Chapter 511

The new force wants to enter the ancient circle, or before entering, it is bruised and bruised, and a piece of flesh is severely bitten by someone, or it is both wounded and blocked out of the circle, as is the cooking world.

Because of this, Dojima Gin, as the representative of Totsuki, the benchmarking force in the cooking world, didn’t really care about the Tuma family’s entry into the cooking world. If it hadn’t been for the sudden cooperation between Nagiri and the Tuma family, I am afraid that when he heard that the Tujian family was going to enter the cooking world, he would only treat it as a joke…

As one of the vested interests in the culinary industry, Dojima Gin does not actually understand the decision of General Nagiri very well. Fortunately, Dojima Gin always believes that no matter how the culinary industry changes, it is impossible to harm his interests. The name of his chef Yuanyue was not won by touting, but by strength…

As long as he possesses the peak strength, no matter what happens in the cooking world, no one will dare to harm his interests. Therefore, he is puzzled, but Dojima Gin does not have any messy ideas, just like In his previous life, the ghost father of Nakamura brought overseas capital to Yuanyue to behave, and he was just watching.

This was the same for him as the Tujian family. He just watched it, and occasionally made a speech. He loved to listen, and it didn’t affect him if he didn’t listen.

Nagiri Senzaemon knew this well, so Dojima Gin’s talk didn’t stop him from getting annoyed. Instead, he raised the tea in front of him again and took a sip before slowly explaining:

“Yin, in fact, if it is not the Tujian family that wants to cooperate with Yuanyue, but the Sinomiya family, the Suzuki family, or the other two chaebols, I will choose to refuse…”

“Then why the Tama family?” Dojima Gin was puzzled.

“Whether it is Sigong Yanye or other Patriarchs, they are just like me, they are all old, and when they are old, they don’t have much hard work. However, the Tujian family is different, and the Tujian Guilong is in the prime of life… “Nagiri Senzaemon put down the cup.

Someone who is in the prime of life, but suffers from high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. If he has not been treated by Sougen Tuma, he has no idea how many times he hangs up: “…”

Where’s his medicine bottle? What about the empty medicine bottle he threw away after taking the medicine?

“Guilong in the earth can be called a hero in the capital world. His vision is vicious and he has a ruthless decision. , Even though it looks like a good-natured person on the surface, but secretly…”

Guilong from the land of a certain hero: “…”

In fact, my first wish was to keep the Tujian family.

“Guilong in the earth…” Dojima Ginna babbled, and then fell silent. To this name, Dojima Gin is also familiar with it, no way, he heard it in the VIP banquet hall of Tomotsu Resort during this period of time. The most is this name, or the conversion of this name-Master Guilong.

As long as it involves the conversation of Guilong between the earth, the content of the conversation is definitely to tout the other party as a myth. For example, under the blockade of the four chaebols, they still use their own power to break through the blockade, so that the four chaebols are all against it. Keep it secret, especially the Si Gong family…

There were rumors that the Si Gong family wanted to teach the Tujian family a lesson, but in the end, the Si Gong family came out to refute the rumors and said that there was no such thing! He also said that the Sigong family has had a good relationship with the Tujian family a long time ago, and the eldest lady of the Sigong family talked about being a childhood sweetheart with the second young master of the Tujian family…

It’s just that, combined with the rumors of the ice Koke Ji, I always feel that the Si Gong family wants to cover it up.

While Dojima Gin was meditating, Nagiri Senzaemon spoke again.

“Yin, do you think that Guilong Tujian has made such a big reputation in the capital circle, he will be like a fool, and he will enter the cooking world with a lot of money without knowing anything? When Gui Long was a fool, he became a fool in the end…”

Mujian Guilong who is not a fool: “…”

In fact, he just wants to spend money to buy Ping An, and hopes that his family can see that he has invested so much money, study the cooking skills, stop the meeting, and don’t come out and make trouble.

Dojima Gin: “Indeed, Guilong Tuma will never make a meaningless investment. It turns out that, the commander-in-chief has seen through this point, so that it will promote the cooperation between Tomotsu and the Tuma family. In this way, no matter what Guilong Tujian takes, the commander will know the first time before he can deal with it calmly.”

“Gil, it seems that besides cooking, you have also grown in other areas.” Nagiri Senzaemon did not deny it.

Nagiri Erina who is eavesdropping: “…”

Lie, lie!

Tu, the Tuma family actually wants to make a shot at the cooking world, does Tuma-senpai know about this? Do you know that dumpling?

Nagiri Erina forgot how she came out of the Nagiri Mansion, and changed the cooking world. Nagiri Erina had also heard people say that it was her father, Nakamura.

Just thinking of his father, Erina Nakiri, shivered.

Now, she actually learned from her grandfather and Chef Dojima that the Tujian family also had ideas about the cooking world. Doesn’t it mean that the Tujian family is the same type of person as her father?

Doma Studies… Doma Sougou is also.

Grandfather and Chef Dojima both tried to stop him, what about her? Can she help? Is her god tongue useful in this kind of war?

There is also Sougo Morama! If it used to be because of my pride, I wanted to defeat Doma Sougo.

Since that day…

Nagiri Erina has changed. If there is a war in the cooking world, then, soldiers against soldiers, against generals, Takiru will be solved by grandfather and Chef Dojima, and Tama Sougou will be resisted by her. !

Don’t blame her for having such an idea, after all, the age of Secondary Two…

As a result, Nagiri Erina began to observe and study Tama Sougo carefully.


At the beginning, Nagiri Erina was in high spirits.

“Hisasha, keep an eye on it, that guy slept all day during the day, and he will definitely study recipes or cooking skills at night…” she told Nito Hisasha with confidence.

“Yes, Miss Erina.” Stalking, the secretary is professional.

After one hour.

“Hisasha, what the hell is that guy doing…” Erina Nakiri was a little frustrated.

“Master Erina, Senpai, he seems to be watching cherry blossoms…” After observing for a long time, Scarlett came to a conclusion.

“He is sick, cherry blossom viewing at night?”

“Wait, Erina-sama, there is a situation, it seems that Tama-senpai has entered the house.”

“He must have gone in to study recipes or cooking, Scarlett, can you sneak in!?”

“Master Erina? Isn’t that okay!?” Scarlett was ashamed. She really didn’t understand why Ms. Erina focused on Morama-senpai after returning from Nagiri’s house last time…

And, why is she here to observe, but Miss Erina is desperately improving her cooking skills!

Nagiri Erina: “…”

Scarlet sand, come on.

After you have investigated the true strength of Doma Sougo, once you ask her to be strong enough to defeat the opponent, she will send a halberd to Doma Sougo…

The future of the cooking world depends on you, Scarlett!

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