Chapter 430

“Wait, gorilla…” Looking at Kondo who ran outside the door in the blink of an eye, Tōma Sougo intentionally stopped, but was helpless.

“Captain, just let Kondo boss go out like this, is it appropriate?” Yamazaki, who had recovered his energy, also asked. With Kondo boss for comparison, Yamazaki seemed to let go of the dark history.

“Big ghost, what can I do? I’m also desperate…” Facing Yamazaki’s question, Sougo Tama spread his hands and looked helpless.

How did he know that this gorilla would break through itself and evolve into a perverted gorilla after suffering constant blows. Its behavior pattern was difficult to guess before, but now it has evolved into a perverted one. This, he has to change the target of the attack. Well, for example…

“Captain, it’s not a big ghost, it’s Yamazaki…”

“But the impression of the big ghost is even more ingrained. Even the gorilla still remembers your original Moxican, didn’t it?” Sougo Tama stepped forward and interrupted.

“Captain, in fact, I have already figured it out. Whether it is a big ghost or the current captain of the Kondo team, it is Yamazaki…” Yamazaki withdrew his eyes and looked clear.

“Even if the captain is just the man who was elected by everyone?”

“Well, that’s right!” Yamazaki smiled, “Even if it’s really just the Back Pot Man, it’s the Back Pot Man elected by everyone, isn’t it?”

“Yamazaki, you really look like an idiot.” Sougo Doma said “helplessly”.

“Captain, I was originally a fool, a fool who has a bond with the Kondo team…”

“Well…” Before Yamazaki retired to finish speaking, Sougo Tama rubbed his hair and said, “I really lost to you and that gorilla…”

“Speaking of this, Captain, do you really want to let Boss Kondo go out like this?” Yamazaki retired in doubt.

“Yamzaki, instead of worrying about the owner of the orangutan museum, it is better to think about what to do with these drunk team members…” Sougo Tama pointed to a group of drunks on the ground.

“Don’t worry, Captain Zou Gou, the team members should be guarded by me, the current captain. When it comes to the captain, what about the group of students you got us drunk?”

Sou Maura: -_-!

The plan often fails to keep up with the changes. His original plan was to get these members drunk. At the same time, the members of the Kondo team should also stay awake. Then, let the sober members of the Kondo team help and send these members to his rented warehouse…

Unexpectedly, those members were indeed drunk, but the team members were basically drunk too. If he had known this way, he would not order so much high-grade alcohol. This is a proper injury to one thousand people and self-defeating. Hundred!

As for looking for someone to come and help now? Let’s not talk about whether you will expose your own problems, just talk about the two pollution sources that pollute each other in your home. If you wait for someone to come, the day lily will be cold.

What’s more, Tōma Sougou glanced at the door…

Forget it, just assume that these members are lucky, they have survived a catastrophe, and they have made a mistake. His plan should be considered more carefully.

“Woo, Yamazaki, you will take care of these students too…”

“Na, Nani? Team, captain, I heard that right, right?”

“Hey many, is it difficult to take care of these students?”

“No, Captain, you let us get these students drunk and take good care of them. What are you trying to do?” Yamazaki retired in doubt.

The earth is always enlightened: (one. one;;)

“I said at the beginning, this is just a way of expression of friendship between me and my classmates…” It is absolutely impossible to reveal information about the failure of my plan.

Yamazaki Retreat: (¬_¬)

“Captain, I probably understand the mood of Boss Kondo now. The way the captain expresses friendship is to get people drunk. Then Miss A Miao’s way of expressing friendship is to send people to the government. This seems to make sense…”

The soil is a little embarrassed: (One. One;;)

“Ahaha…Is it? Indeed, there is a difference between people and people. Maybe that Ms. A Miao likes to send people to the government to express her feelings, he said. Maybe it will succeed, ha, ha ha…”

“Captain, you don’t believe it when you are talking nonsense, don’t hide from your eyes, and the laughter is too embarrassing…” Seeing that his face was correct, it was like this Sougo Morama, Yamazaki murmured in his heart: “Fortunately these I didn’t let Boss Kondo hear the words, otherwise, he would definitely…”

“Sougo, Yamazaki, did you think so?” Before Yamazaki was finished, the door of the VIP room opened again, and Kondo had tears in his eyes. It was different from the past. This time, he was caught. Tears of joy shed after approval.

“Yes, if Boss Kondo heard him, he must be exactly like this…” Yamazaki Reti nodded, that’s what he thought.

and many more!

Yamazaki Retire fell into a sluggishness, his mouth opened wide because of the fright.

After a long while.

Now, boss Kondo, haven’t you left? Why are you back again? The nonsense of the captain has been heard! It’s over, it’s over, and Yamazaki retreats like a waking up from a dream.

Compared with Yamazaki with a bewildered look, Tama Sougou said as if he had already expected it: “Owner of the Orangutan Museum, the act you just ran out was really just a cover.”

“Eh much? Has it been discovered?”

“Huh~!” Sougo Tama sighed, and then said, “The reason why you stayed here is not like you said, just to drag everyone into the abyss of misfortune, right?”

“Did you still see it?” Kondo Hoon’s face became serious.

“Woo…” Sougo Tama said with a chuckle, “Probably because I know that the Kondo museum owner I know is not the kind of guy who draws people into misfortune, right?”

Yamazaki retreat: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Captain, boss Kondo, what are you talking about?

“Really? It seems that I don’t have a low image in Zou Gou’s mind.”

“The reason why the owner of Kondo Museum stayed is actually to monitor me, right? Or, to test what I want to do?” Sougo Tsuchama touched his cheek with his finger.

Yamazaki retreat: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Captain, what are you talking about? How could Boss Kondo spy on you?

“Uh~! You’re right…” However, Kondo Hoon nodded with a serious face: “Sougo, Lord Guilong, he can’t stand your toss, so before you make a big mistake ,I will……”

“It’s really boring!” Sougo Tama stood up: “Actually, I just exchanged feelings with my classmates today, and I will be accompanied by the Kondo team. If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first.”

“Zao Wu, even if these actions make you detest or hate, I won’t regret what I did. Don’t let the darkness in my heart swallow you up again!” Looking at the soil walking outside the door Jian Sougo, Kondo Hoon suddenly spoke.

“Owner of the Orangutan Pavilion…” Sougo Tama also turned his head: “The darkness in my heart is really the second one!”

Yamazaki retired and nodded.

Unexpectedly, the boss of Kondo still has such a secondary second side, wait!

What is he thinking?

Now it is the boss of Kondo who is monitoring the captain, yes, will it be because of this incident that the captain will turn against the Kondo team! ?

How can it be repaired!

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