Chapter 451: Believe?

As for how to suppress the scandal that happened today, Ms. Matsuki’s excuses gave Principal Yamamoto some ideas.

In this regard, Principal Yamamoto was quite contented. Not only did he see through the enemy’s conspiracy in the blink of an eye-a conspiracy that was seen through, is it still a conspiracy?

What’s more, he is not just as simple as seeing through the other party’s tricks. In his heart, he already has a countermeasure that will do everything. Once this method is released, not only will the other party’s conspiracy fail, but it will also make Song Qi the bastard become the other party. ‘S nails…

Matsuki, don’t blame him for being mean and wanting to be a traitor? That will not end well! Next, just look at the hand of his god, let the situation reverse instantly!

“Principal, I, principal, I really didn’t expect that the students would enthusiastically exercise themselves, students, in one day, do you realize the difference between Showa and Heisei?” Principal Yamamoto, who has a profound acting skills, wiped the corners of his eyes. The teardrops seemed to be quite moved.

One kind of members:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

School, the principal really believed it! ! !

It is indeed Teacher Song Qi, and sure enough, even the principal admires his character. This kind of nonsense remarks made the principal believe. Is the principal stupid? No, the principal is certainly not stupid, that is to say, Teacher Song Qi is deeply trusted in school!

To get this trust, what exactly did Teacher Songqi do?

A group of students began to recall their hearsay evaluations. Teacher Song Qi is mediocre, incompetent, and always talks about how he used to be. There are LOW enough. When his students are really unlucky enough and love to drink…

A crowd of students: -_-!

They finally understand what it means to stop rumors from the wise. How can Teacher Song Qi, who can be deeply trusted by the school, be a mediocre and incompetent person?

Who on earth came out of those stupid rumors? If they hadn’t had the honor to see Teacher Song Qi’s deep trust in the principal today, they would really believe it!

No, if they hadn’t seen the other side of Teacher Song Qi yesterday, they would really believe it!

Teacher Song Qi is really a representative of Gao Fengliang, facing those stupid rumors, he never refuted…

Or is it:

Teacher Song Qi, in fact, has been making unexplainable contributions to the school, just like the unsung heroes in the movie, silently making his own contributions.

Unsung heroes-it’s really a man’s romance, worthy of…

Teacher Song Qi once again reaped the worship value of the members.

The members seemed to have found the backbone. Since Mr. Songqi, the unknown hero, said so, they naturally have to respond positively. In this way, they may be exempted from school punishment. Maybe they can take the opportunity to wash away!

not to mention!

All members, look at me, I look at you, secretly gritted their teeth…

They obviously joined the club for picking up girls, but they only joined the club for a day. They became the laughing stock of the whole school, and they were even given the title of abnormal, strange religious person. The problem is that they are the creation of the club. Human——Sougo Tama has escaped!

This is so unfair!

The members of the club felt angry, and they also had a common idea-Tama Sougo. For the sake of you pulling Teacher Song Qi in, they will listen to the explanation…Bah, I should say, listen to it. Sophistry is beating people.

Of course, this is something to follow. Now, they have to follow the instructions of Ms. Matsuki to speak. As soon as Principal Yamamoto’s voice fell, these members began to speak.

“Principal, although it’s only started one day, under the guidance of Ms. Matsuki, we are full of longing for the Showa period…”

“Yes, Mr. Matsuki, in order to let us realize how much the wind of Showa is so desirable, he even gave up the rest time…”

“Me too, I finally understand why Teacher Song Qi said that a man should have a strong physique…”

Blow, just blow hard!

Teacher Song Qi who forcibly stabilized himself: (¬_¬)

Can you get in there? Calm, you must be calm, Matsuki, Kondo group boss, you can be calm, not to mention the principal of a school in a small area?

“Principal Yamamoto, just as the students said…”

These guys have already colluded. Let’s listen to what these students say. They open their mouths as Song Qi bastards, and when they close their mouths, they are also Song Qi bastards. Damn it, it turned out to be a teacher, but now it’s already starting to dig out students and want to dig out Feng. Students of Nozaki, dream! While Principal Yamamoto hated him, his face still smiled and said:

“Ms. Matsuki, needless to say, as one of the veterans of Fengzhizaki’s teachers, can I still distrust you? Of course, including the students led by Ms. Matsuki…”

Song Qi, didn’t you expect it? Even if you use such absurd excuses, private Toyonosaki will choose trust-you who get so much trust and want to betray you, just ask your conscience whether it hurts!

Want to let Principal Yamamoto fire you and let you go to the new owner to show your loyalty? impossible! The wise Principal Yamamoto not only won’t fire you as a bastard, but he will also give you extra high treatment. When you make a mistake next time or voluntarily resign, you are comparing the treatment of both sides. When that happens, you will regret it!

Of course, Principal Yamamoto also considered that the enemy would raise the price of Ms. Matsuki again, hum, hum-this is his genius of Principal Yamamoto. If he digs out a mediocre guy with a big price, the enemy is definitely losing money.

As for his improved treatment, it is just a pretense. Song Qi has already reached this point, proving that his determination to leave is very firm. He can give Song Qi a little bit of welfare to bite the dog with the enemy dog ​​hidden in the dark. why not?

What’s more, Principal Yamamoto smiled, he is about to suppress the scandal of Song Qi’s loyalty, and he will use this to publicize and praise a wave of Song Qi assholes, hehe…

At that time, Song Qi will definitely be jealous of the enemy, then will the other party give Song Qi this bastard better? If Song Qi gets into trouble because of this, it will be even better. He can use this to find out who the mice in the gutter are, instead of hitting them like headless flies.

How could the students know the twists and turns in Headmaster Yamamoto’s heart? After listening to the headmaster’s words, they were even more convinced that what they had guessed was correct.

Teacher Song Qi-absolutely very human!

Just follow Song Qi teacher.

It’s just that when they thought that Teacher Songqi who contributed silently in school was even more touched because they told a big lie, if it weren’t for them, Teacher Songqi who contributed silently would have the glory of an unsung hero.

But now, the hero’s cloak is stained with filth…

Teacher Song Qi!

Teacher Song Qi’s response: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Principal Yamamoto really believed that remark! ! !

Sure enough, calmness can make sure the odds of winning!

Speaking of this, it’s a lot of thanks to the amiable bosses of the Kondo team. If it weren’t for talking and laughing with them, and thinking that the principal is nothing great, he has now admitted his mistakes and waited for punishment, right?

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