Chapter 365-Shiina

Shiina is really white.

Whether it is an artist, a guy in the upper-class circle, or a guy who is ready to step into the upper-class circle, this name can be said to be thrilling.

Countless collectors are proud of being able to collect really white oil paintings.

And this is obviously different from Sawamura, Ying Lili’s hidden identity in the inner world-Eri Kashiwagi.

Mashiro Shiina can find almost everything about painting in the watch world, and he can be described as a veritable watch world leader.

Of course, this has led to the fact that most people who pay attention to the true white news are:

Senior painter-Fuck, this newcomer has surpassed me!

Those who really appreciate oil paintings——Woo, Master Shiina’s painting skills have been improved by another level, and they will soon be able to reach the point where they are almost perfect…

The guys who are eager to step into the circle of nobility-Shiina Mashiro, Shiina Mashiro’s paintings, if you buy her paintings summoned by the Queen of England, those old-school nobles should also be subdued!

Roughly speaking, it is just such a group of people who are thinking about the really white oil paintings.

As for the house circle, sorry, who is Shiina really white? They really didn’t know. Of course, Ying Lili felt provoked:

“Kasumi, Shizi, you won’t really be brainwashed by that library, right? You don’t talk about the illustrations in the first two books, just say that Shiina is really white and an inconspicuous newcomer, she…”

Halfway through the conversation, Ying Lili seemed to think of something and fell into a sluggishness.

“Huh…” Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sighed. She didn’t move Shiina out to hit this schoolgirl. She just wanted to explain clearly that the spectacles schoolboy misunderstood the problem too deeply…

However, Kasumigaoka just breathed a sigh of relief here. An Yilun on the side couldn’t help but help: “Teacher Kasiko, just like what Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi said, Shiina is a humble newcomer. How can he be qualified to draw the illustration of “The Metronome of Love.” By the way, Shiina Mashiro and Kasumi Shiko-teacher met, because they knew each other, so did you give her important illustrations? This…”

An Yilun also turned on the excitement mode.

However, before he could speak out, Sawamura Ying Riri said coldly:

“Enough, classmate An Yi, can you please shut up first?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-!

Classmate An Yi? It seems that Hideri Kashiwagi is different from what this schoolboy said.

While Kasumigaoka Shiwa was meditating, An Yilun was also stunned: “Eriri, what, what’s wrong? Am I wrong? It is impossible for Shiina Shiba to draw better illustrations than you. You know, you are in charge of the club of Toyonosaki Art Club, even if that Shiina is really white…”

“Shut up!” The shameful Ying Riri can only utter these two words. If Shiina is really white, what is her performance compared to that guy? Thinking of this, Ying Lili approached Kasumigaoka Shiyu:

“Kasumi, Shizi Kasumi, you, is that Shiina and Shiina really responsible for the illustrations of your third volume?”

“It’s not bad on the whole…”

“So what about looking for an artist?”

“I never said that I need a painter…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu deliberately wanted to guide.

“I know.” Ying Lili nodded. She already knew the virtue of this childhood sweetheart. If she didn’t guess wrong, her childhood sweetheart had changed the concept again and tricked her into cooperating with Xia Shizi. .

If it is another novice author, I am afraid that when I heard her reputation, Eri Kashiwagi, I am afraid he would have agreed to it cheerfully, but who made the illustrator of Kasumi Shiko the insurmountable existence-Shiina really white?

Looking at Ying Lili with a clear face, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little foggy. This guy’s character should further show the characteristics of a defeated dog, and he started to make a lot of noise.

Sure enough, reality is reality.

“Sorry, actually I didn’t mean to disturb you either, but the schoolboy looks very excited and a little scary…” Shaking his head, Kasuga Zhiqiu Shiyu approached Yinglili’s ear again.

Zecun, Yinglili: -_-|||

It seems that she is worrying too much, she is the biggest fool, how could Xia Shizi…

While thinking about it, Ying Lili looked at An Yilun who was fidgeting.

It is indeed fidgeting.

An Yilun is also very puzzled. According to Yinglili’s virtue, as long as he praises, that guy can definitely die with joy. He has now belittled Shiina really white for Yinglili, why Yinglili would…

He hasn’t waited for him to understand.

After talking twice with Ying Riri, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka actually wants to leave here. How can this be? Without a common pursuit, Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu would only go further and further away from him!

Why doesn’t Ying Lili stop it? Isn’t that guy Hideri Kashiwagi? As long as Hideri Kashiwagi is willing to speak, Kasumigaoka-senpai will definitely stay!

But the only news he knew now was that Shiina was really white, the girl who used to walk with Kasumigaoka-senpai, who was like a white paper, but it was a pity that she was blocking his way now.


As soon as Kasugaoka Shiyu opened the door of the multimedia audio-visual classroom halfway open, An Yilun also rushed up again, and she was in the next seat: “Kasugaoka-senpai, Ying Riri, I don’t know what you just said, but I always think that there is only Only when you two cooperate can you create the strongest light novel…

Ying Lili, this is also our kind of resistance. The third volume of Xia Shizi’s “Love Metronome” is about to be finished. If Ying Lili’s illustrations can increase the sales of “Love Metronome”, even It is the library, and it is impossible for the novel to end so easily! As for…

Shiina-senpai, Kasumigaoka-senpai, please listen to me, you can’t choose Shiina-senpai just because of your personal preference…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She is so special! Well, when I heard that Shiina Mashiro was in charge of her illustrations, the old woman Machida Yuanko ran to the shrine to pay her wish. Now that it’s good, the guy who doesn’t understand anything opened his mouth and said, it’s her personal preference…

How did this guy get in touch with people?

Thinking of this, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu glanced at Sawamura, Yinglili.


The other party is more angry than her.

Because I have learned to paint, I know that Zhenbai is powerful, and because I am a nobleman, I know Shiina Zhenbai’s existence…

When attending a banquet, when people find that their interest is painting, they are often used:

“Huh? Really? Mr. Spencer’s family’s interest is also painting, but I don’t know how pure Bai Shiina is…”

“Oh, you compare Zhenbai with people again, Ama and Ago…cough cough, I mean, Zhenbai is a girl bestowed by God…”

Although it was a mistake, she was listened to by the young Eiri. After the banquet, Eiri watched the works of true white and fell into autism!


At the order of Sayuri Sawamura, no one dared to mention the name Shiina Mashiro again.

If it weren’t for the sudden mention of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu today, Ying Lili would have forgotten the demon king who crushed a generation, and then heard An Yilun’s ignorant flattery, damn it! Isn’t this praising? No, you have to show your attitude…

“If it is an illustration by Master Shiina, I have nothing to say, I just don’t know if Kasumi Shiko can write something that matches it!”

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