Chapter 413 Is there any misunderstanding?

“Fourteen~!” Kondo Hoon looked rather bleak from his back.

“Um~!” Tufang Shiburo covered his face with one hand, feeling ashamed: “Even the boss of a gorilla who has transformed into a perverted stalker still retains the so-called self-esteem, so I want to hide things, at least Make sure that in the Kondo team, no one will look at him with strange eyes, but now, what have I said…


The image that has been maintained for the orangutan boss for so many years is about to collapse! Damn it, whose fault is this? ”

Tsukijiro turned his gaze to the unconscious two.

Yamazaki and Ono laughed awkwardly: (¬_¬)

Hey, can anyone tell them the answer? Did they just hear something they shouldn’t have heard? Orangutan, boss Kondo, shouldn’t it be the image of a gorilla to follow others? Ha, ha, impossible, impossible, orangutan, although Boss Kondo looks like an orangutan, he is a rare man in this era who retains the soul of nobleness!

Follow this kind of thing…

After thinking about this, the two Yamazaki suddenly felt a chill in their backs, as if something locked them…

Tusushiro’s eyes were slightly cold: It was because Yamazaki and Ono, these two fools, had been encouraging, that I broke my heart, not only ruining the image of the orangutan boss, but also causing tons of it to the orangutan boss. The blow, think about it, let’s kill them…

Just as the killing intent of Shiburo Shiro was greatly increased, the bleak Kondo Hoon suddenly said:

“Fourteen~! Why, why can’t you understand the relationship between me and Miss A Miao?”

Looking at the snarling Kondo, Shiburo’s murderous intent was eliminated, and his vomit was greatly increased: “So, what kind of feelings can there be between the stalker and the victim!”

After contacting the locking of the killing intent, Yamazaki and Ono suddenly felt their bodies loosened, and their thoughts flowed again. Apes, Kondo boss, is the owner of Gaojie’s soul, and he follows this kind of thing…

“Fourteen, it’s not stalking, it’s the trail of love, it’s the little ambiguity between boy and girl friends!”

Yamazaki, Ono: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Gao Jie’s soul is already shattered…

“The little ambiguity between boy and girl friends? It’s so ambiguous that I have to go to the government to fish you out every time~! Orangutan, boss Kondo!” Tufang Shibu Lang gritted his teeth.

“There must be a reason for this. Maybe Miss A Miao’s family works in the government, and she sent me in just to introduce me in front of my family…”

“No one would introduce a boyfriend to his family as a stalker! From today onwards, give it up completely, Gorilla, Boss Kondo…”

“certainly not……”

Yamazaki has forgotten what I said later, just as Tugata Shiro was worried, the feeling that the image of the boss was disillusioned made Yamazaki and Ono fall into confusion.

“Sorry, Deputy Chief, I won’t disturb the argument between you and the gorilla with Ono.” Yamazaki Toiqiang, who couldn’t accept it, said with a smile.

“I think the gorilla possesses the soul of noble and clean, I’m really terrible…” Genji Ono next to Yamazaki also murmured with a look of lovelessness.

Looking at the expressions of the two men, Tubo Shiro: #^_^

It’s troublesome. His most worrying thing is about to come true. Apes, Kondo boss’s past image is too stalwart, once the image collapses, the Kondo team members will suffer a major mental blow!

Although the boss of Kondo looks like a mascot of the Kondo group, in fact, he is an indispensable core figure of the Kondo group…

Tukata Shiro knows what the team members think of him-evil spirits, obey the rules, go to hell, Tukata (for Sogo only)…

That’s right, the Kondo team, which looks like a piece of iron bucket, actually lives under his high pressure. The players can withstand the harsh punishment because of Kondo’s boss.

In the Kondo group, the apes, the boss of Kondo relies on his unique personality charm: whether it is the unreported character of Sien, or he can always detect the difficulties of the players and advise them, plus his own life The noble and upright style of work and the persistence of self-conduct have made many team members regard Kondo’s boss as a life mentor…

It is precisely because of this attraction that his Turkishiro Shiro is determined to follow the boss of Kondo.

However, once this image is affixed with the logo of a perverted stalker, it will be completely shattered! How can the members of the Kondo team who use him as a life mentor accept this!

Not to mention other people, even the Turkman Shiro has been entangled for a few days before he convinced himself: whether it is a perverted stalker or the curator who always sticks to his self-honored soul, he is the boss of Kondo. …

However, it is easy to persuade oneself, but it is difficult to persuade others. For this reason, Turkishiro had to conceal what Kondo boss had done recently.

It turns out that he got it right.

After learning the truth, even Yamazaki, who was the captain, could not accept it, and even the name of the orangutan who would change his name from usual, Kondo boss, directly became the orangutan boss, let alone other people?

Now Yamazaki still wants to leave. With his departure, the news that Kondo’s boss is a perverted stalker can’t help it!

Thought of this.


Turkiro immediately swept the sharp edge of his hand towards Yamazaki.

“Yamazaki, did you want to leave so soon? You and Ono seem to be very busy~!”

The cold blade stopped at the throat, and Yamazaki retreated: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Deputy, what happened to the deputy chief today? Why does he have a feeling of constantly wandering on the edge of life and death? The orangutan boss is a perverted stalker, and it has nothing to do with his Yamazaki retreat! ! !

“Deputy Commander, although I’m not very busy here, it’s just that today is a small gathering of the team members in the platoon group of Captain Sougou. If I have been out for too long with Ono, the team members will be worried, but if… ”

Tusumi Shiro: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Great, great crisis has appeared! I originally thought about using physical hypnosis, or bullying and temptation, to make Yamazaki and Ono forget what happened today. Now it seems that it’s not enough. If this is found by the team members during that period, not only the apes, but Kondo’s boss, even His image will also collapse.

Damn it, why did that guy choose to meet today…

If only Yamazaki and Ono were the only two, he would have gotten started now, and once the guy knew his concerns, the guy who feared that the world would not be chaotic would surely ridicule him with a sinister smile…

No, absolutely can’t let this happen! He must stop…

“Eh? Is the team gathering arranged by Sougo? It must be boring, after all, Sougo is still a minor, and you guys are really hard. You can’t order alcohol in high-level clubs, you can only drink drinks or something. , Haha…” Just as Tusumi Shiro was thinking about it, Kondo Hoon suddenly said.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

Ono: “…”

Ape, boss Kondo, do you have any misunderstandings about Captain Sogo (that guy)! ! !

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