Chapter 408 A lot of scary things will come true!

[House of Devil Temptation], public toilet.

“Hey, the task ordered by Captain Sogo is really troublesome. I almost lost my image just now.” After the release, Yamazaki vomited in a relaxed manner.

“It’s not Captain Yamazaki. You said something in it. If something is wrong, you will always run into the bathroom. If I didn’t see the chance, I quietly dialed your phone and pretended to have something wrong…” Xiao Ye who was with him whispered Whispered.

“Can you blame me then? What Captain Sogo ordered is to get all the people inside and get drunk. It was obvious that someone wanted to retreat…” Yamazaki replied as he unscrewed the faucet.

Ono heard this and was shocked: “No, Captain, can you hear me so quietly?”

“As a swordsman, ears and eyes are basic…” Yamazaki was proud of washing his hands.

“Captain Yamazaki, it turns out that you are so good. It seems that we all underestimated you…”

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-|||

I underestimate him. In fact, just think about it in my heart, there is no need to say it.

“However, I heard people say that if you are too ear-sighted, you will have a hard life, Captain Yamazaki.” Ono, the leader of the knife.

“Who said this? Only with ears and eyes can we understand ourselves, the world, and…”

“Woo, Captain Yamazaki, I ask you, if you are too clever and eye-catching, will you hear some inexplicable sounds when you go to the bathroom?”

“I said, what’s the problem with you?” Yamazaki thought for a few seconds: “But, really, sometimes there will be.”

“Captain Yamazaki doesn’t think those inexplicable sounds are terrifying? Is it because he is so clever and clear that he can even hear the voice of A Piao (ghost).” Ono stretched out his index finger and said.

Yamazaki took two steps back: “Ono, don’t talk nonsense about you guys, then, those are just noises or the sound of wind blowing. It’s impossible to have Piao or something…”

“Is that really the case?” Ono said with a sly smile: “Then Captain Yamazaki, have you heard any strange noises in this bathroom?”

“How could it happen!” Yamazaki retired quickly wiped his hands.

“Uuuuu…” As soon as he finished speaking, a faint crying sound came into Yamazaki’s ears. Before Yamazaki could move, Ono smiled:

“I’m just kidding, but I’m really envious if I’m so clever, can I really train it out? Yamazaki…”

Before Ono could finish speaking, Yamazaki had grabbed his arm and said nervously, “Xiao, Ono, you, did you hear anything just now?”

“Captain Yamazaki, this scary way is actually outdated. If it scared you just now…” Watching the nervous Yamazaki retreat, Ono touched the back of his head with his uncaptured hand.

“Who told you that it was scary, I was really asking you, did you hear the cry of grief just now…” Yamazaki retired, super serious.

“Hey a lot.” Ono nodded as if understanding: “Should Captain Yamazaki wait to say it’s like a woman’s scream, or a child’s cry?”

He understands this routine. Isn’t that all those urban strange stories like this? If you change to a little girl and say that you can’t open, the door can’t be opened, it will become a legend of Hanako, but will Hanako come to this high-end club? Ahem…

In short, Ono is familiar with routines, Captain Yamazaki, don’t want to scare him.

“It’s not a woman’s sorrow, it’s as simple as a child’s cry, Ono, didn’t you really hear it just now? That wailing cry like a beast…”

Ono player: “…”

What the hell is the wailing cry like a beast? New urban legend?

“Uuuuu, fourteen…” As Ono was pondering, the wailing sound came into Yamazaki’s ears again.

“Ono, did you hear it? After the wailing, the voice started to count down…” Yamazaki grasped Ono’s hand tighter.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe after the countdown, the owner of that voice will appear in front of you, rest assured.”

Yamazaki Retreat: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

They all appeared in front of him, and he was still a ghost at ease! Is this really comforting? He’s more scared, okay?

“Now, that’s it. If it’s okay, I’ll go home first.” Ono obviously didn’t know how panicked Yamazaki was right now.

Looking at Ono who turned around and wanted to twist his own, a fierce light appeared in Yamazaki’s eyes: “Ono, you accompany me to see what the sound is!”

“Huh? Captain, forget it, I just made a joke and…”

“It’s not a joke…” Yamazaki looked like everyone was going to die: “If you didn’t make me pay attention to any strange noises in the bathroom, how could I have heard the death prophecy?”

“The death prediction is too exaggerated, I just talked about it casually…” Looking at Yamazaki with a dangerous face, Ono stepped back and explained.

“Even if you talk casually, take responsibility for me!” Yamazaki retired, who was already panicking.

“I…” Ono wanted to say something else.


No one would have thought that Yamazaki was a “wall dong” directly facing him.

“Ono, you will help me, right, will you be with me? Or, let me cut you off first, and then face the ghost alone?”

“Guru!” Ono swallowed his saliva suddenly: “Shan, Captain Yamazaki, I, I know, ghosts or something, let’s go over and take a look…”


[House of Demon Temptation], the corridor.

“Captain Yamazaki, what strange sound did you really hear? We are almost making a circle.” Ono, who was caught by Yamazaki and vowed to face everything together, couldn’t help but said.

“Shhh, I think, the voice is very close, very close…” Before Yamazaki could finish speaking, the mournful cry sounded again.


This time, even Ono heard the cry. After he shuddered, his face turned pale, cold sweat broke out involuntarily, and then he turned his head stiffly.

“Captain, I, I think, let’s go back, go back!”

“You, you don’t want to know the truth of the matter, what is it that is crying? Maybe, this is a black shop!” Yamazaki retreated and said with a whisper.

“No, I don’t want it at all, Captain, in horror movies, we are usually described as a deadly act, just as if nothing happened…” Ono’s cold sweat grew stronger.

However, before he could finish his words, the wailing wailed again:


This voice is so close to them, so close…

“Guru~!” After Yamazaki and Ono looked at each other, they swallowed their saliva and made up their minds-let’s run away, Captain (Ono)!

“Kang Dang!”

However, before they had any action, the door of the room where the screams came was opened.

Yamazaki retreated suddenly with cold sweat.

Ono even hides behind him silently-it has already been said in horror movies that they are committing death, why on earth did he come with Captain Yamazaki? In the door, what kind of monster will come out…

“Ape, Boss Kondo, I’m already annoying enough on my side. I always realize that I just clean up the people and run away. But I have to discuss with the boss how to throw those pleasures out. In addition, Ms. A Miao is not healthy. Comfortable leave is not what I expected…” From the screaming room, he walked out of the room with an impatient face, and resisted the undrawn sword.

Yamazaki retreat: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Ono: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

What a real evil spirit! They really shouldn’t be dead! ! !

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