Chapter 327 Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s Brain Opening

“Forget it, let’s start with a friend first, then when will Hiratsuka-sensei be free?” Anyway, no one knows more about the wiping of guns between men and women than Sougo Domama!

Hiratsuka Shizu: (✿◡‿◡)

Too, too direct. Anyway, as a teacher, I was introduced to a blind date by a student. Is there something wrong?

“Well, considering that Ohira is a social animal, let’s go on weekends. I guess Mr. Hiratsuka doesn’t have any plans for the weekend, so it’s decided that the location will be arranged by the man…” Cannot give Hiratsuka too much time to think. , Tuma always comprehended to help him make a decision.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: -_-!

Is it decided? Can’t refuse! She didn’t, she couldn’t bear the temptation…

and many more.

What did she want to talk to this guy in the first place? It seems to be a messed up room in the apartment, why did it become like this?

Before Shizuka could understand, he heard Sougo Doma speak again:

“By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say. If I remember correctly, Hiratsuka-sensei doesn’t have a responsible club yet, right?”

“Uh, not yet.” Hiratsuka, who sensed something strange, was interrupted again.

“Guiding the club is also part of the teacher’s job, so Hiratsuka-sensei, do you want to be the instructor of our club?”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

After receiving a piece of information, Jun Jun actually joined the club?

Shizuka Hiratsuka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This guy wants to join the club? Wait, as far as her observations are concerned, Sougo Tama is a real member of the homecoming club. No, he is more excessive than a member of the homecoming club. The homecoming club will wait until school is over before leaving school. It’s the guy who can leave school anytime, anywhere.

To be honest, if other students have discovered this kind of bad behavior, they would not know what they were being educated.

So, Shizuka Hiratsuka also came up with a label, Sougo Doma hates school. Originally, Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to help him get rid of this, but what did this guy say today, community! But after school, he still has to stay in the school activity place. Is this guy already aware of something wrong with his behavior?

Anyway, being able to join the club for activities is a good start. Shizuka Hiratsuka was surprised and surprised, but she must support it.

“It seems that you guy has also started to change. Let me just ask, what club did you join?”

The question flashed in Tuma Sougo’s heart, he started to change? What has changed? Forget it, these are not important anymore, let’s settle the matter first and then talk about it:

“For the time being, it’s a club I founded by myself. Now that the members are in place, I need the club instructor.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: (ㄒoㄒ)

After receiving another piece of information, Jun Jun founded the society by herself, and the recruitment of the members of the society has been completed, but she did not even receive the news, she was completely excluded, heartbroken!

Shizuka Hiratsuka: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This change is too big, right? Setting up a club by yourself is totally different from joining a club! Wait a minute, she understands, it must be this guy who finally found her interest. Interests are really influential, but she does not rule out a certain possibility:

“I said, wouldn’t you just want to learn from a light novel male protagonist and build a harem club surrounded by beautiful girls?”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Later, the harem community? People, the scumbag won’t really do that, right? It’s just, why doesn’t she even have the qualifications to receive invitations in the harem society? This is the so-called newcomer and forgetting the old?

“Why does Hiratsuka-sensei have this idea? Different from the development of light novels, I have not recruited a female member as of now…” Sogo Tama shrugged. Don’t be kidding, there are women The child is, even under the stimulation of oolong tea, those high school students are not embarrassed to play wild ball boxing!

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Silence is the Chinese liberal arts office at this time.

“Then what’s wrong?” Facing the silent Hiratsuka Shizuo, Doma Sougo was slightly puzzled.

“Just to ask you a question, you have a good relationship with Xia Zhiqiu? As far as I know, Xia Zhiqiu also did not participate in the club, you have not considered calling her?” Dora returned to a homecoming department. People who are also qualified for education.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu widened her ears and said in secret: “Good job, Hiratsuka-sensei, I will never say that you are an old woman who can’t get married!”

“No way, because there is a high probability that club activities will be too fanatical. I thought about it and rejected it…” Sougo Tama spread his hands.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-!

But, Damn it, it was for this reason. Sure enough, the image of a literary girl equal to a weak literary girl has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, too violent activities are indeed not friendly to her.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “In that case, you should have founded a sports club…”

“Almost…” Doma Sougo turned his face slightly. Ye Qiuquan should also be considered as a sports activity, right?

“As far as I know, Toyonosaki’s sports club should be very complete. In other words, what kind of department did you founded?” The hesitation that flashed across Tsuchima’s face made Shizuzu Hiratsuka curious. .

“[Oolong Tea Research Society] mainly focuses on researching oolong tea.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Rely on! Will there be strenuous activities if you say yes? What kind of vigorous activity is there when studying oolong tea!

“Student Tuma, let me ask you something first…” Hiratsuka quietly lit a flue.

“Does Hiratsuka-sensei have any questions?”

“Tama-san is not gay, right?”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

People, scumbag is gay? How, how is it possible, wait, it seems that Mr. Hiratsuka is right to come to this conclusion, who would recruit a group of boys to study oolong tea together?

But, isn’t the scumbag just being successfully attacked by Zhen Baiye? Wait a minute, could it be said that Shiina’s night attack made the scum-jun realize that he likes men? No, no, it’s not right. It must be Zhenbai who did something wrong. That guy didn’t look like he was experienced. The first time he encountered Zhenbai, Zong Wujun was afraid of women?

No wonder, no wonder Mr. Zongwu didn’t even enjoy the lunch today. It turned out to be to avoid them. What did the guy Zhenbai do that made Zongwu Jun fear this step? Finish, totally unexpected…

Shiina is really white, so terrifying!

Having said that, the guy Zhenbai said that after the night attack, Zongwujun agreed to her. Then, I am afraid that it is not a promise, but is afraid to make things happen, right?

It turns out that it is precisely because of the fear of Zhenbai that Zongwu-jun will establish a society. This makes sense. In order to avoid Zhenbai, Zouwu-jun has to delay his time at school, and even this did not make him safe. Sense, so he had to recruit a group of male members to protect himself…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s brain is wide open!

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