Chapter 532 He didn’t actually know, but no one believed it!

Feeling that he had finished having fun, Sougo Domama, who was in a good mood, thought about it, and then hit the barbed wire outside the roof with his toes, and then flew to the balcony again.

At this time, it was less than one minute and thirty seconds before he left the balcony. In fact, it could be faster. However, in order to say goodbye to Xuexia, it was a little delayed.

“I have inspiration again, Yazi because… Damn it, why would I forget to bring my notebook?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still in the deep, and under the low pressure, it was difficult for her to pay attention to other things.

“Woo…” Sougo Tama shrugged, and passed the other’s notebook from behind: “Young teacher Xia Shizi, may I ask, did you forget this ordinary notebook or the one below? How about a laptop made of sterling silver, or is it the laptop made of pure gold next to sterling silver?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu:? ? ?

She didn’t understand the others, so she saw her laptop.

“This is my laptop…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was lamenting that there was nothing to record his inspiration, hugged him.

“Honesty teacher Xia Shizi, because of your honesty…” The drama who played the role of the god of the river was always enlightened.

“Da da da……”

“The appearance of heaven…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu got a notebook and fell into a frenzy.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Eh much…”

Someone who feels they are being ignored wants to be present.

“But, Yazi…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was in a state of madness, constantly tapping the keyboard.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Was his decision to jump down and bring up the notebook a mistake?

Thinking like this, Sou Wu Tama sat on a bench with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, with his hands around his neck, looking up at the sky, no matter what happened, the sky is so leisurely…

Looking at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who was madly typing on the keyboard again, Sougo Doma stretched out-in fact, women who are serious are also unique.

While thinking about this, he closed his eyes.

In a daze.

“Zongwu-jun, Zongwu-jun…” The body seems to be pushed, not malicious, malicious and can’t get close to him, and the call is quite familiar. Thinking like this, Tujian Zougou leaned back on the bench and hands. Putting it on the chair, he opened his eyes lazily, with the doubts that he had just woke up from a deep sleep: “Huh?”

“This notebook?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face looked a little complicated.

“Isn’t it yours?” Tuma Sougo was puzzled.

“I want to ask, why is it here?”

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama tilted his head: “I brought it up from below…”

“No, I didn’t bring it up at all…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had awakened from the frenzied state, twitched her mouth.

“Didn’t you keep talking about so much inspiration and can’t record it? So, I brought it up for you.”


Before Tuma Zou Wu could answer, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu continued.

“Sorry, sometimes I will enter the so-called creative state, but that state will not last for a long time, how come today…”

“Uh~!” Souma Tama was a little stiff: “Actually, it’s not too long…”

“Don’t lie to me, from here to the classroom…wait!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have thought of something: “Zongwu-jun, are you jumping off the building again?”

“You use this word very well…”

“Is it dangerous?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked before Tuma Zougou finished speaking.


“Is jumping off a building dangerous for you?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked again. She opened her burgundy eyes and looked at Tuma Sougo.

“Hey, there is no such thing as absolute safety in this world. You can choke to death when you drink water, and there are vehicles that may be out of control when you walk on the road…” Facing the eyes of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Tujian always realized subconsciously. Make excuses.

“I want to know, is it dangerous?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not blink.

“Probably safer than driving…” Sougo Tama turned his head and said, he absolutely did not lie. Anyway, he has not driven a car several times in this world. When the money gets a driver’s license.


The Tujian family is too rich, and he feels shameless when he drives a supercar. After all, how can he sit and stretch Lincoln while driving, and the driver (guard) who gets off the car opens the door to be extravagant?

“Zongwu Jun is not an adult, right? Driving?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is always so good at grasping the key points.

“For some countries, the age of sixteen has reached the standard of adulthood, and their driver’s license is international!” Sougo Doma exudes the light of doing whatever he wants.

“In that case, why has Zongwujun never drove to school?” The sensible Xiazhiqiu Shiyu made people feel scared.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Nonsense, he just jumped home, how could he bring it in the car or something? Besides, even if it’s at Tujian’s house, is the driver unsatisfactory in his work? Isn’t it outstanding? When the rows of sports cars drove over, as soon as his extended Lincoln arrived, the driver (guard) opened the door, and he casually got out of the car, watching the group of sports cars before leaving a sentence: “Superficial…”

Doesn’t it feel sour?

Looking at the skepticism of life by the rich second generation, that is just enjoyment.

Even if someone is dissatisfied with what to say: “We have the ability to make two laps…”

Tuma Sougou can still look at each other with a haughty face: “What are you? Your fate also matches me? Which family? Tell me, my old man will be very kind to your family…”

Every time at this time, Tama Sougo could always see the other’s face change drastically, and he shook his collar again:

“Motor racing? I feel like I have no desires or desires in my life? Come on, who are you? Tell me, you will have something to ask for soon. In other words, people like you are really famous? I am really embarrassed by the famous. Look at what you guys are like. Some people believe that it is a drug addict, and they are still seeking stimulation? Come, the family property will start to be cleared. Is it not stimulation?”

The rich second generations of drag racing: “…”

Can’t afford to provoke, can’t afford to provoke!

In other words, are they so prestigious even if they get the first place in drag racing?

The earth is always enlightened-deep hidden merit and fame.

Of course, there are also guys who want to take the opportunity to emerge. For example, a family supported by Huang Guang of the fourth house once reported a name to Sougo Tama in public…


Without disturbing the Tujian Guilong, the family declared bankruptcy, and Huang Guanghao of the fourth house was not relieved. Correspondingly, the Tujian family gained another windfall, but because of excessive assets. , The acquisition of this windfall, Tujian Guilong didn’t even realize it.

Tujian Guilong only knew that when he attended the banquet, other people were more and more toward him.

Others: “I just said that the old fox, Guilong Tujian, doesn’t move. It’s a big deal when he moves. The Henggang family is really miserable…”

“Isn’t it, I heard that the man in Henggang is about to become a homeless man now…”

“Impossible, I remember that there is Huangguang from the fourth house behind Henggang’s house…” The speaker’s voice became quieter: “The Huangguang from the fourth house supports it!”

“The fourth house of Huangguang is hard to protect himself, is it still not clear about the situation now? The soil Guilong is…”

Unknowingly Tujian Guilong: “…”

So what happened in the end?

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