Chapter 517

Nagiri Senzaemon was melancholy.

How can a good granddaughter be fooled so easily? Could it be because he pampered her too naively?

wrong! This is not his fault. The culprit should be the damn Nakamura Thistle. If Erina had received the correct teachings of the Nagiri family from the beginning of her birth, she would never be fooled by the little bastard of the Tsuchian family so easily now…

“Hey…” Looking at Erina who still insisted that he was doing “special training” in cooking, and was going to show him the results of the special training, Nakiri Senzaemon sighed in his heart.

Special training in cooking?

This will only be believed by his innocent granddaughter!

After all, sleep in, play games, read comics, read novels, listen to music… which of these things has something to do with cooking! ? She was afraid that she was not stupid… ahem, Nakiri Senzaemon didn’t want to admit that her good-looking granddaughter was stupid, so let’s describe it as innocent.

Naginari villa, kitchen.

In order to prove that he was indeed practicing cooking, and to verify the results of his practice, Nagiri Erina finally started cooking again after a month.

In this regard, Nakiri Senzaemon is not very optimistic.

“Xinto girl, if you feel that Erina’s cooking skills have declined for a while, don’t worry about it. Now, you only need to let her know that this kind of special training is useless…”

“How is it possible, Erina-sama, she…”

Before Nito Hisako could finish speaking, Nagiri Senzaemon shook his head: “Chef is a profession that requires practical operations. Cooking is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Erina has been lazy for a month. At the time of the year, her cooking skills will decline. This is also inevitable. I only hope that this time the incident will not hit her…”

Nito Hisako gritted his teeth: “It’s all to blame for the Damn it senior, and I don’t know what Ecstasy he poured into Erina-sama…”

Nagiri Senzaemon: “…”

Even the girl from the Xinto family can see so clearly, why is Erina so easy to be fooled? After being lazy for a month, he still hoped that his cooking skills would improve. In this case, his cooking skills would not go backwards. Since then, he changed his name to the Devil Eater, and the food…

Before Nagiri Senzaemon had finished speaking hard, Erina Nagiri had already pushed the dining car and delivered the two dishes that he had prepared, and Nito Hisaki hurriedly stepped forward and helped to package the dishes. The topped dishes are served…

“Grandfather, this is the first dish. I named it Shinyuri Sensenyu…” As Nito Hisago delivered the dishes, Nagiri Erina introduced it.

“Senchiyu in my heart? It seems to be an original cooking…” Looking at the decent granddaughter’s serious appearance, Nakiri Senzaemon did not report any hope for the cooking itself, but he still cooperated.

“It’s not an original dish…” To this, Erina Nakiri turned her head, looking a little shy.

Nagiri Senzaemon smiled, opened the stainless steel cap, and then:

“Red, red bean rice?”

What does it mean for his granddaughter to cook red bean rice for him?

Nagiri Erina turned her head again. Before, she would never make this kind of civilian food: “Woo~! Red beans are also known as Acacia beans, and Acacia…”

Nito Hisako:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Yao, it’s a young man, Erina-sama actually cooks red bean rice, a commoner food, she, she is definitely not the usual Erina-sama!

Nagiri Senzaemon “…”

He knows more about this knowledge. Okay! However, this special practice does not seem to be useless. At the very least, Erina finally understands that cooking is no matter whether it is high or low. Whether it is high-end cuisine or B-grade cuisine, it is just a classification of cuisine. That’s it.

Thinking of this, Naginari Senzaemon was very pleased to pick up the spoon, scooped up the lipstick bean rice, put it in his mouth and chewed hard…


As soon as he chewed, Nakiri Senzaemon felt a shock in his mouth…

Must, must kill cooking!

The four characters came to the mind of Nakiri Senzaemon.

This, this red bean rice, turned out to be a must-kill dish that the ten bests, the far-yue and the ten bests, can be called the trump card! ?

How can it be!

Erina is only in junior high school, but…


Just when Nakiri Senzaemon doubted his life, his clothes had already exploded. Looking at this scene, Nito’s eyes widened, “The clothes, the clothes are bursting!? The commander would be surprised by a mouthful of red beans. The clothes burst after the meal. How could it be possible, didn’t it mean…” Will Erina-sama’s cooking skills decline?

Fortunately, Nito Hisago still has a bit of saneness, and did not say the following words, but even if she said it, Nakiri Erina might not be able to detect it, because at the same time that Nakiri Senzaemon’s clothes burst , Nagiri Erina also fell into a sluggishness——

She, she did it! ? She did the food that burst grandfather’s clothes just by tasting a bite!

Sure enough, Tuma-senpai did not deceive anyone!

Nito’s reaction with Erina Nagiri did not affect Nagiri Senzaemon, or even the bursting of his shirt did not affect him…

He was always strong, swallowing, what seemed to be coming to his mind, what was it? It was the whisper of my daughter’s family that was like weeping, it was the sorrow after being misunderstood…


Before he knew it, Nagiri Senzaemon felt like it was pouring rain in his heart. He wanted to say to the crying woman, I believe, I really believe…

He seemed to have returned to the day when he was young, the day that he missed her in his life, he thought he had been relieved, but he never relieved…

Give it your heart!

As if he had noticed something, Nakiri Senzaemon was amazed. How simple is this red bean rice dish!

He couldn’t even control his eating hands, only knowing that he madly pours food into his mouth, then chews, chews…

Until that portion of red bean rice was eaten up by a few grains of rice, at that moment, he was surrounded by a sense of satisfaction that he had never had before, and he suddenly became relaxed, who had never been relieved…

It turned out that he was really relieved,


But after he was relieved, he had already burst into tears unknowingly…

To this.

Nagiri Erina: “…”

Nito Hisako: “…”

The commander (grandfather) is he crying? What the hell is going on! ?

Slowly returning to his mind, Nakiri Senzaemon wiped his tears: “…”

Then he fell into a sluggishness.

For a long while.

A cold sweat broke out on Nagiri Senzaemon, and it was over, he actually cried like a bad old man in front of two juniors. Isn’t the image of a majestic tough guy he has built over the years…

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