Chapter 44 The real eldest lady (recommended ticket plus more)

Prawns deep-fried until golden brown;

Crispy and refreshing tempura;

The thick egg-yaki that looks tender and smooth;

Plus fresh fruits and vegetables-small tomatoes or something;

And the seaweed and prunes that serve the most rice;


It’s a blended soup…

The material is not very luxurious, but it gives people a feeling of wanting to eat, especially wanting to eat-this is the strength of the ten best in Yuanyue!

Looking at the bento box of Soma Sougo.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at the pineapple bread in her hand again, wanting to die, want to die, want to die…

“Life is short, you should have fun in time, Teacher Xia Shizi.” Sougo Tuma didn’t carefully observe the unpredictable expression of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, he took a deep breath and said contentedly.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu looked at the pineapple bread in her hand; then looked at the lunch box of Sougo Doma…

Suddenly, she felt that the pineapple bread she usually loved suddenly didn’t taste good.

“Look, it’s time to have lunch, should Teacher Xia Shizi eat bread?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

“Oh, okay, I’ll just start it first.” Sougo Tama took a fish back and took out a pair of disposable chopsticks.

“Look, UFO.”

Maybe you can’t lie to others, and you’ll always realize that you’re sure to cheat every time you’re deceiving. This is a world of transformation from the second dimension!

Perhaps due to human instinct, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu ghostly grabbed the chopsticks into his hand.

Sovereign Enlightenment “?_?”

“It is said that people often poison them in other people’s bento recently…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu explained while eating.

Doma Sougo “…”

So, I have to thank you?

You make up, you continue to make up!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “Don’t worry, I’m just trying to poison for you, I can’t eat much.”

This is the truth. According to her original appetite, about one-third of her appetite will feel full.

Ran goose.

She only ate the first bite of fried shrimp.


In his mouth, there was the smell of the sea, and in front of him, there was an oversized lobster, staring at her, as if to eat her.

“No, don’t…” In the world of illusion, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu fled around.

In reality, she is constantly stuffing food in her mouth.

Seeing this scene, Tuma Zouwu smiled, the expression of Teacher Xia Shizi was really pleasing.

Still in hallucinations.

“Kang Dang!”

A figure fell from the sky.

“Enough, Shrimp Monster, here, I will guard it…”

“Who are you?”

“Wonah, the brave man who burns thick eggs!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “Na, Nani? Brave?”

“Honorable taster, this time, I will defeat the fried shrimp monster.” The thick egg-boiled brave man bent over and bowed his head.

“Wait, wait!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t know why she said that, but looking at the brave brave with a bold face, she couldn’t help saying::

“What if it fails?”

“Then I won’t go back.”

Tomato is the vanguard, tempura is on the left, Kasumigaoka Shiba is the commander, but… no matter how smart the commander is, he will experience failure.

The thick egg burned the warrior defeated.

The tempura counselor died.

Little Tomato Cannon Fodder is even more vulnerable.

“Enough, enough, no, don’t fight anymore…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shed tears.


She woke up from the environment, and just about to look up, she heard Tuma always enlightenment:

“Onion, I added onion. I didn’t expect that teacher Xia Shizi is also a sentimental type.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Huh?”

At this moment, her cheeks flushed, and when she looked at it again, Tuma Sougou’s lunch box was already empty.

“It’s just… you try to poison, just take my lunch…”

“Yeah!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened her burgundy eyes wide, and then stuffed the bread into the mouth of Sougenzuo Tujian.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

However, this guy is really interesting.

He thought so, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head:

“Eat your bread.”

“Um.” Summa Sumura.

“Two!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu continued, there is no way, the total comprehension of the soil is equivalent to the original amount. After eating it unknowingly, she can eat something to have a ghost.

Tuma always felt his chin, this guy really doesn’t think of himself as an outsider!

In fact, it is exactly the same.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu has been lonely because he hasn’t made friends for a long time. This is also normal. In the small circle of Japan, as long as they are not friends, others will not bother to talk to you.

This is a unique type of bullying.

Only the person involved understands the cruelty of this bullying, as if the world doesn’t need you to appear at all.

the other side.

Looking at the lunch box she took out, many people in the class where Xiao buried was sitting were surprised.

“Wow, this, isn’t this that? A bento box that only costs 999,000 yen!”

Xiao Mai had a gentle smile on his face: “It’s not so exaggerated. This is O’Neill’s own money to help me buy it. It shouldn’t be very expensive.”

Inner heart: Haha, at that time, the lunch box bought by Ouni sauce was stored for ten minutes, which was about 100,000 yuan.

“Hey, Xiaobui’s Ernie sauce? He must be a very good person.”

Xiao Mai nodded affirmatively: “Of course.”

“Xiao Bui, let’s have lunch together…” A group of girls,

The soil nodded: “Okay, I just want to meet everyone, right…”

As if thinking of something, I turned my head and looked at someone in the corner: “Xiaohui, let’s have lunch together.”

Kato Megumi looked around, then glanced at Xiao Bui again: “Well, are you calling me?”

The soil nodded: “Xiaohui, coming here soon…”

At that moment, Kato Megumi didn’t know what was thinking in her heart, but she nodded silently and said, “Oh!”

To be honest, even she herself has forgotten how long it has been since she had lunch with her classmates (friends).

I don’t know if it’s born or why, Kato Megumi’s presence has always been low. Even when he graduated from junior high school, people often asked: “Who is Kato Megumi? Are our classmates?”

It was as if she had never appeared before.

Going to high school, it’s still the same.

Kato Megumi originally thought that she would be obscured for a lifetime, and even no one else knew who she was.



Buried in the soil, who had just transferred to school, remembered her.

And she just took her to her seat when she was buried in the classroom.

Buried in the soil…

What kind of guy is that? She seemed to be smiling at all times, and her appearance and posture looked like a eldest lady.

Unlike Zecun, Ying Lili, who is in the next class, although she is also the legendary eldest lady, compared with Xiao Mai, her temperament is much worse.

Moreover, as far as Megumi Kato knows, even though Sawamura and Eriri are the eldest girls… but every move, they are very different from the Tuma classmates who have just transferred.


Real nobles should be the same as Xiao Mui.

She thought so, and walked to Xiao Mu’s side with the lunch box.

“Kang Dang!”


As soon as the small buried bento box is opened, it emits a fragrance that no one has ever smelled.

Look at the dishes. Although it is not luxurious, it gives people an urge to swallow continuously.

The real great wisdom is like foolishness, great skill is like clumsy…

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