Chapter 502 I’ve never been better than him if not so many times!

Private Toyosaki, rooftop.

Enjoy a bento trio.

The curiosity was not satisfied, and she was fooled into eating a bento. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought that she would be a little bit ignorant of the taste, but when the delicious food was imported, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu found that she was wrong, and she did not know the taste. If you catch Zongwujun, you probably won’t have a chance with her in this life…

She hasn’t eaten these dishes before, but why, why are the dishes that I took from Zongwujun every time, so delicious?

It was delicious. She had hallucinations for a while. In the hallucinations, she was as if she had liberated her nature, and she was not covered in a ray, and all the delicious foods turned into the appearance of Zongwujun, constantly stimulating her, and constantly comforting her, let her Can’t stop…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu once suspected that Zong Wu-jun’s cooking had been medicined. Before she knew Zong Wu-jun so well, she even went for a full-body examination. Naturally, the result of the physical examination was that she thought too much.

In addition, she recently followed the tweet of the tongue of God, and Shiyu Kasugaoka knew that the price of some chefs who cooked for customers in private, and those famous chefs were only cooking in private, and I was afraid that they would soon be able to catch up. Her contribution fee so far is as much as one-third.

Before tasting the real delicacy, Shiyu Kasumigaoka might be puzzled by the high prices.


After tasting the dishes of Sougo Tama, Shiyu Kasumigaoka feels that it is worth it. If the chefs can catch up with Sougo-kun’s cooking level, the price is definitely worth the price!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought so, rubbing her legs instinctively while enjoying the cooking, and let out a cry: “Oh~!”

Compared with Kasumigaoka Shiba, Shiina Shiba is much quieter. She has a pretty pink face and a pair of Danfeng eyes. By the way, when she eats the age cake made by Sougo, Shiina sometimes feels confused. : “Woo~!” shouted.

In this regard, Tama Sougo said that he is used to it.


The waste material in his house has a lot of waste material and there is no such virtue. The taste of that waste material is too much. I don’t know who caused it to be damaged. While enjoying his cooking, he is addicted to potato chips, cola dried bamboo shoots, etc. snack……

Although the delicious cooking can still make the waste material more appetizing, but she must be impatient…

She would choose snack coke.

In other words, the waste material is very restrained in appetite, at most she will be curious. Just like a burger advertisement on TV, she will also be greedy to drool, and then she has to eat. What Satoru can’t do…

It’s just that every time after eating, the waste material will complain again. If I knew it would not come, it hasn’t been delicious with Ooni sauce, and false advertisements are the most deceptive!

Toma Sougou, the top ten before the far month, the junior high school won the throne of the top ten, LV6, was used to compare with the craftsmanship of the fast food restaurant, except that there was a lot of waste material, probably no one else. …

Fortunately, with the exception of Xiao Mu, everyone else was quite normal, especially when he was studying in Yuanyue.

Since his cooking skills in LV3, he has not dared to eat at the same table with Nageri Senzaemon, the old comrade who burst his clothes at every turn, really has hot eyes.

The point is, the old guy doesn’t mind himself…

If this is placed in ordinary people’s home, the cost of buying clothes can make people collapse.

Not to mention Nagiri Erina. When Sougo Tama was cooking at LV2, she saw him like this: “The profession of a chef is not a half-way renunciation…”

After LV3.

After being repeatedly hit by Sogo Morama, and overheard the conversation of his grandfather Nageri Senzaemon Yu Dojima Gin, Erina Nagiri went from finding faults to observing, and finally becoming the root of worship. disturbed.

Eavesdropping that time.

“Commander, the Tujian family, really has a terrific seedling.”

“Does Tama Sougo? Indeed, originally, I thought that the prelude to the Jade Age was about to begin…” Nakiri Senzaemon said solemnly.

Dojima Gin smiled bitterly: “This is the age of jade. It is the age of an emperor standing at the top, and other chefs can only be at the emperor’s age. To be honest, I think Tamaru Sougou’s cooking skills are already good. No less than me…”

Nagiri Senzaemon said without saying: “…”

“What’s even more frightening is that the guy’s rate of progress, the rate of progress beyond ordinary people’s, is no different from that of monsters. In fact, it’s sad for the chefs of his time, because they only need a little bit of progress while they’re making progress. When you look up, you will find that that guy has gone farther…” I don’t know why, Dojima Gin feels a little bit empathetic.

“Hey…” After taking a sip of tea, Nagiri Senzaemon sighed, “Silver, just like you said, the monster-like progress rate makes people feel daunting. Originally, I thought Erikaku was talented. Enough to lead in the Jade Age, but now, let alone Erikai, even the original Seiichiro, compared with that guy, is…”

Nagari Senzaemon did not say the following, but Dojima knew what the old man wanted to express. Even Seiichiro, compared to the monster-like Sougo Doma, is much inferior…

Overhearing this, Nagiri Erikaku was annoyed in her heart. She knew who Seiichiro was in the mouth of her grandfather and Dojima. Seiichiro Ha, a genius student of the same period as Dojima’s chef, who was said to be the same as Totsuki, occupied ten at the time. In the second seat of Jie’s seat, Chef Dojima occupies the first seat at the time…

But everyone knows that the reason why Chef Dojima was able to occupy the first seat was not because the level of cooking surpassed Mr. Seiichiro Zaiba, but Seiba did not consider the seat of the top ten.

Even Chef Dojima has publicly stated that he cannot keep up with Mr. Seiichiro Zaiba on the road of cooking.

And Saiba Seiichiro…

It was a man who brought a glimmer of light to Nagiri Eriyuki’s terrible childhood. Until now, Nagiri Eriyuki still retains a photo of her with Seiichiro Saiha. It can be seen that Seiichiro Nami is there. Position in the mind.

But now what she heard, grandfather and Chef Dojima actually said that if it were placed now, Seiichiro Haha might not be able to catch up with Tama Sougo?


Nagiri Erikai admitted that that guy was very talented in cooking. From the beginning of the transfer, he could only satisfy her tongue a little. At that time, she could still say that she was unqualified…


Well, it’s okay to pass, Nakiri Erina wronged!

So, she wanted to trouble him!


Nagiri Erina was wronged, she is the tongue of God, how could she not win a game? I was also forced to become that guy’s nanny, punching bag, although that guy is so cute, I didn’t treat her as a nanny…

Now, I’m hearing what my grandfather and Chef Dojima say about that guy.

Nagiri Erina never believed that Seiichiro Hasami, the guy who fooled herself all day long, was comparable to her idol!

If it weren’t for the experience of losing Shijiji to Sougo Doma many times…

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