Chapter 337 Sougo Tumo’s Retaliation Warning

Unlike the housework who was lying down and shot at by Mr. Kirsu Matsumoto, Doma Sougo still believes that Shizuka Hiratsuka should have cleaned up the messy room long ago, right? answer……

In short, he is now contacting Qikai Aoyama to help Shizuka Hiratsuka to help sort out. In fact, he just wants to show his attitude. He always knows what to say, even if he forgets it, he will add it later, and indirectly indicated to Shizuka Hiratsuka that he wants The determination to marry Morama Ohira!

Aoyama Qihai has been in a trance over the past few days. Many times, she has been thinking, Tufang Fourteen…Ahem, what kind of person Tujian Zougo really is?

In terms of voice actors’ performances, Sougo Doma is really too powerful. Every word he utters seems to be full of emotional emotions, not to mention the voice that can be changed at will. , This made Aoyama Qikai, who is dedicated to seiyuu as his goal, admired, but also a little bit regretful and regretful…

It is a pity that a person who is so talented has no interest in the seiyuu industry. Regrettably, why is Tama Sougou not the teacher of the seiyuu training class? If you can follow him to learn the emotional mobilization method that infects people’s hearts, if you can follow him to learn how to change your voice…

Qikai Aoyama felt that even if the tuition fees were more expensive, she would have to work hard to get it together, but unfortunately, Sougo Tama had no interest in opening classes.

What makes Qikai Aoyama regret even more is that-it is obvious that where she works, there is a place where she can intersect with Sougo Doma, but because of the misunderstanding that Sougo Doma is a bad person, she almost caused trouble to others, Qingshan Seven Seas has the urge to hit the wall…

As long as I think back to the random thoughts that day, Aoyama Qikai wants to take the time machine back to knife herself. If she honestly enters, after some contact, she sincerely asks for advice, even if she can’t enter the door, she can get a few pointers. ?

Isn’t it all on TV?

But now? Because of her momentary stupidity, Sougo Doma must have left a very bad impression, right? Let’s not talk about whether the part-time job from Tujianzhai can be accepted, but based on the bad impression, she has no face to ask Doma Sougou for advice…

at the same time.


The sudden ringing of the phone’s ringtone brought Qingshan Qihai from the melancholy to reality. After all, she was going to catch up with her and chase her dreams. Where did she spend so much time lingering in the regrets of the past? It should be said that Qingshan Qihai prefers to live in the present compared to the troubles of the past. When the telephone number for part-time work rings, all the troubles will be put aside.

Connect the phone.

“Mosimosi, this is the green mountains and seven seas! Excuse me…” With a smile on his face, the energetic green mountains and seven seas.

“Is this classmate Qingshan? The teacher has to regret to tell you that you have hung up many of your homework…” On the phone, a deep and mature female voice came.

The smiling Aoyama Qihai stiffened, and for a long while: “Huh!? Oh, it’s not…I’m hanging up, I’m out of discipline!?” Anxious, Guanxi accent came out again.

“Well, it’s horrible…”

“Wait, which teacher are you? Isn’t this my part-time work contact number? Why does the teacher know my number, and…” When did they take the exam?

“Of course I am your Qianshi teacher, Xiao, Xiaoqi, Qihai…” the drunk female teacher said.

The Seven Seas of Aoyama:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Did she travel through the future, or was Teacher Qianshi confused?

“Classmate Qingshan, let me tell you that the teacher hasn’t got married in his 30s, so, as long as it’s a guy who is happier than the teacher, you will all be waiting and failing to pass the course!”

The Seven Seas of Aoyama:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Teacher Qianshi, you are enough, this is for personal gain! Wait, this is not right, no personal gains have been made, this is clearly revenge on society!

“Ms. Qianshi, are you drunk…”

“I, I’m not drunk, I want to let you hang out, let the men on blind date ignore me…”

Aoyama Seven Seas: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

How did this guy become a teacher! ?

“Thousand Stones…”

“Mosimosi, this is Sougo Tama, Aoyama-san, do you just imitate the old woman of Chihiro Chihiro here?” This is the second purpose of Sougo Tama to contact Chihiro Aoyama, the fellow Chihiro Chihiro. If he throws the trouble directly to him, is it true that he won’t retaliate?

When he is ready, he will let Chihiro Chihiro know what torture is called…

Green Hills and Seven Seas: -_-|||

“Do, Mr. Toma? Well, Mr. Toma knows our teacher Qianshi?”

“Yes, why don’t you know?” Sougo Tuma gritted his teeth: “Aoyama-san remembers true white, right?”

Speaking of Shiina Shirai, Aoyama Nanami certainly remembered that it was the most memorable experience of working at a house in Tama, which originated from the fact that the remuneration paid by Xiaomai on the Internet is considered to be a generous type.

Aoyama Qikai did not encounter any major problems when he was in Tujian Zhai at the beginning. For example, the floor was full of joy and the furniture was misplaced. On the contrary, the clean and tidy Tujian Zhai allowed Aoyama Qikai to get a salary for himself. I feel quite guilty, paying too little and getting too much.

She didn’t know that she was wrong until she ran into Shiina.

Shiina, who has almost no common sense of life, and even less capable of living, made Aoyama Qikai a headache, but at the same time he didn’t panic about his salary.

“Nichikai, clothes…”

“Nichikai, let’s not eat and eat cake…”

“Nichikai, won’t you come in together?”

“Seven Seas…”

“Seven Seas…”

It can be said that Shiina Mashiro is the confidence and confidence of Aoyama Nanami’s work at Doma House!

“Of course I remember, Mr. Tuma, what’s wrong with the truth?” It’s about my confidence in work.

“Jinbai is your cousin of teacher Senshi…” On the other side of the call, Tama Sougo said, covering his forehead. To be honest, he regrets now that Jinbai is studying at the private Toyonosaki.

If it’s not true white, he would not create the [Oolong Tea Research Society]. If he didn’t create a club, he would not be mistaken as gay. If he was not mistaken as gay, he would not start a tough mode against Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. , Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can’t break his fictitiousness and reality, and if he can’t break his fictitiousness and reality, it is impossible for Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to dare…

If you talk too much, it’s tears!

“Na, Nani! Zhenbaichan is Qian, the cousin of Teacher Qianshi?”

“Student Qingshan, in fact, you don’t have to be so surprised! The world is said to be big or small…”

“Wait, what did the Tujian classmate just imitate Teacher Qianshi’s move?” Qingshan Qihai was a little puzzled.

“It’s a revenge activity to be carried out!”

Green Hills and Seven Seas: -_-|||


“Ah~! That’s right, someone who is a cousin arranges his cousin in a devil’s house, don’t ask, do you think you should get revenge? Forget it, Qingshan classmate, this seems to be your part-time job contact number Bar?”

“Huh!?” Qingshan Qihai blinked and let out a scream, she was led by the nose again!

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