Chapter 535

“Zonggou really does what he says. Not only does he want to make people cry, but he also wants to go a step further and put his own liquid on people’s faces…” For the eye drops that Sougo Tama handed over, Xia Zhi Qiu Shiyu chose to ignore it.

“Making sulking?” For her own person, Sougen Tuma has a wealth of experience in coping with a lot of waste materials. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s seemingly nonsense behavior, coupled with the low pressure surrounding her ——Sougo Tama does not need to think at all, he knows what state this guy is in now.

“No!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was slightly stiff.

“Well, why is Shiyu angry? Is it really because I accidentally turned into your schoolbag? Oh, a lot, is there anything in the schoolbag?”

“No, there is nothing in the bag! I am not angry either…”

“Really?” Sougo Tama stepped forward.

“Do you think I look angry?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tried to prove herself in the form of rhetorical questioning.

“Just the way your anger is painted on your face, the eyes are not good, you may not really be able to see it.” Sougo Tama also followed her words.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She, is she acting so obvious?

“It seems that it’s not like Shiba said, it’s because of the invasion of privacy that I started to get angry…” Sougo Tama stepped forward again.

“It wasn’t originally…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little flustered in the face of the approaching Sou Jian. She lowered her head and said softly.

“Then, let me guess, about why Shiyu is angry…” Sougo Tama finally stopped, and he stretched out his index finger and shook it.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “?_?”

What does Sougo-kun want to do…

“Actually, I didn’t want to do anything. It’s just that Shiyu can’t deceive people.”

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Wait, why did she just think…

“Shiyu, have you forgotten? I will read it with micro expressions. As long as we combine the context and scene of our speech, Shiyu’s psychology can actually be easily analyzed!”

“Wait! Zong Wu Jun, this is more than infringing on others’ privacy. This is simply trampling…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu panicked, why she forgot, Zong Wu Jun, a dark world resident, can read minds!

“It’s not mind-reading, it’s face-reading, and I’m not a monster…” Sougo Tsuchama explained.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


Sogo-kun, you said you can’t read mind, she hasn’t said it yet!

“We have to believe in science. There is no such thing as mind-reading in this world…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu forgot to move a step, and glanced at the surrounding wire fence: “…”


The guy who jumped down from such a high building unscathed and could read the hearts of others, actually told her to believe in science, she…

“Don’t look at me jumping from the top of such a high building like a okay person. In fact, before I jumped down, I had already gone through careful calculations, and even my own gravity had been carefully considered…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Sou-go-kun! Are you reading your mind again?

“It is said that it is not mind-reading, but face-reading. As long as I combined with the statement I just made you believe in science, coupled with your continuous peeking at the fence, as long as you think carefully about the calculation, anyone can analyze it!”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

She reads a lot, don’t try to lie to her, who is this fool! ?

“Don’t worry, I never thought of fooling you…” Mu Ma, laughing more and more frightening, Sougou.

“So, is there any difference between you and mind reading?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head, as if this would give her a sense of security.

“Eh, a lot~!” Sougo Morama covered his forehead with one hand: “This is very different from mind reading, okay, at least, a facial paralysis standing in front of me with a pair of sunglasses…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

“So, when you meet with Zong Wujun in the future, you need to prepare a pair of sunglasses first?”

“Please, this kind of ability calculation is also very tiring to speculate, good or not, and the prerequisite for this ability to succeed, it must rely on the information we exchanged during the chat, otherwise, I just look at a person It’s impossible to guess what happened to that person if he is angry or laughing.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while, it seems that this is true. Ever since Tuma Zougou said that she wants to read faces, she has been guided by his language, so that she has an illusion that Zougou will definitely read the mind. .

“If there is such a thing as mind reading, no matter who it is, it will definitely make a fortune in silence. How could it be revealed so easily? I don’t have to guess why Shiyu is angry.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “No, Zong Wu-jun, just reading your face is already too much, right? Other people in front of you are simply…”

“The so-called face reading is not as exaggerated as you think…” Sougo Tama explained. In fact, he chose to expose the face reading technique as a result of careful consideration. After all, he had used this on Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. This skill, the opponent just didn’t react for a while, when the opponent remembered it, it might become the crux of his heart:

“This is the same as reasoning ability. People with excellent reasoning ability can judge the other person’s occupation, hobbies, etc. through a person’s behavior and habits. In fact, the so-called face reading technique is to judge whether the opponent is Lying, inferring the other party’s thoughts from it…

And I am even more tricky. After all, in the process of our chat, I have collected enough useful information, combined with language induction, can create a kind of-why I think this guy knows everything! This is actually an illusion, not that I know everything you think, but what I induce you to think…”

“So, Zong Wujun just induced me deliberately? Make me think you can read mind?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked.

“When human beings face the unknown, it will be more difficult to control their emotions and expressions…”

“If that’s the case, why do you want to tell the truth again?”

“Probably because…” Sougo Tama put his hands around the back of his neck again: “Shiyu looked scared just now, sorry…”

“Zong Wujun…” Seeing a trace of guilt flashing across Tujian Zongwu’s face, the corner of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth rose slightly, she seemed to understand what face reading is.

“Huh?” Doma Sougo turned his head.

“Sou-go-kun, you’re an idiot…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy’s emotions went so fast.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu seemed to have figured it out. She turned around and sat back where she was. Then, she opened the notebook again and began to record on it. The sun was blocked by the parasol, but she seemed to be quiet.

When you need something, that person will desperately find it for you…

When you feel bored, that person can see through your emotions at a glance…

When you feel scared, that person will destroy all anxiety…

Although it looks so clumsy, the clumsyness that contains the true heart will only be known when you get close. It is so warm. When surrounded by this warmth, please do your best and believe it!

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