Chapter 479-Summoning the Earth

A storm seems to have passed. Although anyone with a discerning eye can see it, it’s no different from talking nonsense with your eyes open, but when you were a student, there were not many discerning people. What’s more, there were schools who came forward to testify in person. Many people believe that…

Compared with the students who have not been beaten by the society, many teachers knew it well, and then they speculated that Mr. Song Qi might not have anything to do with the principal in private…

No, it may not be the principal. If it is only related to Principal Yamamoto, then Principal Yamamoto could not risk the world and make such a decision-not only to help Mr. Matsuki transfer the past, but also to promote him and raise his salary.

Behind Teacher Song Qi, I’m afraid it’s not relying on the school board, right?

Some teachers who once mocked Songqi’s mediocre teaching in private felt their heads big. They didn’t expect that the big eyebrows and big eyes of Songqi would hide so deeply. Fortunately, they only mocked Song in private. Teacher Qi is only, and he didn’t enmity face to face…

It’s just that I’m afraid that someone with a heart will secretly tell Song Qi what they have said in private. If Song Qi hears this and holds a grudge, it might be a disaster. It seems that the attitude towards Song Qi is about to change!

At this moment, all the teachers who had mocked Matsuki in private had made a decision. If you count them, the number of teachers will probably stand at ninety-nine percent of the teaching staff of Toyonosaki.

In fact, with the exception of the enthusiastic Kirisu Masuhiro and the undaunted Shizuka Hiratsuka not long after entering the school, the other teachers either choose to stay safe, or decide to lay down and have a good relationship with Matsuki… …

This leads to when Kirisu Masuori raised doubts in the office: “You really believe that what happened this morning was that Ms. Matsuki was in self-confidence with the students…”

Before she could finish speaking.

Some teachers who decided to change their attitude stood up and defended: “If it’s someone else, I don’t believe it, but if it’s Teacher Song Qi…”

“Yes, don’t look at Mr. Songqi’s usual mediocre, cough… Actually, it’s not unremarkable. In fact, Mr. Songqi is more restrained. However, Mr. Songqi, he is definitely a respectable person. If it were his teacher, I would still believe it.”

After listening to these words, other teachers cursed secretly in their hearts, but at the same time they started to defend themselves.

“Furthermore, the incident that happened this morning was just hearsay. In other words, we only saw an appearance, we didn’t know the actual situation, and it was just a guessing together…”

“The school must have been investigated…”

Many teachers’ rebuttals said that Mr. Kirifu, a newcomer in the workplace, was suspicious of life. Could it be that she really made a mistake?

at the same time.

Private Toyosaki, rooftop!


Hiratsuka lighted a cigarette again. She had to smoke a cigarette to calm down. What is going on in this school? Can this be transferred back? Experiencing the wind of the Showa era, how am I going to make her so funny? In the Showa era, I didn’t exercise myself to vomiting, or to a coma man!

and many more! Chasing the relic of the Showa era, isn’t this what Sougo Tama just said? Shizuka Hiratsuka turned his gaze to Doma Sougo again.

“The wind of Showa?”

Sou Wu Tama covered his face: “Can this world still speak nonsense with open eyes like this?” Didn’t he just tease casually, he didn’t expect that it really became the reason for those guys to pervert…

“Huh…” Hiratsuka snorted, “You don’t seem to believe the explanation given by the school at all?” When she was a student, there were basically things that the school admitted. Shizuka Shizuka was a little bit suspicious at the appearance of Ma Sougou who was really capable of bullshit, she tentatively said.

“Don’t you believe it?” Doma Sougo rolled his eyes.

“After all, this is the school standing at the back. If the school didn’t investigate anything…” After Shizuka deliberately said such a sentence, he stared at Sou Mama suddenly and said: “At this time, most people will believe it, or, always Satoru, you know the truth?”

If this is a guy with a bad mind and is attacked so suddenly by Shizuka Hiratsuka, I am afraid that the flaws will have been exposed on his face long ago.

However, what Shizuka Hiratsuka sees is Sougo Tama, his face is as usual: “Actually, I think what I guess is the truth. In this era, there are guys who have trained themselves to faint themselves. It’s impossible to be alright. !”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

It seems that it really has nothing to do with this guy.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter whether I believe it or not, but Sougo, you are afraid of disbanding the society…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

That’s right, there is a school station, and those members not only have no faults, but also have merit. If you want to take this opportunity to dissolve the club, I’m afraid it will not be so easy…

However, this kind of thing can be concealed for a while, can it be concealed for a lifetime? If someone finds out the clues, they will find that those members are actually abnormal! As the president, he is actually a perverted president. If Xiaobu knows this, his Ooni sauce is a group of perverted presidents…

That guy Xiaobu will be broken! Will it be Blacken? Absolutely not, we must prevent this from happening!

Just when Mokuma always thought about how to really suppress things, Yukino Yukino seemed to have thought of something, and quietly left.

“Huh…” Soon after Yukino’s departure, Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at the silent Sougo Morama, and took another puff of smoke and said, “Sougo, if you decide to dissolve the club, I can help. You, it’s just that you must be present. When the time comes, I will say that I strongly urge you to disband the association…”

“No…” Before Hiratsuka could finish speaking, Tama Sougo smiled and shook his head: “I want to understand, I can handle the affairs of the club myself.”

He suddenly figured it out. Even if the club is now disbanded, the fact that he used to be the president of those perverted club members may spread. To suppress this incident completely, even if it is mentioned today after many years. , And no one will feel that something is wrong, there is only one way, and that is to clean up all the members!

As for how to wash white, Tujian always realized that he had a plan in his heart.

“Are you sure?” Seeing the sudden change of Sougo Doma, Shizuka Hiratsuka hesitated slightly: “Sougo, violence is not the solution to the problem.”

“Relax, I’m not a violent man…”

“I just said that those students will be dangerous guys, so I’m not qualified to say this!” Hiratsuka twitched.

In this regard, Sougo Tama just gagged and reminded Shizuka Hiratsuka not to forget the weekend date. After a bit of teasing, Shizuka made Hiratsuka a pretty face pink, and it seemed to escape. ‘S left the rooftop.

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