Chapter 509: Loneliness…

Facing the tongue of God with emotion on a certain face, Sougo Doma felt quite horrified.

“My wife is very lonely, right?” If this sentence is said in a very hot city, then the next plot, ahem…

He has always been clean and self-conscious. He really doesn’t understand. How could Nakiri Erina make such a hot speech to him when there is no one in private. Could it be that this is the trouble of looking handsome? Sure enough, he bears the weight he shouldn’t bear at this age…

Worry, let’s not say that Somatomo has always guarded himself like jade, but Erina’s current age, cough cough, don’t make trouble, being a copper alchemist will be ruined in this life…

Very well, here comes the question. As the saying goes, girls always have dreams when they are pregnant. How can Soma Tuma refuse it properly without hurting the girl’s heart?

Erina Nakiri, who just feels that he and Tama have the same feelings:? _?

It is due to the fact that Tōma Sougou is a two-life person. When facing the girl’s mind, he did not refuse strongly, but used euphemistic words:

“Erina, the so-called loneliness is just the feeling that people can only express when the years are still young, and they may be fascinated by the prosperity, and the emotions have not been vented, or the true meaning of life has not been explored…”

Reject people, use more elegant words. In other words, Erina, you are still young. Your so-called loneliness is just to support you after you are full, and you can’t find other ways to release your feelings. Ahem, instead of thinking about these messy things, it’s better to do something truly meaningful…

It’s just that words in the clouds and mists are often easily misunderstood…

“Morama-senpai’s mind is unexpectedly open-minded…” For example, Nagiri Erina, who had some misunderstanding, said.

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

How many cents does this have to do with open-mindedness? He just doesn’t smelt copper!

“Because other people are young, because they only see the glory and prosperity of the winner, so that awe turns into jealousy, hatred… So, that winner must endure loneliness?”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Wait, did he misunderstand something? What does loneliness have to do with victory or defeat?

In order to avoid the occurrence of the three major illusions in life, Tama Sougou can only be replaced by a side attack…

“Woo~! Having said so much, in fact, Erina wants to make friends, right?” He remembered that this guy seemed to be a Tsundere who wanted to make friends but couldn’t put down his body.

“I’m not!”

“Indeed, Erina already has a friend as a secretary, so it doesn’t seem to be a lack of friends…” Sougo Tsuchama pretended to analyze while touching his chin.

Before he finished speaking, Nagiri Erina retorted.

“Hisasha is just my secretary, secretary, not a friend…”

“Is that so? Next time we will use the secretary to make a bet. It’s better to eat the halberd…” Doma, never used to Tsundere goods, Sougou.

“You…” Nagiri Erina was flustered.

“Anyway, it’s just a secretary who works as a secretary. As long as you give a condition that you can’t refuse for a long time…” Tuma, the devil is alive, Sou Wu.

Nagiri Erina: “…”

For, why did things turn out to be like this?

Didn’t she and Tuma-senpai have the same fate? Logically speaking, he and her should know each other at heart!

But why…

“I don’t agree, I will never agree, no matter what the conditions, I will not take Scarlett as a bet!”

“Sure enough, Erina, you actually regarded the secretary as a friend, right?”

Nakiri Erina turned her head, but didn’t answer: “…”

“Don’t you dare to face your own heart so hard? No wonder you sigh with loneliness.” Exposing Tsundere’s mask made Sougo Doma full of joy, and his smile on his face grew stronger. This smile is definitely not to conceal what he just made. Passionate, and almost embarrassed to make copper!

“So Doma-senpai, you? Didn’t you also say that a life that has never failed…” Erina Nagiri fought back weakly.

“Oh, much! What I actually want to say is that a life that has never failed is so happy, just do whatever you want, haha…” Tujian would never get cheap and sell well, always enlightenment.

Nakiri Erina: -_-!

Wrong, she was wrong. She was completely misled by the guy in front of her. What did this guy say with a sighing expression: “Erina, do you think that a person who has never experienced failure is happy in life? A…”

That tone, this term, no matter who heard it, would think that he actually has unknown troubles, but in fact…

Seeing Sougo Doma who was laughing wildly in front of him, Erina Nagiri wanted to tear up the empathy that he had given before. Is this guy, as the outside world said, is the reincarnation of the sixth day demon king, so he is There is nothing human…

“Furthermore, Erina, have you not found that the sentence of life that has never failed once is a logically wrong proposition in itself?” Looking at Nagiri Erina, who was suspicious of life, think about a certain anger that grew more and more. The big old man, Tama Sougo decided not to tease her anymore.

If you really break the tongue of the gods this time, the old man Nakiri Senzaemon is still not angry enough to have a cerebral congestion. He has no complaints with the other party in the past and has no enmity in the past, so don’t mess around…

“Logically wrong proposition?”

“Yes, there is no person in this world who has never failed once…”

“Guys who haven’t lost once since enrollment are not qualified to say such things!”

“Erina, eating halberd is just eating halberd, he does not represent life…”

“When Shiji bet on a career as a chef, it is a lifetime!”

“The horizon is too narrow, Erina, this world is not the only way to survive as a chef, even if you have the unique tongue of God, you don’t need to treat cooking as the whole life… “Earth, life mentor, total enlightenment.

“Matsuma-senpai, I didn’t expect you to say such things and be defeated by you…” Nakiri Erina felt that he had been insulted.

“Do you know how to paint?” But before she could finish her words, Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

Nageri Erina proudly said: “Of course…”

As a chef, both carving and arranging are indispensable steps, and all these involve knowledge of painting. How could she not be able to paint?

“Then your achievements in painting can catch up with professional painters?”

Nagiri Erina: “…”

How can this compare?

“Look, in painting, if you compare you with a professional painter, are you a failure?”

Nagiri Erina: “…”


“Do you know music?”

“Yes…” As the eldest lady of the Nakiri family, it is impossible not to touch music or anything, but when Nakiri Erina answered, she was already a little lacking in confidence.

“So in terms of musical achievements, can you compare with professional musicians? Erina?”

Nagiri Erina: “…”

Does she mean a life without failure?

“You can……”

Nakiri Erina unconsciously took two steps back: (⊙﹏⊙)b

Stop asking, she knows nothing!

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