Chapter 403 Shoot at me!

“Mr. Tufang, don’t you need to be overly frightened?” As if just talking about a trivial matter, Sougo Doma dug out his ears with his fingers and said casually.

“Asshole, how could the Jidao violent group take the government and replace it…” Tukata Shiro went forward again: “Don’t say it now, even a few hundred years ago, it could only be snatched by rebellion…”

“Well…” Seeing the excited look of Tukata Shiro, Tuma Sougou quickly waved his hand and said: “There is no need to be so exaggerated. Did Mr. Tukata forget that if this country has capital, it has everything……”

“No, no, no, even if the capital is doing whatever it wants, once it involves certain bottom lines, it will attract a strong backlash. The replacement of violent government agencies is already the bottom line, no one will…”

“Then what if the four major chaebols are jointly promoting? Mr. Tufang, you think things are too complicated. As long as someone takes the lead, the government’s violent groups are no longer enough to protect the safety of residents. This country needs to establish a new violent group… …”

“It’s impossible for this kind of bill to pass, whether it’s a shortage of manpower or…”

“The parliament only needs to set up a few new departments on the original violent group. Do you want to say that? Mr. Tufang.”

“Isn’t it?” Turki Shiro asked rhetorically.

“Of course not. As long as the power and obligations of the new violent organization and the original violent organization are clearly defined in the proposal, and then a little manipulation by capital, a brand-new organization under the guise of the government can be successfully launched. This is like the period of the reform. I already have a job as a police officer, but there is still a patrol.”

Tusumi Shiro: #^_^

“Zou Wu, you are already driving history backwards!”

“History is originally a circle, Mr. Tufang, don’t think about it so much, and there is still a trial of the word in this world. If it is tried, the people will be unexpectedly satisfied?” Tuma Sougotan started.

“How can you be satisfied, this is another tax thieves group!”

“No, they will be satisfied…” Tuma smiled evilly, always enlightened: “After all, the media will instill every day, how many materials and people the government’s newly established violent groups have protected, and how brave they are…”

Tusuo Shiro: -_-|||

Media brainwashing? When it comes to playing with capital, he is still a lot worse. However, if this step is really to be done, it seems to be really good. Under the popular sentiment, the MPs who proposed the motion may be able to rise, and to go further, it is a win-win situation.

“Sougo, I will consider this matter carefully, but it’s no wonder that you will let the Kondo group climb into the Sinomiya family first…”

“Well…” Hearing this, Sougo Tama once again squeezed his chin and said: “There is no way, to let those idiots in the group whitewash their identities, and only rely on the power from the higher level. If I rely on them, I will have given up. NS……”

Tusuo Shiro: -_-|||

So, in your mind, those guys in the whitewashing group, is it even more difficult for Bit to promote legislative reforms? Think about it, those guys are also brilliant, for example, for example:

Three seconds later.

Tugata Shiburo looked unlovable, and it was easier to push for legislation…

It’s just that your washing is too white!

“Zhou Wu, yes, I won’t talk about the fourth house family. How did you get in touch with the other three chaebols?”

Doma Sougou’s face stiffened: “Um, we will talk about it after we settle the issue of the Fourth House Consortium first…”

Tusumi Shiro: #^_^

“Zou Wu, you haven’t contacted the other three chaebols at all, right? Can I think that you just reached a cooperation with Miss Sigong, and you rushed into a long talk?”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

No, Earthwork, you are misunderstood. I met you here. It was just a coincidence. If you say that, I won’t mention the question of whether the Earthwork will die of anger. However, it should not die of anger. Tell him so.

What’s more, if you say this, half of the earthworkers may ask why he is here. If they are allowed to go to the VIP room over there, although they can get a little revenge on Yamazaki, according to his original plan, It’s definitely a blood loss and no profit.

There is no other way but to fool around.

“Mr. Earthwork, doesn’t this show that I value the Kondo team? Why do you look like you want to get angry? It’s strange…”

“Asshole Sougo, what’s the difference between you and a computer when you find a mouse pad?” Earthwork, roared, Shichi Lang.

“Actually, I have a lot of computers in my house. If they are just mouse pads, they don’t need to be matched.” Sougo Tama turned his head slightly to avoid the roaring attack.

“This is just a metaphor, it’s a metaphor!” Shichi Lang, full of anger on his face, Mu Fang.

“Mr. Tufang, have you heard such a sentence? Boys who love to laugh are not bad luck, so laugh more. Look at me, because I laugh often, I will win the dangerous Russian roulette game. “Doma Sougo always speaks with facts.

“Come on, now take out that revolver and shoot me…”

“Mr. Earthwork, have you finally realized that you are a waste of air when you are alive?” Before finishing speaking, Sougo Morama said with a look of excitement: “It is one of my biggest dreams to kill you, Mr. Earthwork by hand… ”

“Give me another dream!”

“Yes, this dream can be realized with just one shot, so do you want to change to a new dream?” Seeing Shirirou Tukata who entered the roaring mode again, Sougo Doma touched his lips with his index finger to think.

Tusumi Shiro: #^_^

“Zou Gou, are you sure you got the shot and never mention killing me again?”

“What if Mr. Earthwork is different from ordinary people and didn’t kill him with a single shot?”

“Come on, take that revolver out quickly and face! Me! Shoot! Shoot!”

“Mr. Turki…” Hearing this request, Sougo Tama helplessly took out a brand new Colt from behind: “To be honest, this is the first time I have heard such a request when I grow up like this. !”

“Wait!” Looking at the brand new gun body, Tufang Shiro hurriedly blocked his hand forward: “Asshole, it’s not this one, it’s the one you just played Russian roulette!”

“Woo…” Sougo Doma glanced at the brand-new Colt in his hand again, and then he showed a pure smile and said: “Mr. Tukata, what are you talking about? This is the one just now. Special…”

“Asshole always realize, before lying, compare the difference between the two revolvers!”

“Eh hey!” As if the secret had been exposed, Sougo Tuma smiled wittyly: “You discovered it. As expected, it’s the earthwork, so you can’t fire this shot?”

“Do you look like a fool?”

“Sometimes it’s like…” Mu Ma, with a serious face, Sougo.

Before he finished speaking, Tushou Shiro had once again stepped forward to pull the collar of Sougo Doma: “Asshole, do you want to fight?”

“Mr. Earthwork, I just answered the question honestly, but how did you find that there is no bullet in that gun?”

“Her character, if I had known that you would hardly put yourself in danger, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to find out. What’s more, boss Kondo saw you pouring five bullets out of your gun…”

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