Chapter 443 Philosopher

The next day, early morning.

Private Toyosaki, atrium.

“The head hurts…” Fujikami opened his eyes in a daze. The headache caused by the hangover made him look a little sluggish.

where am I? what happened? what should I do?

Facts have proved that after a long period of coma, everyone will become a great philosopher and ask three questions about philosophy! Then, answer the questions based on the surrounding conditions.

Therefore, the first thing Fujigami Takuya had to do was to confirm the environment. He got up from the ground and looked around.


Fujie Taku also fell into a sluggishness, and began to doubt his life.

Of course, anyone who wakes up and finds a naked guy lying around him will probably react similarly to Fujikami Takuya, even if these naked guys are wearing boxers, briefs, etc…

A spring breeze blows, and Taku Fujikami shivered. April in this country is not so warm. At least, a pair of briefs or something is not enough to resist the chill. The evidence is that on the vine. While Takuya shivered, the naked men in this place also bent their bodies at the same time to resist the chill brought by the spring breeze.

Fujigami Takuya: “…”

Oh, it turns out that he is also one of these arhats.

Very good, here comes the question, where’s his clothes? The answer is simple, because at a glance you can see that the floor is full of student uniforms with vomit.

Ha, ha ha… Seeing everything in front of him, Fujikami Taku also smirked twice, and fell silent again.

Is it a dream? This is definitely a nightmare! ? As long as you close your eyes and open them again, you can see the familiar ceiling, right? It must be possible! ! !

Fujigami Taku who was thinking this way closed his eyes again, he had no time to think about what happened? Why would he wake up in school, still wearing only a pair of briefs! ?

No way. After anyone becomes one of these naked guys, he will probably lose his thinking ability for a short time. Especially after becoming an Arhat, countless people are still watching, taking pictures, and recording videos…

By the way, when Fujikami Takuya woke up, it happened to be the peak of school.

Fortunately, the sky is inexhaustible among people, and the Doma Sougou, who is surrounded by the crowd, still has the ability to think. He wants to know what happened and why these members would sleep disheveled in the school courtyard. What did Yamazaki guys do? What’s the matter?

at the same time.

“Sougo, why are these people…” Shiina Mashiro, who was walking with Doma Sougo, raised his own question in due course.

“It’s really white, maybe this is some kind of mysterious custom, or a traditional school program…” Doma, Huyou, Sogoro went online.

“Eunichan, they should be just pure perverts, right?”

The earth is always enlightened: (one. one;;)

Of course he knows that these guys are just pure perverts, but these naked guys are all members of the [Oolong Tea Research Society]. If the guys in a society are all perverts, how will he be viewed by others as the president?

“Xiaobui, every place has its own unique ecology and its own wonderful customs. These guys should not be as simple as perverts. Besides, how can there be so many perverts gathered together overnight? This must be What mysterious customs should we respect…”

“Sougo-kun, Toyonosaki has never had such a peculiar custom!” After Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who had just arrived, heard the speech of Sougo Tama, he felt it necessary to say something. This is Toyonosaki, not Abnormal concentration camp.

“That may also be a religious ceremony…” Sougo Tama said with a “surprised” face: “The religions in this country are really diverse, and religious rituals of this kind are rare! , This kind of ceremony, I seem to have some impression…”

This is the so-called guidance of public opinion, that is, to preemptively make a characterization of the incident, so as to take oneself out of the matter.


After Doma Sougou’s words were finished, the onlookers had already defined the members as being members of a certain religion from a mere metamorphosis, and divided the scene into two factions, which also triggered a “fierce” discussion. war:

“I said these guys are not just perverts…”

“No, no matter how you look at it, they are just perverts…”

“How could there be so many perverts in school…”

“I still think they are just perverts…”

“I’ve seen a few guys in there. They don’t have much contact, and even the classes are different. How could they be gathered together because of abnormalities? There must be some mysterious force that connects them together…”

“Mysterious power? Have you read too many novels?”

“Stupid, that classmate just reminded it very clearly, it’s religion, religion! They must all be believers of a certain religion…”

After some “violent” discussions, the unbelievers were also shaken. Toma Sougo was a little relieved about this. Fortunately, he preconceived the idea of ​​religion, which made people ignore the option of community. In terms of religion, are these members perverted? What does it have to do with him as the president?

As long as things don’t involve yourself, then you can be a melon-eating crowd with peace of mind-Tu Jian Zou Wu.

What’s more, this “spectacular” scene of dozens of arhats sleeping in the campus atrium is the first time that Sougo Tama has seen him. While the scene is hot, it also made him feel happy. He even told Shiina next to him. Zhenbai suggested:

“It’s really white, don’t you know how to draw the body of a boy? There are so many human body materials now, you have to observe carefully…”

“Hmm…” A trace of sadness flashed in Shiina’s eyes, but she still nodded: “Mao Bai will come on!”

Listen to the conversation between the two.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

In this situation, I still worry about the true white painting skills, Sougo-kun, your heart is too big, right?

Buried in the soil: “…”

The scene in front of me was not made by O’Neill, right? However, after Ernie Chan went home yesterday, he only left when he sent Shiyu home, and he hasn’t gone out since then!

As everyone’s thoughts were flying, Fujigami Taku also opened his eyes again.

It’s still not the familiar ceiling. Only the blue sky and the white clouds that decorate the sky…

The coldness of the spring is obviously not the temperature that makes people comfortable to sleep in. The arhats wake up from the hangover one by one. After experiencing three questions in life, the naked guys have set foot in the footsteps of Fujikami Takuya and fell into Lost sluggishness and doubt in life.

Who can tell them what happened and why they would sleep naked in the atrium of the school? They desperately need a backbone!

God seems to have responded to their prayers.

Teacher Song Qi woke up…

Teacher Song Qi fell silent…

Teacher Song Qi wants to play GG in the game of life…

This f*ck is over!

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