Chapter 520 The Gap Between Fingers?

Tomotsu Academy, Nagiri Villa.

Nagiri Senzaemon looked awkwardly at her good granddaughter who was holding her arms and turning her head to the side:

After Nagiri Erina’s excited rebuttal, with Nito’s Hisaki as a witness, even if Nagiri Senzaemon felt unreasonable, he had to accept the fact that his dear granddaughter still It’s so pure, I haven’t had any affection with other people at all…

She didn’t mess with the Tujian family either… ahem, the Tujian kid had feelings other than friends.

Although it’s very unreasonable, it really happened. Nakiri Senzaemon feels very comfortable. The pakchoi that I cultivated carefully has not attracted the covetousness of wild boars, which is really great!

Not to mention, this small cabbage that he cultivated not only developed perfectly, but also made rapid progress. Now he said, there is a successor in the Nagiri family, who would dare not accept it?

It’s just that he is a little bit embarrassed now, he has misjudged the real situation, but is this to blame him? The chef gives his heart to the cooking, and that heart must be the experience of the chef himself. For example, some chefs give their mother’s love to the cooking, then the chef must have a mother who loves him very much…

These are the consistent guidelines in the cooking world!

It is based on this principle that when Nagiri Senzaemon tasted the lovesickness of Erina cuisine, he misjudged that his dear granddaughter had experienced a failed relationship. Is this wrong?

If all this is wrong, it must not be him, but the world!

But the problem was that it was the world that was clearly wrong, but after explaining the explanation, his dear granddaughter became sulky with him, and Nakiri Senzaemon felt that he had died unjustly. No, he couldn’t let Erina continue to be angry.

“Haha…” The old grandfather seemed bold, but actually laughed with a guilty conscience: “Erina, grandfather really did not expect that your cooking skills will improve to this level, saying that you are the first person in the moon… ”

“Grandfather, Doma-senpai…” After a burst of rainbow farts, Erina Nakiri finally turned her head back.

“Ahem…” Hearing Doma Sougo’s name, Nakiri Senzaemon coughed twice: “Leave aside the little pervert from the Doma family, saying that you are the first person in Tomotsu…”

Nito Hisako: “…”

Tu, Tuma-senpai is worthy of being the sixth demon king in the cooking world. When the commander praises Mr. Erina, he must first abandon the opponent first!

Nagiri Erina: “…”

Well-hearted, if you don’t put aside the fellow Doma-senpai, doesn’t it mean that she is the first person in Yuanyue, and Doma-senpai is the first person to not agree? Damn it, in vain, she thought that after so long of special training, with the addition of her talent or something, she is almost the same as Tujian;

It seems that it still doesn’t work. When grandfather praised her, he had to bring up Senior Tuma first. It can be seen that there is still a gap between her and that guy.

“Grandfather, I don’t care about the others. I want to know, in your judgment, how big a gap is between me and the senior Doma?”

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

If you tell the truth, it will hit Erina, no matter how talented Erina is, based on the level of cooking in her middle school…

and many more!

Nageri Senzaemon suddenly reacted, Erina is no longer what it used to be!

In terms of the level of the bowl of red bean rice just now, the gap between Erina and the little pervert of the Tujian family is actually not so obvious. Can it be said that this is the correct way to open the Jade Age?

If this is the case, silver, I and you are both wrong, the next era will not be the era of emperors, but the real era of jade where all the stars gather!

“Erina, sorry, I just looked at people with old eyes, Erina, you have caught up!”

Nagiri Erina: (⊙ˍ⊙)

“Grandfather meant…”

“Hmm…” Nakiri Senzaemon nodded: “If the gap between you was like a gap before, now, the gap between you and that guy is only that little bit…”

While talking, Nagiri Senzaemon stretched out his thumb and index finger, and moved them closer to each other.

Watching this scene, Nito Hishashi: “…”

So, why is this scene so familiar? Has she met somewhere? By the way, when she talked about medicated diet with the senior fellow Tujian, she also had this experience when she was defeated.

At that time, Senior Tujian also made such gestures, telling her in Celestial dialect that the difference between the two of them in terms of medicated diet was only that one (100 million) point, that is, that one (100 million) point.

The key is!

She really believed it at that time. She even vowed secretly from the bottom of her heart that after the punishment of eating the halberd, she must devote herself to studying the medicated diet, and then defeated the Tujian senior with the medicated diet…

This determination only lasted for less than two days.

The reason why it was so short was because when she went to take care of Mr. Yibodu and Mr. Erikai in the game, she also made this gesture after the ball was completely bloody and unharmed to kill Mr. Erikai during the game. :

“Hahaha… Erina, the role you chose seems to be a little bit better than the one I chose, and there is still a little bit of technical gap between us…”

Feisha still remembers that when the dumpling only spoke a little bit more, she used the Celestial dialect. She was still emotional at the time. As expected, they were two brothers and sisters, and they all spoke the same way!

This feeling did not last long…

In the process of getting along day and night, the dumpling was exposed. No, it should be said that she was aware of it…

Nito Hisako still remembers to this day that the dumpling went to help shut it down after playing games and playing and went to sleep. After that, the full screen was almost 100 million points, which was just a billion points away…

a little bit? Hundreds of millions of points!

Nito Hisako only reacted at that time. The Tianchao dialect had a homophone with a hundred million. As the Tuma-senpai said, there was only a small gap between the two of them. In fact, it was a few hundred million points!

And the difference of a few hundred million points can be perfectly explained. When the ball was full of blood and no injuries, it would use a little bit to describe the game character of Master Erinai.

After I want to pass, Nito Hishasa has the desire to die…

Looking at the crevice between the index finger and the thumb, Nito Hishasa felt that there was a universe hidden between the crevices!

Regardless of what Nito Hisako thinks, Nakiri Erina is very satisfied with her grandfather’s evaluation. It is not in vain that she has been doing special cooking for so long, and the gap between her and Doma-senpai is narrowing… …

Sure enough, in terms of talent alone, Nakiri Erina is by no means weak!

Before, she just didn’t find the right way, now she has found it!

Although this method was provided by the guy, but to be able to surpass him with the method provided by him, wouldn’t it be more proof that her talent for the tongue of God is the most contemporary?

Fortunately, Nito Hisako didn’t know what Nakiri Erina was thinking now, otherwise, she would have a big head again: “Erina-sama, don’t believe this gap between the fingers!”

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