Chapter 396 Do You Have Any Comments?


This guy in front of me is definitely a lunatic! The unusually dangerous kind-the burning sensation on the scalp after being wiped by a bullet, constantly reminding Shinichi Okawa.

He finally understands why Shiro Toshiro said just now that if he could hurt the lunatic in front of him, the Kondo team would unconditionally cooperate with the Kansai League. If you want to injure this dangerous guy, can you take the gun in his hand first? Snatch it first?

Isn’t Japan known as the country with the strictest gun ban? Then why would such dangerous goods appear in the hands of a lunatic? It must be those slips that are wasting taxpayers’ money again!

If that’s not the case, why don’t those slips look up such dangerous elements, and know that they are staring at them every day, aren’t they just sticking to poison? Is it necessary?

Legend has it that people will activate the potential of the brain before they die, and the images they have experienced throughout their lives will continue to come to mind. That is to say, revolving around, Shinichi Okawa did not recall the past, but instead aggrieved the difference treatment he suffered until… …

“Mr. Ant, are you very unconvinced now? It would be great if the handsome guy in front of you didn’t have a gun, if…” After holding the gun against Shinichi Ogawa’s forehead again, Sougo Doma began to help the other party translate his heart. .

Shinichi Oga: “…”

What a shameless guy, you have the ability to throw your gun away!

Tusumi Shiro: #^_^

I feel that this guy is so narcissistic.

“Then, in order to convince Mr. Ant and admit that he is only an ant, let’s play a game.” Ignoring the people whose faces changed, Sougo Doma continued.

“Asshole, I’m not an ant, don’t think…” But Shinichi Taiga still wanted to struggle.

It’s a pity that when Doma Sougo moved his gun’s index finger, he gave up.

“Go ahead, you, what game do you want to play?”

“Humans are indeed creatures that are greedy for life and fear of death…” Sougo Doma sighed as he took Colt back.

Shinichi Oga: -_-|||

Nonsense, when the gun is not up to the head, anyone can say that cold talk!

“So to prove that this point of view is actually wrong, Mr. Ant, let’s play Russian roulette!” Sougo Tama seemed to want to prove something, so he proposed.

Shinichi Oga: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This guy is really a lunatic. If you want to kill him, just shoot him directly. Russian Roulette, this is to bet his life with him. Isn’t this guy afraid of losing?

“Hey, Sougou, you…” Shichiro Tufang was also taken aback when he heard the words. He wanted to stop, but after a glance by Sougo Tuma, he stopped with his eyes.

“Dang Dang Dang Dang…”

At the same time, Tōma Sougou also poured out the bullet contained in Colt, leaving only one in it, and then gently turned the gun roulette, after the sound of “crashing”, Doma Sougo only pushed the magazine into the gun body again with a smile on his face.

“The time has come to prove that I am not an ant, Mr. Ant, this Russian roulette, you first or me first?”

Shinichi Oga: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

He, he didn’t say he wanted to play, mom, Tokyo is so dangerous, he missed the days in Kansai! It’s just that being forced to such an extent, let alone an extremely Daoist person, even a Buddha is on fire!

And he might not lose in Russian roulette. If the guy in front of him shoots and heads out, then he won’t just lie down and win…

If there is such a prestige, then his position as the head of the Kansai League is really stable!

“Since you want to play so, then I will play with you. It’s just a mere Russian roulette. Compared with the real battlefield of a man…”

“Really?” Before he could finish speaking, Sougo Doma had put the gun on his forehead: “The guy who is afraid of failure will always brag about unreliable glory. This is why I say you are an ant. The reason, you lack…”

“Kacha!” The trigger was pulled, and the gun was empty. After pulling the trigger, Sou Wu Tama continued:


Shinichi Oga: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This, this guy shot without hesitation, what on earth did he consider his life? Wait, now, isn’t it his turn?

Looking at the dark barrel, Shinichi Okawa’s cold sweat ran down again.

Five, one-fifth chance, he wouldn’t be so unlucky, right?

Thinking of the feeling of the bullet passing through his head, Shinichi Okawa paled.

But what he didn’t expect was that Sougo Doma, who had fired a shot, did not pass Colt to him, but pointed the gun at his temple again.

“If the bullet is fired from here, it will be killed by one shot, Mr. Ant, then do you dare?”

Shinichi Oga didn’t know how many cold sweats he had today. He wanted to shake his head, but he didn’t dare. Who would dare to do so, but before he could do anything, Sougo Doma pulled the trigger again: “Lack It is not only wisdom, but also courage…”

Shinichi Oga: -_-|||

Who dares to tell him that this guy in front of him is not a lunatic, who dares to be anxious, who has ever seen playing Russian roulette and fired two shots in a row? Although there have been five shots in the movie…

But isn’t that for theatrical effect? Moreover, even the protagonist who fired five shots closed his eyes and looked brave. Who would be like the guy in front of him, smiling when he shot, and specifically pointed out that he would be killed by one shot. !

“Good luck, so if the next shot is empty, should Mr. Ant come to verify it himself?”

Shinichi Oga: -_-|||

Can it survive after verification? Be silent, be silent!

“It seems that Mr. Ant not only lacks wisdom and courage…” Looking at the fierce man with an ugly expression without a glance, Doma Sougo shrugged, and once again pointed the muzzle at his throat: “The most important thing Mr. Ant doesn’t dare to make a decision of the kind…”

“Crack!” After pulling the trigger again, the gun was still empty.

“Guru…” It is a pity that Shinichi Taiga has ignored Tama Sougou’s words. He still remembers that this is a Russian roulette death game. Three empty shots have just been shot. That is to say, if this shot is The guy in front of you handed it over, and he has a probability of up to one-third to die…

This, how can this be, his life has just begun, how can he be here… how can he stand still because of a boring game!

This arrogant guy in front of me, please, hurry up and continue shooting, he doesn’t believe in Dahe Shinichi, such an arrogant guy will be favored by the god of luck!

As if responding to Shinichi Oga, Sougo Tama once again pointed his gun at his throat: “The guy who lacks wisdom, courage, and determination, do you know why I call you an ant?”

Shinichi Okawa shut up and said nothing.

“Kacha!” After another empty gun, Sougo Tama pointed the gun at his heart again.

“That’s because you have the essence of being rubbish, and I am the king. You who provoke the king, besides the name of the ant, what kind of punishment should you get!?”

Shinichi Dahe paled back a few steps, he wanted to ignore everything in front of him.



The empty gunfire resembling a nightmare came again.

At the same time, Colt’s revolver, who was 100% bound to shoot bullets, once again topped his forehead. Sougo Doma looked at him condescendingly, with a nuclear smile, patted his face and said:

“Then Mr. Ant, do you have any comments on what I call you now?”

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