Chapter 522: Really Sensitive!

The tongue of God is a talent, but it is also a defect.

Make an analogy.

A dish that ordinary people think is improvable, or even good, is more painful than chewing wax for Nakiri Erina. The extremely sensitive taste will magnify the defects in the dish and even overwhelm its own taste.

Of course, Erina Nagiri was also lucky. She was born in the Nagiri family, except for being destroyed by the ghost father with junk food when she was a child. After that, with the Nagiri family as the backing, the dishes she enjoys every day can be cooked with careful cooking. describe.

And all this led to a problem—Nagiri Erina’s tongue became more and more picky, but she picked it well and was convincing.

This is why, she can decide the life or death of a chef in one sentence, no, not only the chef, but even the rise and fall of a restaurant can be determined by her one word…

However, according to Tama Sougou’s statement: This is also thanks to the Ninaki family who ranks No. 1 in the cooking world behind her. Otherwise, she was either beaten to death (to be forced by her) or starved early. die……

In this case, the Nagiri family really worked hard for Erina’s food.

But now…

What did Nakiri Senzaemon hear?

The girl from the Nito family brought lunch to Erina from outside. It was not that the cooking skills of the Nito family were not good, but the time. If Nakiri Senzaemon remembers correctly, that lunch has been brought here. Almost an hour has passed, right? Is that cold already? My good granddaughter turned out to be…

In other words, even if there is no cooking at home, Erina has just cooked red bean rice! From the point of view of Nageri Senzaemon, the red bean rice was more than the ten best. Erina did not enjoy the red bean rice that he cooked, and instead went to eat a lunch that was cold no matter what…


Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Is this so noisy? What about the picky of the tongue of God? A cold lunch can be eaten, so is it still called the tongue of God? Isn’t that a problem? What else can it be?

“Grandfather, what are you talking about? I’m fine, what’s the problem?” Nakiri Erina, who didn’t know her grandfather’s doubts, was full of doubts on her face.

As soon as the voice fell, Nito Hishasa walked up with a large plate of dinner plates…

“Master Erina, Mr. Doma prepared sushi today…”

“I see!”

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

Wait, what is it? Don’t you have a grudge?

“Erina, is this the dish made by that kid from the Tuma family?”


“Why would he help you prepare food?”

“Because this is a special training period, it’s better not to cook or something by yourself, so I asked Doma-senpai to help prepare…”

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

Ah~! He became increasingly confused about the thinking of young people nowadays.

“Grandfather, don’t worry, although I am eating his food, I will definitely defeat him…” Who told him to slander Yuanyue and talk about spicy chicken!

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

Ha, ha ha… Are there any grudges between these two guys?

“It’s fine if you are happy…” The Demon Eater, who felt that he was old and had no idea what young people were thinking recently, said decadently.

“It’s just a Morama senior. After defeating him, I see how he is still arrogant in front of me, Eminem…” Nagiri Erina said while putting the sushi in her mouth and tasting it carefully.

After a while, her face was pink and her legs rubbed unconsciously.

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

He wants to tell his granddaughter loudly now that you beat him as far as you are now!

When the words came to the lips, they became:

“Erina, I will try the sushi that kid made…”

Xinhu Feisha: (¬_¬)

Master commander, don’t think about it, Master Erina, she…

Before Nito Hisako could finish complaining in his heart, Nagiri Erina reached out and pulled the plate away, making a pair of food protection appearances: “Didn’t grandfather have eaten red bean rice? Just leave this to me. , Until the day I defeat the senior Doma, my grandfather will be able to taste my cooking every day…”

Nito Hisako: “…”

She knew it would be like this!

Fortunately before, Master Erina would more or less give her some food and let her analyze the “enemy situation” together, but as time goes by, Master Erina has become more and more protective!

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

Is this guy Erina pretending to gritted his teeth just now? It must be pretend!

Isn’t it just a meal? I don’t know how many people want to invite him to taste the meal. Does he care? He doesn’t care, so… he still has to eat that sushi today!

“Ahem, Erina, if you want to know the real gap between yourself and that bastard from the Tujian family…”

“The real gap? Didn’t grandfather just say…” Nakiri Erina was puzzled.

“At that time, I used the impression of the past as the basis for the judgment…” Nagiri Senzaemon explained: “You can’t make progress, but the bastard of the Tama family is not making progress…”

He lied. When Nagiri Senzaemon judged, he had actually considered Sougo Tama’s rate of progress, but after seeing his granddaughter taste the food, he also had doubts about himself.

Nagiri Erina hesitated slightly.

After a long while, she separated one from the pile of sushi: “Grandfather…”

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

Looking at the lonely sushi, Nakiri Senzaemon wanted to tell himself loudly that this is his own granddaughter, dear!

Putting these emotions aside, Nakiri Senzaemon put the lonely sushi in his mouth: “Amm…”

As soon as he put it in, the clothes he had just put on instantly turned into broken steps, flying around like a hidden weapon.

Nito Hisako: “…”

The clothes are cracking!

But why did she calm down so quickly? Could it be that this picture has been seen too much.

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

How, how could it be possible, it has been so long, but the person who holds the rice is still warm, coupled with the extremely good fish, then, that monster’s cooking skills have improved again! He, does he have no bottleneck?

Nagiri Erina: “…”

My grandfather’s clothes were fraying more and more. She remembered being quite interested in it when she was a child. Now, let’s eat sushi…

After taking another sip, Erina Nakiri’s face became brighter, and at the same time, the speed at which she rubbed her legs increased…

Yuanyue College, a villa in the earth.

“Hahaha, Erina is really able to provide new expressions every day, oh, someday she will show it to her, she will want to die, right?” Looking at the surveillance, Doma Sougo felt extremely happy:

“There are also two tears in the clothes of the old man Nakiri, and Erina is charging forward, and everything unreasonable will be washed away by the other party. However, the blood of the Nakiri family is really sensitive…”

Sensitive, this is the only adjective Tama Sougo can think of.

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