which, how many times has he helped with a lifetime request?

Of course, Tuma Zougou has also opposed it. For example, he used to formally educate himself a lot: “Xiaobui, this kind of thing for life, you can’t talk nonsense in the future!”

“Why?” The hamster was puzzled.

“Because, if someone else hears it, Xiao Bui will feel very frivolous…” Sougo Doma stretched out his index finger to give an example.

“However, Xiao Mai wouldn’t say that to others, because it’s O’Neill, Xiao Mai…” Tuanzi lowered his head and touched his index fingers, looking very aggrieved.

“Actually, if there are only two of us, Xiao Qian can say whatever he wants…” It’s just that, less than a second before the dumpling was wronged, Sougo Tama had already explained it. At the same time, his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment, and he made a touch of his own. It’s because of him that he has said this for a lifetime, and a touch of oneself will be a touch of a lifetime of oneself!

“Euny sauce, is this all right?”


“Ouni-chan, that Xiaomai still has a request for a lifetime…” The dumpling, who had never remembered to eat, raised his head again.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The sense of accomplishment that has just risen seems to have diminished a little, for a long while.

“So, how many lifetime requests do you have!?”

“Hey hey, in fact, O’Neill only needs to satisfy countless small buried lifetimes…”

Seeing the many waste materials with a smile on his face, Tuma Zougou looked helpless, and said in his heart: “Oh, it seems that this is the only way to go.”

However, after that conversation, there was a lot of waste, but it was seldom to say a lifetime request. At the beginning, Tuma Zougou still sighed, and the waste seemed to have grown up.

But a week later, Tujian always realized that there was something missing in the life of Salted Fish.

Another week later.

“Xiaobui, look at it, this is the new orange-flavored Kuole, a blessing for soda lovers from the god of Kule, do you want it?” Sougo Doma asked, pointing to the advertisement on the TV.

“Huh~?” The hamster staring at the TV turned his head back: “Is it a bit late now?”

“Although it’s late, if Xiao Jian asked me, I wouldn’t be able to go out…” Tsuchima Sougo tempted.

“Woo~!” The hamster buried her words, put her index finger on her lips, as if thinking seriously, and after a long while, she said with a serious face: “It’s okay, it’s just one night, Xiao buried can bear it!”

“No, no, no, Xiao Bui doesn’t need to be patient at all, as long as you open your mouth a little bit, Ernie Chan will…” Because it hasn’t been asked for a long time, Sougo Domama, who always feels that something is missing, is twisting fast. The rusty body said.

Hamster buried: “But O’Neill doesn’t mean…”

“Euny sauce never said anything!”

Half an hour later, Souzuzuo, who was walking home with a bunch of oranges, was walking home: “I wanted to be a salted fish, but I had to learn to sprinkle salt on my body. For example, I would put on sweat from running errands…”

In any case, the sentence of a lifetime request has definitely caused a psychological shadow for Soma Tuma. If you don’t say that he can’t refuse to say more than that, just say, that dumpling. After he stopped saying this sentence, he felt something wrong all over his body…


I didn’t mention it in the past, but now, I heard this sentence from Kasumigaoka Shiba’s mouth: “A lifetime request…”

Tuma Sougou’s first reaction: “…”

That guy Xiaobu, wouldn’t tell Shiyu all this kind of thing, right? ?

Second reaction:

Shi, Shi Yu, will not be assimilated by Xiao Xiao, right? This kind of thing…

The third reaction:

Not to mention, when Shi Yu said these words, it was almost exactly the same as the waste material, hehehehe, he must be dazzled!

For this reason, he had to use great concentration before he blurted out: “I see, face reading, I will teach you…” and replaced it with:

“Didn’t you come to the rooftop for the purpose of collecting materials?” No way, other requests are okay. Face reading involves too many things. If you really want to specialize in research, don’t talk about writing light novels by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. I’m afraid that even the schoolwork will fall, and the gain is not worth the loss.

“Taking materials…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tilted her head: “I have just taken some, and moreover, such a trivial matter of drawing materials…”

“Please pay attention to your professional recuperation…” Toma Sougo covered his face with a distressed look. In fact, otherwise, he was afraid that he could not hold back, so he agreed. For Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, this is absolutely true. Wasted its own talent.

“Zongwujun, although I said it was a trivial matter, I have always been serious about taking materials!” When being questioned, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stood up from the creator’s side.

“Woo~! Then…”

“Moreover, the reason why I want to learn face reading is also for the rigor of the novel…” Sougo Tama was about to speak, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu interrupted.

“Huh?” Tamazuo was puzzled.

“Because the protagonist is based on Zongwujun as the blueprint for the person, so… Zongwujun, I want the male lead to be closer to reality, please guide me to learn face reading, please!” After Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu explained, Asked again.

“Shiyu, you have turned the cart before the horse. Moreover, face reading skills require not only strong data collection capabilities, but also countless useless knowledge as a database, coupled with strict logic for reasonable reasoning. , Even, learn how to induce conversation…

After you have learned this, are you sure you can still hit the keyboard? ”

“…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Zong Wu Jun, who should I look down on!”

“Well, let me give you the simplest example of the difficulty of learning logic. Someone went to a pet shop to buy a dog collar. As soon as he walked in, he saw the owner turning over a cover of “Behavior “And Logic” book, the person was puzzled, so he asked the owner, I have heard of physical chemistry, what is this logic…

The shopkeeper thought for a while and gave this person an example:’Guest, you bought a collar in this shop, then I will use simple logic to reason, you have a pet dog.’ The person was shocked one day:’How do you know I have a pet dog. It was a gift from someone else to my child. I also received it today. ’…

The owner smiled slightly: ‘Pets are human friends. It seems that both the guest and your wife are caring people. “The man was even more surprised: “You even know that I am married?” “The owner nodded: “Because the customer just said that it was a gift for the child, so I use simple logical reasoning to conclude that you are already married.”…

‘Then what else do you know? The shopkeeper frowned: ‘Guest, since you have a child and a wife, then I guess you’re not gay! When the man heard it, he said with his thumb: “God!”

The shopkeeper shook his head: ‘This is just a simple logical analysis. “That person was convinced and went to sign up to study logic. Three months later, someone asked: “Do you think you have learned anything?” ’The man smiled contentedly: ‘I’ll ask you a question first, can you buy a dog collar? ”Not buying! ’’You don’t have a dog? ’…

‘People can’t live anymore, and keep dogs? After listening, the person was silent for a while, and he said to the questioner confidently: ‘Very well, I already know, you are an uncaring GAY! “…”

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