Chapter 410: Don’t Save It, Wait To Die!

[House of Demon Temptation], the VIP room of Kondo Ton.

In order to save his own rumors, Tusumi Shiro had to invite the Yamazaki two incomparably. As soon as they entered the door, Yamazaki seemed to have stepped into hell.

I saw dozens of people lying in the private room, and some did not lie down, but they all squatted in the corner stupidly, muttering:

“Mom, I’m hungry, I want to eat a bag…”

“Chuntian Huahua is not my mother, but my mother is Chuntian Huahua…”

“Bum belly, belly belly…”

“Guru~!” Looking at everything in front of them, Yamazaki and the two swallowed their saliva again. If they change to another place, they may believe that this is a mental hospital!

The deputy chief and the apes, what did the boss Kondo do to these people? Will…

and many more!

Why did the vice-chief call them in and show them this scene? Could it be that the vice-chief decided not to kill them, but to make them the same as these guys? It’s great, no need to die, it’s so great. All right……

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

What a fart! If you really want to live like this, you might as well die!

Yamazaki and the two looked at the expressionless Tukata Shiro. The deputy commander was really scary. How would they be treated…

At the same time that the two of them were speculating, Tusuan Shiro also said: “Don’t look, these guys are worthy of the crime, I will contact the person in charge here to deal with it later.”

Yamazaki Retreat, Ono: -_-|||

Sin, sin deserves it, yes, is it because they discovered the secret between you and the orangutan, Kondo boss?

“Even if it is not the first time I have witnessed this scene, it is still shocking.” Just as the two of Yamazaki were thinking about it, Kondo Hoon spoke with a serious face.

Yamazaki Retreat, Ono: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Orangutan, boss Kondo, isn’t it the first time you have done this kind of thing? The question is, how can they survive?


Turkishiro lighted a cigarette: “Shock is shock, but there is still a mess to deal with. Fortunately, they are all together and it is much easier to deal with.”

The two Yamazaki were shocked when they heard this:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Minato, are you together? Vice, the meaning of the vice-chief’s words also includes them? No wonder the vice-chief would call them in. This is to deal with them together!

“Deputy Chief, I really haven’t seen anything, and I don’t know anything. My population is the tightest. You must believe me, I will never talk nonsense!” The strong desire to survive finally didn’t let it go. Yamazaki said nonsense again.



Another white light flashed by, and the trouble thread on Yamazaki’s head was cut off again. If this continues, it will not take a few months to keep it, Yamazaki can become the owner of the Mediterranean!

Seeing this scene, Xiaoye’s heart suddenly became clear. It seems that if he didn’t see this kind of words, he couldn’t escape. Then he can only find another way, for example, to help the deputy chief…

Now the situation is obvious. As far as the information just got, the deputy chief is obviously tired of the relationship between the vice-chief and the orangutan and Kondo’s boss, and Kondo wants to stay, although the deputy has already cut the mess and swung his sword. Broken love, but the persistence of the boss of Kondo is absolutely beyond doubt…

In other words, the boss Kondo doesn’t want to let go of his relationship with the deputy chief. It’s good, so let him help the deputy chief get rid of the boss Kondo, and then naturally become the deputy’s helper, so as to escape this life and death. Jie, as expected, compared with Captain Yamazaki, Ono Genji is much more witty!

Thinking of this, Ono’s heart was full of fighting spirit. He turned his gaze to Kondo Ho: “Ape, Kondo boss, men should not be obsessed with the past. Although, I know this will make Kondo boss sad and confused, but he can only break this one. Sad and confused, men will grow up! Let go, boss Kondo, let go of the deputy, and let yourself go, let the deputy go alone…”


Another white light flashed, and a little green silk fell on Ono’s head.

Tufang Fourteen Lang#^_^

Is it time for the Kondo team to strengthen its thinking? How did these idiots think of him and the gorilla… ahem, boss Kondo?

Ono Genji: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Lost, failed! That is why ah! ? This is his best self-rescue plan derived from countless information!

“Ono, I really can’t believe it, and I can’t imagine that 14th he would do this…” As the earthmoving knife waved, Kondo was also tearful: “And, you can really tolerate 14th leaving like this. I……”

Before they finished speaking, Yamazaki and Ono’s exuberant desire to survive made them nodded instinctively.

“Yamazaki, Ono, don’t you care about Fourteen at all?” Kondo couldn’t believe that the Kondo team was already fragile like this?

“Uh…” Tufang Shiburo covered his face with one hand again, he was sure that these guys definitely didn’t talk about it.

“Ampang, Boss Kondo, even if you care about the deputy chief, but facing this kind of life choice, I feel that it is better to let the deputy make the decision by himself…” The personal issues between you and the deputy chief, what do you have with them? Relationship?

Kondo Ho: ▄█▀█●

Yuan, it turns out that everyone in the Kondo team has a fragile relationship, except for him, no one wants to keep fourteen.

Looking at Kondo Hoon who has a look of lovelessness, Tukata Shiro: #^_^

It should be okay to kill these guys, right? No, it’s definitely okay! In other words, why does he have to manage a bunch of idiots? No, I can’t let this topic go on.

“Yamazaki, Ono…”

“Yes!” The two men who stood up straight in an instant.

“Speaking of which, why did you show up in this store? I remember I told you that the Kondo team should not come here for the time being today…”

Yamazaki Retreat: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

It’s over, it’s over! There have been so many things that I have forgotten the deputy, the deputy chief has given an explanation! If you are worried about the vice-chief and them, they will be punished on the terms of weakness and distrust of your companions! What, what to do, do you want to betray Captain Sogo?

Before Yamazaki retired and thought about it, Ono on the side preemptively said:

“Deputy Commander, the reason why we are here is entirely because of Captain Sogo’s orders…”

Before he finished speaking, Tufang Shishiro’s eyes twitched, and he realized-why is this guy everywhere?

“Huh~!” After lightly spitting out the smoke ring, Tufang Shibu Lang continued: “You mean, it was Zou Wu who asked you to come over?”

Yamazaki retreat nodded quickly: “That’s right, and Captain Sogo explained it a long time ago, if he didn’t come…”

Ono, you guy is one step ahead? Damn it, Yamazaki won’t lose.

“So that’s the case.” Turkishiro took a second breath. It seems that the negotiation happened by chance. No, Sougo said that he came here specially, that is to say.

The earthmover glanced at Yamazaki.

“Yamazaki, you told Sougo that he was here, did you tell him all what I, Ape, Boss Kondo, are going to do?”

Yamazaki Retreat: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Deputy, he has found out about it! ! !

Did his Yamazaki give the deputy chief an excuse to feed him pills! ?

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