Chapter 309

Machida did not stay for long because of the need to maintain order. After a few harassment, he said goodbye and left. There was no interruption from other people, and the signature book that was used as a gift was quickly sorted out. After confirming that there were no omissions , Put one of them into the shopping bag, and Xiaomai’s trip to the signing ceremony was a perfect end.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sweep of Akihabara. Sougo Doma felt that this was the purpose of the small burial. Participating in the signing event was just incidental. Faced with more and more shopping bags in his hand, Sougo Doma came into being. I wondered if the pocket money he gave was too much! ?

Doma Sougou doubted himself, and handed out another bank card when Xiaomai fell into choice disorder.

No way, as a professional doctor, facing a patient with choice-difficulty, if he fails to cure it, Tuma always realizes that he can’t bear it, and he can’t even be satisfied with more than one touch…

Didn’t he fail the fact that he hugged Xuexia’s thigh? Looking at Xiao Mai’s chic card swiping gesture, Doma Sougo once again expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Xuexiajia family.

Mrs. Xuexia is really a representative of kindness and charity. Xuexiayang is even more the conscience of the cooperators. If they hadn’t provided capital and manpower to help fish, cough cough, and make money, the soil would always realize that there is no such thing now. More United States time to spend more time with your family?

For this reason, Sougo Tama also had to look at Yukoshita Yono again, and he didn’t know how busy that guy was…

Yukoshita Yono, who was thanked by Tama Sougou, is now very nervous. She is now in the hospital’s consulting room. There are only two people in the empty room, she and the doctor. The diagnosis report has been handed in, and the doctor is waiting for the result.

The doctor is a well-known expert contacted by Yang Nai Xuexia by using the Tujian family network. It is said that this doctor has diagnosed mental illness for many Jidao leaders after he suddenly realized the true meaning of the spirit a few years ago. In addition, those big brother patients were finally cured by this doctor.

“Excuse me, is it the early split personality? Is it caused by excessive anxiety? Can this disease be cured? Is it a genetic problem?” Even the strong woman Yukoshita Yono is asking about her condition At that time, he also appeared very weak and uneasy: “Sure enough, something is wrong, right?”

“Miss Xuexia, don’t worry, I already know what the problem is after listening to your description.” After reading the diagnosis report, the expert pushed his glasses and said.

“Excuse me…”

“Miss Xuexia, your problem is very serious, if according to your current statement…”

Yono under the snow:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Sure enough, she was dying of illness. Why on earth was she suffering from mental illness?

“It is very difficult for me to issue a mental illness certificate for you!”

The sun under the snow: (⊙ˍ⊙)

What does this guy mean?

“Doctor, what do you mean…”

“Miss Yukoshita, don’t worry, you have to come to me first. If you change to another doctor, you will definitely make a record for you. If you want to pretend to be… ahem, but you must understand my rules. Bar?”

Xuexiayangna was a little confused: “What rules?”

“Didn’t the Tujian family tell you? This…” The doctor looked hesitant.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Tell her what?

“Never mind, since Ms. Yukoshita was introduced by the Tuma family, she must be her own, so let me just talk about it. I have a variety of packages to choose from. As long as Ms. Yukoshita cooperates, I am absolutely energy. As a disease that can circumvent many responsibilities for you, may I ask, is the accusation that Miss Yukoshita is facing murder? Kidnapping? Or…”

Yono under the snow:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Didn’t she come to see the doctor? Isn’t this one of the top ten outstanding psychiatrists in China? What the hell is the accusation facing? murder? Kidnapping…

“Doctor, sorry, my current situation is that I have hallucinations in my apartment. Suddenly a pile of munitions appeared in front of me, almost like a small arsenal.”

“Selling and hiding arms? This is really troublesome. You have to be in a mentally abnormal state for a long time to avoid prosecution.” The expert drew his glasses, with an expression that I understand and I understand.

Yono under the snow: -_-!

Is she going crazy or the expert is going crazy? Why do you think this guy is more crazy than her?

“Doctor, I’m talking about hallucinations!”

“Very well, it’s an illusion that you must be killed. It seems that you also understand.”

“That’s really an illusion!”

“Yes, before you deceive others, you must deceive yourself first. According to Master Zongwu, you have a gift for being mentally ill!”

The sun under the snow: (⊙ˍ⊙)

She has received countless compliments in her life, but with this sentence alone, she is not happy at all.

“Doctor, what exactly is the diagnosis?”

“The diagnosis result is not important. As long as Ms. Yukoshita cooperates, I can help you tailor a set of symptoms at any time. By the way, Miss Yukoshita, may I ask, are you charged as a criminal or just in your apartment? Ammunition found?”

Yono under the snow: -_-!

What the hell is the current criminal? Why could this doctor say with a calm face that he found out such things as munitions in the room? What is the situation with the Queen’s doctor of the Tuma family?

“Sorry, my current situation is just that a pile of ammunition suddenly appeared in the room, but in the end it disappeared. There are no current charges, and no one has found the ammunition in my apartment!”

“That’s it?” The doctor pushed his glasses: “That’s a reserve crime. In this case, it’s easy to solve.”

Yono under the snow:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Doesn’t this guy understand human language? Why can everything go to crime?

“Doctor, just tell me if I was sick after seeing the pile of arms?”

“Miss Xuexia, according to your diagnosis, if you only have this kind of statement, then no doctor would dare to issue you a mental illness certificate…”

Yang is under the snow: -_-|||

She didn’t come to prove her mental illness.

“Doctor, what’s my current situation?”

“From the diagnosis result, Ms. Yukoshita’s spirit is very normal, she has a logically rigorous and clear world view, can make correct judgments on events, and there is no problem of brain damage…”

The sun under the snow: (⊙ˍ⊙)

This is different from what she imagined!

“Then my illness…”

“Ms. Xuexia, according to your diagnosis, even if you killed that pile of arms is an illusion, there is no way to prove that you are mentally ill. If you want to be sick, you have to listen to my guidance. I am a professional for patients suffering from mental illness!”

The sun under the snow:…(⊙_⊙;)…

You are a professional in making patients suffer from mental illness. Who is this well-known expert who you contacted through the Tujian family network?

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