Chapter 389 Life is always full of temptations

PM04: 30

Tokyo, Ginza.

“Okay, awesome, we are really going to the [Devil Temptation House] for team building, it’s super tricky…” Just stepping into this expensive area, some boys couldn’t help but utter a voice.

“Suzuki, don’t look around, we are not ignorant guys, even if you don’t feel embarrassed, you still have to think about Tuma classmates…”

“That’s right, didn’t you listen to classmate Tujian? As a member of the [Oolong Tea Research Society], we will have more opportunities to come to this place in the future. If we make a fuss every time we come…”

“Yeah, there will be opportunities in the future. This is really a club gathering that will only appear in a dream…”

“[Oolong Tea Research Society] Long live!”

“Student Tujian, long live!”

Before entering the store, the atmosphere had already started to become frenzied.

“Guru…” Let alone other people, even Teacher Song Qi, who has experienced social consultations, swallowed his mouth and secretly said: “This, these guys are not joking, they are just a small group established, and even arranged. Having a dinner in such a high-end clubhouse, it’s too ridiculous! That President Doma I’m afraid it’s not…”

In this regard, the soil is always enlightened: #^_^

These guys actually want to say long live the fools, so that’s okay, let them keep smiling and go on the road…

“Seeing that everyone is full of enthusiasm for the team building activities, as the president, I am very pleased, princes, team building is also a war, and the club is a battlefield. No matter what happens, please always remember your feelings at this time. , Go out…” Then fall into hell with this mood!

Sougo Tama hadn’t finished speaking, but surrounded by many boys, he walked into the clubhouse.

Once again, the soil is always enlightened: #^_^##

This group of bastards, before they even started eating, they disliked the cook for the first time…


It has to be said that to be able to make a name in this Ginza where people spend money like flowing water, [The House of Devil Temptation] has its own uniqueness. You must know that it is true that people can spend money like flowing water here. Because of this, the hidden competitive pressure inside will also surprise laymen.

As soon as I entered the clubhouse, a well-mannered receptionist came forward to greet, and dozens of well-behaved women knelt down on both sides, sitting down on the ground. This was used to express gratitude to the distinguished guests-this seemed very suitable. A certain glasses house.

Of course, for Sumo Tujian who is accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, this is just a small scene, sprinkling water…

But for a group of upright adolescent boys, just the beginning of the show was irritating, let alone the little boys, even the only adult teacher Song Qi became restrained in this atmosphere.

Fortunately, Tuma Zougou belongs to the player with the “money ability”. Yishen is only carrying dozens of scams. It is still within his range of acceptance. Under the effect of the “money ability”, the private room that symbolizes the status of the rich has opened…

Seeing Tujian’s calm and unhurried appearance, the boys shouted from the bottom of their hearts: “Big man, so be it! As expected of Tujian classmates, they hugged these thighs, and it’s not easy for God to come…”

Teacher Song Qi even sighed: “I have lived on a dog for half my life…”

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to think of something, and his expression changed: “Tu, classmate Tuma, since the dinner at the clubhouse is real, what about the companionship girl…”

Before the words were finished, many boys had already issued scorching eyes.

“Huh?” That’s the virtue of the teacher? This country is not saved. Tama Sougo sighed in his heart, and joked: “Is Teacher Song Qi so impatient?”

Teacher Song Qi: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

He is anxious about wool! At the beginning, he thought that the club dinner was just a joke, it was just a school club dinner, how could it be possible to go to some high-end club!

But now, Teacher Song Qi knows that he was wrong. These guys are serious. They are really going to have dinner in a high-end club, and everyone else is already inside!

What is this [Oolong Tea Research Institute] Where did they get so much funding? The principal is crazy, right? Immediately afterwards, Teacher Song Qi realized a problem. If it is true that the group dinner is true, doesn’t it mean that the accompany lady or something…

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

You are so underage, it’s too early to enjoy it, right?

As a teacher, Song Qi wants to stop all of this. In this kind of occasion, there is absolutely no companionship girl!

The teacher’s sense of mission made Song Qi stand up, but before he could speak, he heard Sougo Tama continue to say:

“Since Mr. Songqi is in such a hurry, I will first tell my mother Sang to come over. By the way, how many girls does the teacher need? Is three enough?”

Song Qi had a cold sweat on his head before he had time to speak, three, three companion girls…

This, this is definitely the temptation of the devil, Songqi, you have to resist it, but when the thought of three great beauties drinking with him, Songqi couldn’t help getting excited, no, Songqi, you can’t just give in. We must firmly reject this behavior and set a good example for the children!

“Are three not enough? Those five?” Seeing Ms. Songqi, who was shaking his head, Sougo Tama overplayed.

“Kang Dang!”

It was like a bolt of lightning struck Teacher Song Qi’s forehead: “Five, five…”

Oh my God, is his Songqi spring coming? Surrounded by all the warriors, drinking big mouthfuls, this is what life is like!

Ah~! No, Song Qi, hurry up and think about your career. I can’t listen to this student anymore…

“I heard that some of the recent companion girls are high school girls with family difficulties. If they can be selected by Teacher Song Qi, how lucky they will be. Not only have they earned living expenses, but they can also be killed by Teacher Song Qi. Education, Teacher Songqi, have you seen enough of the seven?” The devil-like voice once again entered Teacher Songqi’s ears.


A fatal blow!

A flush began to appear on Teacher Song Qi’s pale face: “Female, female high school student, seven, seven…”

That’s right, what Zongwu said is actually the truth.

Rather than making those high school girls who have missed their feet suffer in the entanglement of others, it is better to let him as a teacher teach them love. If those girls can be persuaded to return to school, then his teacher’s identity will definitely shine brighter.

Yes, that’s it. He had to call the accompaniment lady to save those high school girls. It was completely different from the salty and wet guys, and…


Teacher Song Qi feels that his life has reached the peak. Don’t get me wrong, he is excited about saving seven female high school students in one performance. It is definitely not because of the reasons.

“President Tuma, try to get Mama Sang to bring a little younger, so that the chances of high school students will be greater…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

It’s over, this country is really hopeless!

“Hey…” After sighing, Tuma Zou Wu just called Mama Sang with a bunch of scorching eyes. However, a group of students in uniforms also made Mama Sang feel embarrassed.

It has to be said that even with the “Minor “Scum” Protection Law”, this country still has a perverted desire to protect minors.

Minors can’t drink, minors can’t buy 18X, even 18X can’t buy them, let alone looking for a accompaniment girl?

Do you want to skip the theory and go directly to actual combat?

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