Chapter 438

“Shiyu, are you crying?”

“Because the really white works really touched me…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wiped her eyes, yes, this is a moving tear, definitely not because the picture that flashed in her mind was too terrifying and scared her. Crying, absolutely not!

“Rejected…” The lost Shiina was really white.

“Really white, don’t be disappointed, you must believe in yourself, those comics editors who know fart comics, like my editor, obviously only took charge of light novels from the beginning, but now they are not suddenly in charge of comics…” The desire to survive is extremely strong. Shiyu Xiazhiqiu quickly gave an example.

“Shiyu’s editor is amazing!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Ha, ha ha…”

The old woman Machida Yuanzi hasn’t figured out what’s going on by herself, she’s a terrible fart…

Even the reminders were made by her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!

“It’s really white, I mean, you don’t want to belittle yourself. The reason why you were rejected might be the editors…”

“But Teacher Silly Qiang also said that the true white plot needs to be strengthened…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: (ㄒoㄒ)

Over, over, which side should she stand on at this time? Is it the silly strong teacher or is it really white? In other words, in the discussion between the two monsters, why is she the one who is embarrassed in the end!

If this one can’t handle it and offends one of them, let alone escape from this house, she is afraid that she will not even be able to get out of this room.

“It’s really white, I think, that stupid teacher should be very important to you, so the requirements for you will naturally be higher.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, it must be so!”

“So that’s it, I’ll come on…” Shiina Masashi said with a fist clenched.

“Huh~!” Looking at this scene, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief. It was great. After all, it was finally comforted. Nothing strange happened. It seemed that these monsters were not irritated.

“Shiyu, I won’t delay your creation, you have to come on!”

Come, come, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feels that her biggest test is coming. She just said something nonsense, creating in the monster den, is it too fateful?

She just wanted to go home now, then got into the quilt and shivered, crying loudly, commemorating the road of youth that she had died before she even started.

“True, true white, actually I…” If you are used to quiet creation as the reason, can you leave here?

“Shiba, is there anything else?” Shiina Masashi turned on the computer, turning back and wondering.

“Personally, I tend to create quietly, of course…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frantically making excuses.

At the same time, a mechanical sound came from the really white computer:

“Your loyal and reliable friend, silly strong online to serve you!”

“Teacher Silly Qiang, be quiet, Shi Yu wants to create quietly.”

“It’s a real white classmate, you were 15 minutes late today, did you go to paint again?” A very magnetic bass.

“Master Shaqiang’s voice has changed again…”

“Studies have shown that when humans hear pleasant sounds, they will accelerate the absorption of knowledge. I am trying to make it really clear that you can learn knowledge faster.”

“Oh, amazing…”

“Just understand!”

“I don’t quite understand…” Shiina was really honest and honest.

“If you don’t understand, don’t praise it casually!”

“But, I think Teacher Silly Qiang knows a lot. Although he speaks in a cloud of clouds, he is very powerful…” Shiina Mashiro explained perfectly what it means to be unclear.

Looking at everything in front of her, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was dull.


Uh, it turns out that he is such a person!

After all, what was she thinking about just now! ?

“Really white, that, teacher Shaqiang refers to computer programs?”

Shiina Mashiro raised his head upon hearing this, “Shiba, what is a computer program?”

“Student Zhenbai, who is the person who spoke just now? It’s too rude. How can I be described by a mere computer program? Please let her call me, a cross-age intelligent AI!” Shaqiang also complained in a timely manner. .

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

Isn’t this still a computer program?

“Teacher silly Qiang, Shiyu admires you very much. She didn’t bring a gift this time, so she won’t say hello to you. When she prepares a gift next time, Zhen Bai is introducing you to you…” Shiina, Tian Hei, truth.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

Why does she have to give a computer program a gift? Can you go back now so that you don’t have to persuade yourself at that time?

“Is there still such a polite little girl now? Classmate Zhenbai, you have to learn like others, like help the computer expand the memory, or replace me with a better computer as a new home…” Shaoqiang Without a trace of the request:

“By the way, classmate Zhenbai, if you tell the little girl, if you are a gift, I will think about it. By the way, the latest computer on the market is incomparable with supercomputers, but considering my current situation, let me It’s not impossible to reluctantly live in…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

So, what is your situation now? Moreover, the blatant request is already considered extortion! ?

“Does Teacher Shaqiang want to move?”

“If according to human terms…”

“Is the computer really white?”

“Student Zhenbai, if you say that this laptop is a high-end apartment, then your computer is a cheap apartment, and smart AI is also pursued. I don’t want a supercomputer-like luxury house to be in place in one step, but you don’t let me live longer. Bad…”

“Affordable apartment? High-end apartment?” Shiina Mashiro showed a puzzled expression again.

“Forget it, you can’t figure it out now to tell you this. You have to eat one bite at a time, and teaching has to be done step by step. However, it is also very good for the real white classmates to have the heart to help the stupid teacher change his residence. …”

“Because Shiyu said, Teacher Shaqiang must be a great existence!”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka buried her head!

No, don’t talk nonsense, it’s not her…

If this is to let Zongwujun know that she has blown a computer program into a great existence, then she will not be laughed to death?

Damn it, why did you say it in front of Zhen Bai? Zhen Bai is an uncontrolled bomb. If it suddenly explodes, wouldn’t he be ashamed?

I want to die, I want to die, I want to die!

“Wei, great existence…” In the computer, Silly Qiang made an unbelievable voice: “True, true white, you, you must study well with that Shiyu, yes, I am actually very great… ”


Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who couldn’t listen anymore, stepped forward and closed the computer.

“Shiyu?” Looking at Xia Zhiqiu who was extremely embarrassed, Zhen Bai’s face once again showed a look of confusion.

“It’s really white…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is also a nuclear smile: “I just made a joke with you just now. This stupid teacher is not really great, do you understand?”

“Huh? Shiyu’s smile now really looks like Zongwu…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

Really white, don’t think that if you say a few nice words, this matter will pass. Her smile is really like Zongwujun. It’s fun, she won’t be happy because of such words…

But hey, hey, is this the fate between her and Zongwujun! ?

“It’s normal now…” Shiina was so black and really white.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

Bring back her dreams just now! ! !

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