Chapter 448

Never guess what a drunk person is thinking…

In order to avoid teacher Song Qi from finding fault afterwards, the waiters thoughtfully placed the remaining drinks not far from him.

This leads to a problem.

The general description can be expressed as:

Teacher Song Qi: “Where is this? It seems a bit cold. At this time, if there is a glass of wine to keep out the cold…”

Before he finished speaking, he found a valuable drink not far from him.


Tons tons…

Without the stimulation of the water of life with an alcohol content of up to 96°, Teacher Song Qi was drunk, but not dizzy.

After I was drunk alone, Ms. Songqi narrowed his eyes again. He is the Ms. Matsuki who is touted by the students and the Ms. Matsuki who talks to the Kondo team with a lot of laughs. How can he drink alone?

This unscientific!

What about the students who touted him?

Teacher Song Qi looked around drunkly…


So they are all here…

What if there is no one to accompany you for drinking? The taste of alcohol must be reduced by three points!

The drunk teacher Song Qi woke up a student not far from him.

“Hey, it’s cold…” As soon as the student woke up, a cold wind blew through.

“Too weak!” Looking at the student holding his arms for warmth, the drunk teacher Song Qi shouted: “In our age, who would be defeated by this kind of weather!”

“Huh? You…” Although he woke up, the student who was still not very sane looked confused. Who is this guy speaking?

“Here you…” But before the student could speak, Teacher Song Qi handed over a bottle of whiskey: “Take a sip and keep warm, I’ll tell you…”

The student was still confused, and because he usually felt thirsty when he first woke up, he just took a sip of whiskey.

Tons tons…

After drinking, the cold wind at night turned into a warm wind: “Okay, so hot…”

“Hiccup~!” The drunk teacher Song Qi smiled: “Ha, ha ha…hot, hot is right, humans, humans are not creatures that can be defeated so easily.”

With the first, there will be a second, with the second, there will be a third…

As the saying goes, Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, three produces all things, nothing more!

In the absence of someone to take care of.

Drunk, vomiting on the body…

It just happened naturally.

And under the influence of alcohol, the shirt did not make the big guy feel cold, but made the atmosphere on the scene warm up…

“Take it off, take it off…” When another spit on the clothes, the scene cheered loudly.

Teacher Song Qi was even more passionate: “Too passionate, everyone, we are not afraid of the cold!”

“Don’t be afraid of the cold!” Someone caters to…

“Heisei boys are also good!” Teacher Song Qi shouted again.

“Heisei man…” Everyone catered.

“Writing and drinking read as a toast!” Teacher Song Qi toasted, already confused, he completely forgot his fear.


I skipped the discussion on Ms. Matsaki’s side. After listening to Yamazaki Retreat’s explanation, Sougo Doma frowned. No matter how you look at it, there is nothing critical about Yamazaki’s approach.

Handing over the banknote ability to the only reliable adult at that time was indeed his only choice at the time.

The question is, how did things develop to the present situation?

What went wrong in this?

While Suspicion of Tuma, he never forgot to ridicule:

“Yamazaki, did the bastard earthwork make you clear the reason for cutting your belly?”

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

After a few seconds of silence, this guy started to think in pieces.

“Captain, Boss Kondo is actually an orangutan, right, an orangutan that is in estrus…”

“Huh?” Tamazuo was puzzled.

“Captain, shortly after you left yesterday, the gorilla, cough cough… Boss Kondo found the legendary Miss A Miao again…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

“Then what?”

“I was beaten up terribly…The deputy chief said that we obviously promised to take care of the orangutans, cough cough, boss Kondo, but let boss Kondo suffer this humiliation, and thank the world for cutting his belly, captain…”

“Yamazaki, you should cut your belly!” Before Yamazaki could finish crying, Sougo Tama smiled and issued a sentence. So many drunk Kondo team members didn’t use it and made the owner of the orangutan museum run out ashamed. I’m sorry for not cutting the belly. People! While thinking about this, Sougo Doma hung up the phone by the way, and then turned himself into the crowd again.

He also wants to observe and observe where exactly is the problem causing this situation…

at the same time.

A certain blond boy friend from Zecun also came to the scene, and then…

“Wow…” Sawamura Yinglili also left the scene as if escaping. Compared with the other calm onlookers taking pictures and videos, Sawamura Yinglili’s performance was obviously not satisfactory.


Sawamura Eiri wants to spit out loud, why does this kind of plot that only appear in the book happen in reality? A group of boys shirtless appeared in front of everyone…

Countless book plots suddenly appeared in Ying Lili’s mind!

Can I continue to study in this school?

Ying Lili wanted to ask…

Looking at Ying Riri who had run away, Shiina was looking closely at Mashiro.

Sougo Tama sighed, “Hey…”

This is the difference between people!

I also learned to paint. When Ying Lili saw this kind of scene, her first reaction was to escape, while Zhen Bai’s reaction was the research material. It is no wonder that Zhen Bai’s achievements are higher than Ying Lili…

Shiina Mashiro: “?”

She still wants to observe Sougo, and…

the other side.

Teacher Song Qi, who has recalled most of the things, sat upright, giving people a sense of seriousness-otherwise, it won’t work, so if someone notices what he is doing, he will be over. In the final analysis, he What money was saved at that time!

and many more!


Teacher Song Qi glanced at her naked, a little bit eager to cry without tears-all the clothes were lost, where’s his card?

This is so if he loses the card, he will be truly tragic!

No, now he is also a tragedy!

After all the members cast their eyes on him, he has become a tragedy, because he is the only adult on the scene!

Don’t panic, let alone recognize it!

I can’t recognize the fact that I hangover with the students…

He must be able to figure out a way!

He is not completely out of cards now. Those members who look forward to him and regard him as the backbone are his cards!

“Ahem! You bastards, why do you panic?” In the eyes of the members asking for help, Mr. Song Qi said: “Who said that you want to change yourself yesterday? And who said that you want a strong body? Who said he wanted to experience the Showa style?”

Naked, cough, and wearing a pair of briefs to sleep in the campus atrium has become an established fact. Then Ms. Song Qi has to find a convincing reason to make people feel that he is right.

At this moment, Teacher Song Qi only hopes that the well-behaved members can appreciate his good intentions-using the fact that they worked hard last night to train themselves, will cause everyone to fall asleep…

Although this sounds like a scene from a hot-blooded comic, art comes from life! Although this may seem a bit of a joke, but falling asleep because of exercising yourself is compared to a hangover… As long as the school is for its reputation, it will help them cover a thing or two.

Maybe they are so tired to be in the campus atrium in order to pursue the legacy of the Showa era. It will become a good talk…

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